This issue is more complexed than what have been stated in this thread.
First, let me state that Black people need to step to the plate, but not for Obama. Never put too much hope in a politician. Obama going to do what politicians do. That means he is going to look out for is own best interest. His interest and ours might not be siynonymous. This is not a shot at Obama, but it is what it is.
What we need to do as Black people is put pressure on politicians. I don't support some of the goals of the guy movement in this country, but they do a great job in getting what they want. Why? Gay people vote in blocks for the democratic party just like Black people. So why are there issuses being heard more than ours? Its because they put massive pressure on the democrats. So do Jews, and many other groups.
At the end of the day I do think we should vote for Obama in November. Although I'm not happly with a lot of what Obama is doing, Romney would be worse on every issue. Plus he could put more right wing nuts on the courts. But what is going to happen after the election? Are you going to say "Obama won! I did my part." Or are you going put pressure on him and the democrats to address our issues. In 08 too many of us did the former and not the latter. Black people, need to vote in move than just the presidential election. Vote in local, and congressional election, and put pressure on them. If that politian don't fight for what Black people need, then vote against them in a primary election.
Issues like education, the war on drugs, the prison industrial complex, profiling, and civil liberties are not going to get address if we just vote for Obama or not vote at all.