Black people and Mental health.


Aug 10, 2017
Hey all. I do not have the clout here yet to make threads. But I'm preparing for a interview with Dr. Earlise Ward a psychologist on my podcast. The segment is all about mental health in the black and ethic communities and the hesitation to seek out or admit help may be needed. We'll also dive into some specifics and trends she has seen and ways we can seek the help we need. Please if there are any questions you guys would like to hear asked or topics covered leave comments here I'll be checking back. The interview is the 21st. I really feel this is a topic that needs to be discussed more in our culture and I want to use the platform I have to help as many people as possible.
Jul 31, 2012
In light of these two

Does the coli need a mental health/advice/guidance subforum?

Black men, vulnerability and depression.

I thought we should carve out a little thread where we can talk about black people and mental health. Here where we can talk unincumbered.

People say no one cares about black people's emotional well being? Well I care!
I am The Heirophant and I am your brother. Welcome.

@Poitier @Prynce @Y2Dre @SunZoo @Karbaash @SavageSavant @YG Joey @HopeKillCure
Never even knew about this thread. I was literally coming here to make a thread asking this same question. Was surprised to see that there wasn't already a mental health forum on here.
Jul 31, 2012
I don't think it would get much serious traffic.
I agree. That's why I'm not too disappointed. But if they made a space to discuss, not only mental health issues, but also mental careers, then I think that could work well. Careers in social work, psychology, and education administration (CIS, VP, Principals, etc.) are terribly underrepresented in the black communities. I think there could be a lot of traffic, over time, if there was a place to discuss getting footing or advancing in those career fields. And that would be the perfect place to nest threads/sub-forums to discuss specific mental health issues. Even tho all the coli breh's are stronger than vibranium, I know a lot of people (including lurkers) have experiences and/or resources they could share or discuss.
Jul 31, 2012
I'm just now getting back to being on forums. Been far too peripatetic to really get settled into online forums like I used to in college. I just stepped away from working in mental health b/c taking on the issues of my clients caused my own issues to exacerbate. And due to the nature of the things I deal with, it is impossible not to personalize what my clients endure. But this post isn't about that. I'm just trying to figure out what could be done to build momentum around the idea presented by OP. I think structure/organization could help as such:

--Make a thread topic that hits at specific illnesses. So a thread specifically for ADHD. A different thread specifically for PTSD. Another specifically for: Anxiety; Bipolar Disorder; Autism; Asperger's (which is historically on the Autism Spectrum, but a more detailed nature of effects); RAD; so on and so forth. That way people can have discussions specifically centered around the complications they're facing. It is often misconceived that all mental illnesses are the same. And most don't even know that there is a difference between MENTAL health, and BEHAVIORAL health.

--Have a thread that allows people to talk about pharmacological (meds) aspects of treatment. So there can be discussion over experienced pro's/con's of certain meds. Everyone is not going to experience all medicines the same way. But the idea behind this is to have a community for support. A lot of people dealing with side effects either overthink the severity of the effects, or they accept problematic effects b/c they are not aware of better alternatives. And many people also think they're the only ones who deal with their particular effects, so they isolate and don't learn about solutions/alternatives.

--There would need to be a zero tolerance policy against any forms of bullying: mockery, marginalizing someone's concerns, intentionally insensitive/malicious responses, etc. should be met with an automatic ban. These rules should apply in all domains of thecoli. So if you're debating with someone in TLR or the Arcadium about something, you should get banned if you bring up something that the other poster shared in the mental health forums. It is imperative that everyone sharing/contributing know that they are in a SAFE space when they open up or provide any other input.

--There should be threads that specifically go into career opportunities. This could include licensing requirements/discussions. For example, getting an LSW/LISW vs. PCC/PCC-S, etc. Even the fact that a R.N. and higher could be certified to give mental health treatment.

--Have a thread/space for discussion of services and resources.

--**There was something else I meant to suggest, but it escapes my mind. I'll edit to include that when it comes back to the forefront.

I'm not sure how demanding all of this would be on the server and the mods. But a structure like the one recommended above would help to facilitate more intentional discussions in lieu of lumping everything together and making it more difficult down the road for others to jump into discussions.

The D-List Vet

Being in a recommendation system.
Apr 25, 2014
I think i might have some form of depression... been feeling this way for a few years now... and i guess i need to share this with people.. i have a hard time wanting to opening up with people in my life about this
Jul 31, 2012
I think i might have some form of depression... been feeling this way for a few years now... and i guess i need to share this with people.. i have a hard time wanting to opening up with people in my life about this
If this is something that has been pervasive for such a long time, then it definitely should be given a lot more attention. It is not uncommon for individuals impacted by depression and other illnesses to try to keep everything to themselves. Sometimes, they just figure that everything will work itself out or just somehow go away eventually. But as in all other aspects of your health, you should always take a proactive approach. Are you working a job that offers benefits?? A lot of companies have some sort of employee wellness/advocacy benefit as part of their package. Those usually include a limited amount of sessions with a mental health specialist. Health insurance policies also include mental health coverage. I would recommend setting up an assessment/intake appointment as soon as you can. Not to cause alarm. But just encouraging you not to let this continue unchecked. If it is actually clinical depression, then symptoms tend to become more severe if left unchecked.
Jul 31, 2012
Why do people here keep talking about ADHD when that shyt already been proved to be a scam?
I was diagnosed with ADD back when I was in school but I knew it was some bullshyt, I used to flush them pills or keep them in my pocket. :heh:
What proof is this?? You should be more careful with your words. If you are referring to the efficacy of meds in treating ADHD, then that is a far different claim than categorically refuting the illness in and of itself. ADHD was certainly a "catch-all" diagnosis at one point, so there have been many who were incorrectly attributed that label. That does not mean the illness is fallacious.
Jul 31, 2012
Sounds like you got scammed and don't wanna accept it.

The whole point of ADHD is for black kids to take pills they don't need.

Na. I didn't watch any of those videos, but at least I see that your opinion was actually formed by something. So I will respond in earnest.

When it comes to meds, I am very much opposed to that form of treatment as a first option. I do recognize how they are using mental/behavioral health as another scheme to drug our people. All of my clients knew where I stood on that, and a good number of them was able to get off of the meds and successfully manage without pharmacological "assistance". That being said, there are some people who absolutely cannot manage without meds. And not all meds are a detriment. I also recognize that. When it comes to ADHD, I spent years doubting it as a credible illness. But actually doing more research and also working in mental health gave me more experience and understanding. The illness exists. The problem is that people get caught up in nomenclature and miss what actually matters: the symptoms. It doesn't matter what title is or is not associated, the symptoms are present in and of themselves. What names appear in the DSM or ICD is mostly a matter of politics. So for now, ADHD describes a particular set of symptoms. And THAT is what is real. Five years from now, ADHD may no longer exist in name. But there will still be people needing help to manage those symptoms. To write off someone experiencing those symptoms simply b/c of controversial and predatory treatment approaches is just as dangerous as simply drugging every so-called ADHD individual.

So, no, I wasn't scammed. And I'm sure that you and I agree on a lot of things that are problematic with how the mental health field is a conduit for killing our people in one manner or another. But it isn't possible to have true insight without actually working with this population. Sadly, the demons these children (and adults) deal with are very real.
Jul 31, 2012
Yes i agree the symptoms are real, i was diagnosed with add/adhd when I was in school by a cac psychologyst but I knew I didn't have any of that, I just wasn't interested in school.
If these professionals were really worried about solving the problem they would stop using the term and focus on the real issues black people face.
I am with you 100% on that. I made a lot of enemies for speaking against this subtle genocide. I had clients who were diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 4. The crazy part is that their "severe" problems never presented at home--only at school and around strangers. I had 10 years experience working with pre-K, so they transferred them to my caseload after none of their previous providers were able to make progress. These young dudes were definitely bouncing off the wall, but diagnosing and medicating them was extreme. What's worse is that the agency and school made their mom question her parenting b/c she was opposed to meds and none of them could handle her kids. I have a lot of unorthodox methods, but it's all based on old school common sense parenting principles. In less than three months, I had these young men managing so well that they were taken out of their special ed classes and they didn't even need an IEP anymore. 80% of the issues didn't even have anything to do with the boys, themselves. Shyt disgusted me how the school and agency was doing them and their family.


Aug 10, 2017
The episode of my podcast on Mental Health in the African American community and the rising rate of suicides amongst our youth is up I'm joined by Dr. Earlise Ward of the University of Wisconsin and she also is the creator of the Oh Happy Day depression class. . The links are below in my signature if any one wants to check it out. It's episode 17.