God Emperor of SOHH
In my estimation, Cuba comes the closest to actual socialist practices. And that is the only country from the period still going strong.
Tanzania was coming from a place of tremendously low industrial development. But gains in literacy and health were not lostStop with the revisionist history. If you want to debate specifics of Nyerere's policies, we can do that, but again you fail to consider the role of outside forces in sabotaging economic progress and performance.
If Tanzania is not capitalist today, what the hell do you think it is?It may be state capitalist, but it is not socialist.
There were cases of that in which deformed revolutions resulted in state capitalism.
and people are literally risking their lives to leave cuba to come to the united states, why? tanzania still has low development, so what is your point?
why would black people follow the path of two collapsed economic basketcases
tanzania and cuba represent something worse than american capitalism, in case you havent noticed
african countries by and large do not practice capitalism, in fact its one of the hardest places in the world to start a company or open a bank account, africa is behind every continent in terms of capitalism
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