Are you arguing that socialist states in south america didnt traffic and kill more Africans that america? or that more death and oppression resulted from capitalism in America than did the centrally planned govt.'s of asia and russia?
again I must ask what are you guys comparing american capitalism to? How are you measuring its success?evil? oppression?
What socialist states in South America?
If you want to get into things like the Great Leap Forward, we can do that, but those are separate discussions. The USSR and China made important strides in human development, such as rolling back illiteracy, lifting people out of poverty, improving medical care, etc. But I don't argue that the USSR and China were socialist. They had some socialistic features, but were state capitalist. Workers did not control much of anything. As with any massive historical changes, there were excesses and horrors with some developments in the USSR and China. But are you going to attribute those to the desire for workers to not be exploited?
If every capitalist willingly socialized their enterprises and handed control over to workers, there wouldn't have to be any class wars or conflicts, and the state would wither away.
I'm taking capitalism at face value for what it is. Not really comparing it to anything, just looking at how it developed, its effects on the world, and who wins and who loses under it. From the perspective of the working class (not to mention the environment
), it is a system that has got to go
. If you look at it from the perspective of the ruling class, it is perfectly fine - they've never been better off, and there's never been a more successful system.