Black/Minority Women Goin' Against White Feminists On Twitter :lupe:


Dec 31, 2012



All Star
Jun 21, 2012
What "struggle" of ANY race facing racism is lead by ANY female of that race? Please let me know. You act like black men are doing somethign that every other male isn't doing (not saying it's right, but don't make it a black demon)

FACT: There are more black women than black men.

FACT: There are more politically disenfranchised black men than women.

FACT: Black men face higher unemployment rates than women

FACT: Black women have surpassed black men in college education/graduation rates

FACT: You all, black women, don't support yourselves. BY a sheer numbers game alone, you all should be statistical winners here in ANY thing you want in the black community because you outnumber us and you're more actively involved in the community than us. So really, you can miss me with that black men holding you down shyt. Y'all have power. You're just stupid and none of you can unify for shyt. Stop being so damn petty and weak and use your power for something outside of Twitter coverage of TV shows and random trending topics that don't get anything done.

It's not black men's fault that the majority of black women still trust and believe in black male leadership and NOT black female leadership. And after this thread and the way y'all been actin' on Twitter, I can see why. :dahell:

Quit literally every talking point is one used by white racists when Black people bring up Black problems/issues in society.

Let's look at two examples from your rant:

1. "Black women are to blame for your own problems, most of you co-sign male leadership" = a huge plethora of self hating Blacks that will co-sign all principles of white supremacy and lay all Black problems at the feet of Black people.
2. "Black women don't even support yourselves, you don't unite" = black people have a couple of trillion dollars worth of power and own NOTHING in their own communities and traditionally accumulate a laughable amount of wealth per family. White racist say: "How can they come at white people to help them when they can't even unite with each other?"

The fact of the matter is, a history of racism and brainwashing is taken into account when we consider why the Black experience is what it is. We realize we have to overcome a lot of what has been programmed in order to move forward. When it comes to women? "You're a woman, you're just stupid"
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Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Quit literally every talking point is one used by white racists when Black people bring up Black problems/issues in society.

Let's look at two examples from your rant:

1. "Black women are to blame for your own problems, most of you co-sign male leadership" = a huge plethora of self hating Blacks that will co-sign all principles of white supremacy and lay all Black problems at the feet of Black people.
2. "Black women don't even support yourselves, you don't unite" = "black people have a couple of trillion dollars worth of power and earn NOTHING in their own communities. How can they come at white people when they can't even unite with each other?"

The fact of the matter is, a history of racism and brainwashing is taken into account when we consider why the Black experience is what it is. We realize we have to ovecome a lot of what has been programmed in order to move forward. When it comes to women? "You're a woman, you're just stupid"
See, I didn't say you were to blame for your own problems. Learn how to read and stop trying to be argumentative. I said, you have the power to solve any problem you want when it comes to being leaders in the black community from a sheer numbers perspective. If all of you got together and if this problem of black male "privilege" is such a big deal or even real in the first place, you can change it. Is that so wrong to tell you? It's bad to tell you that you have power? Or do you want to be coddled like a child and have men lead you to the answer/solution once again therefore nullifying your claim that you want a female leader?

I gave you a tangible solution to your problem (black men want to be the lead faces of everything in the black community). I'm telling you, as the black woman you are, to lead and fix your problem and all you can do is deflect responsibility back to black men who are worse off than you economically, socially, and politically amongst other things for help. Weakness. Unless white people are worse off than black people, I'm not seeing how your analogy/metaphor matches up here. You want to use the fact that black men are worse off than you to justify dating outside your race, matriarchy, etc. but you don't want do anything with the power you have. That's lazy as hell and it just shows that you need male guidance even when you say it's your problem.

You want Al Sharpton to speak up about how we need more black female leaders huh? :skip: <----- See how fukking stupid this shyt is. You want black men to lead you into so called "leadership" and again be the face for your movement huh? :laugh:

Even though black men have a great amount of problems with the way the child support system is set up, with the way the prison system is set up, etc. we will prob never see change in such simply because of our social, economical, and political standing in this country from whites, minorities, AND even black women. And guess what? Black women will never be there fight with black men for any of that shyt. I don't see black women standing up to Stop n Frisk policies. I don't see black women countering child support laws. I don't see black women complaining about black male unemployment. I don't see black women leading protests against gang violence. But we don't feel the need to blast in your face about it and contrive this whole idea of "Black Female Privilege" because we understand that there are a lot of things that you are going through just by being black in the first place and we're your biggest cheerleaders. No black man out here is protesting that more of you are in college, employed, getting better loan rates, etc. just off your race and gender ALONE. You all have a lot of privilege. So start evaluating your's and maybe everyone else will too.
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All Star
Jun 21, 2012
See, I didn't say you were to blame for your own problems. Learn how to read and stop trying to be argumentative. I said, you have the power to solve any problem you want when it comes to being leaders in the black community from a sheer numbers perspective. If all of you got together and if this problem of black male "privilege" is such a big deal or even real in the first place, you can change it. Is that so wrong to tell you? It's bad to tell you that you have power? Or do you want to be coddled like a child and have men lead you to the answer/solution once again therefore nullifying your claim that you want a female leader?

I'm being argumentative, yet you just got done with a post telling women we are stupid to not use the power we have. But let anyone fix their mouth to say that about Black men, who too have plenty of power they could be exercising but don't because of a system that beats them down. You are incredibly biased, but I am just going to ignore it and the rest of the straw mans in your post and focus on the few parts of your post that don't insult.

I gave you a tangible solution to your problem (black men want to be the lead faces of everything in the black community). I'm telling you, as the black woman you are, to lead and fix your problem and all you can do is deflect responsibility back to black men who are worse off than you economically, socially, and politically amongst other things for help. Weakness. Unless white people are worse off than black people, I'm not seeing how your analogy/metaphor matches up here. You want to use the fact that black men are worse off than you to justify dating outside your race, matriarchy, etc. but you don't want do anything with the power you have. That's lazy as hell and it just shows that you need male guidance even when you say it's your problem.

What exactly do you think the Black Womanist movement is? This is our movement, so what exactly do you mean that we aren't trying to fix our own problems? Truthfully, most Black feminists were unlike me because they actually knew neither Black men nor white women would ever feel anything for the issues Black women face, and never to an extent to actually acknowledge their privilege or join the ranks of our fight. I thought there was hope, but the overwhelming negative response we received on both fronts proved them right. And that's fine, we will continue to work to fix our own problems on our own. But just don't come out of your mouth with any self righteous bullshyt about wanting to have 'solidarity' and not be 'divisive' when when it comes to Black male issues its a community issue we should all address, and when it comes to Black female issues its: "Why can't you fix your own problems?"

And having said that please do your research, because you are blatantly wrong on many different points you made here. Black women are only better off that Black men educationally. And even then your male privilege puts you at an economic advantage. We make less money for the same job, and jobs considered to be "female" continue to earn less than jobs that are considered to be "male". You are in a political advantage with more Black male leaders at the government and community level by far, and you are a social advantage seeing as how sports and music, two realms you dominate, allow you to remain in the public eye and see people that look like you routinely, while Black women remain relatively invisible or are only allowed to see the light or mixed versions of ourselves as representatives.

Even though black men have a great amount of problems with the way the child support system is set up, with the way the prison system is set up, etc. we will prob never see change in such simply because of our social, economical, and political standing in this country from whites, minorities, AND even black women. And guess what? Black women will never be there fight with black men for any of that shyt. I don't see black women standing up to Stop n Frisk policies. I don't see black women countering child support laws. I don't see black women complaining about black male unemployment. I don't see black women leading protests against gang violence.

All lies, and you probably know it because you just contradicted yourself in order to even get them out. Black women are at the forefront of damn near all of those movements and you can look at pictures from modern protests and see that we come out in the largest numbers. So now you have gone from being dismissive, to blaming us for our problems, to flat out lying about our contributions and the care we show to Black male issues in order to make it appear the support imbalance is the same for both genders. All so you don't have to admit your male privilege. But I'm sure by the time I get to the end of your post you will start talking about how you have our back and you want togetherness despite all the crap you are spewing.

And quick question, why would Black women lead protests against child support when Black men are leaving them holding the bag when it comes to taking care of their children? :why:

Why would they make it even easier for Black men to not support them even financially in the full time job of child rearing, which is actually more expensive than any child support payment? Its like your only focus is on making Black men appear to be the ultimate downtrodden group despite evidence to the contrary. You don't even care about the fact that the issue you brought up as a so-called Black male issue actually hurts children most of all currently, and would hurt them even worse if whatever fight you have against it succeeded.

But we don't feel the need to blast in your face about it and contrive this whole idea of "Black Female Privilege" because we understand that there are a lot of things that you are going through just by being black in the first place and we're your biggest cheerleaders. No black man out here is protesting that more of you are in college, employed, getting better loan rates, etc. just off your sex and gender ALONE. You all have a lot of privilege. So start evaluating your's and maybe everyone else will too.

So now we are getting into college and being employed more not because of our own hard work and our own doing but because Black women are favored? lmao. Our biggest cheerleaders though. Please, post evidence of any of these ridiculous accusations meant to downplay the strides Black women make. I would love to see it.
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#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
breh These Chics Aint Feminist. They Using That Movement As A Way To Express Their Envy Of White Women, Display Their Hatred For Black Men And Justify Their Desire For White Men. This shyt Weeks Of Desperation At This Point.

Let Them
For some that is the case. For others who got them a white man, they need constant validation that Black men ain't shyt. This is like the c00n movement we see by some posters on here.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
I'm being argumentative, yet you just got done with a post telling women we are stupid to not use the power we have. But let anyone fix their mouth to say that about Black men, who too have plenty of power they could be exercising but don't because of a system that beats them down. You are incredibly biased, but I am just going to ignore it and the rest of the straw mans in your post and focus on the few parts of your post that don't insult.
See, learn how to read, again. I said some of you are stupid and none of you can unify. Black men are called "stupid" all the time and we keep right on about or business and proving people wrong to the point where black women,like yourself, are begging for our help.. "nikkas ain't shyt" has been heralded through out the black community and through all the "nikkas ain't shyt" you can breathe out we never take that shyt personal, we just keep it trucking. "nikkas ain't shyt........ but please help up with black male privilege". Lol...

What exactly do you think the Black Womanist movement is? This is our movement, so what exactly do you mean that we aren't trying to fix our own problems? Truthfully, most Black feminists were unlike me because they actually knew neither Black men nor white women would ever feel anything for the issues Black women face, and never to an extent to actually acknowledge their privilege or join the ranks of our fight. I thought there was hope, but the overwhelming negative response we received on both fronts proved them right. And that's fine, we will continue to work to fix our own problems on our own. But just don't come out of your mouth with any self righteous bullshyt about wanting to have 'solidarity' and not be 'divisive' when when it comes to Black male issues its a community issue we should all address, and when it comes to Black female issues its: "Why can't you fix your own problems?"
If it's your movement that rally your (black women) people together. It's your's. nikkas kept telling y'all in the beginning of the thread "Have a "we" mentality", "This is our community", "Let's work together", and the only thing y'all could keep doing was telling us we'd never understand and that we couldn't relate. So fine. I can't relate to your movement so I don't see why I should be a part it. You got what you wanted.

And having said that please do your research, because you are blatantly wrong on many different points you made here. Black women are only better off that Black men educationally. And even then your male privilege puts you at an economic advantage. We make less money for the same job, and jobs considered to be "female" continue to earn less than jobs that are considered to be "male". You are in a political advantage with more Black male leaders at the government and community level by far, and you are a social advantage seeing as how sports and music, two realms you dominate, allow you to remain in the public eye and see people that look like you routinely, while Black women remain relatively invisible or are only allowed to see the light or mixed versions of ourselves as representatives.
But you all are able to have jobs in the first place so stop all ya blood clot cryin'.

Guess who does majority of the voting for our black leaders......... BLACK WOMEN
Guess who buys more music than black men....... BLACK WOMEN
Guess who don't support female sports at all........... BLACK WOMEN
Guess who's Beyonce's biggest supporters are....... BLACK WOMEN
Guess who watches black women on tv........ BLACK WOMEN (shyt, outside of comedy and sports, TV in general is for women, most of your advertisements will cater to women)

All lies,
Prove it. :D

. All so you don't have to admit your male privilege. But I'm sure by the time I get to the end of your post you will start talking about how you have our back and you want togetherness despite all the crap you are spewing.

And here's why you have so many people disagreeing with you. Do you see the bolded? It says MALE, not BLACK male, not AFRICAN-AMERICAN male, but MALE. But some kind of way, some of you women have found a way to make this a black male issue. Not gonna let it happen. Don't put this on the back of black men as if we are the only ones at work here. That's what we've all been saying the whole time. No one is saying male privilege doesn't exist. No one. Just saying that it's not something a black man created or can solve and that black females have a lot of privilege too.

And quick question, why would Black women lead protests against child support when Black men are leaving them holding the bag when it comes to taking care of their children? :why:

Why would they make it even easier for Black men to not support them even financially in the full time job of child rearing, which is actually more expensive than any child support payment? Its like your only focus is on making Black men appear to be the ultimate downtrodden group despite evidence to the contrary. You don't even care about the fact that the issue you brought up as a so-called Black male issue actually hurts children most of all currently, and would hurt them even worse if whatever fight you have against it succeeded.
Why should any man go to jail because of child support? Do you not see how this is further establishing a prison state? I agree that men should take care of their kids. I don't agree wit children out of wedlock. I don't even agree with children not born under strict financial planning. But women don't go to jail for not being financially able to take care of their kids. They get food stamps, housing, and other forms of financial sustenance/assistance from the government.

If you want equality, if you want to be treated fair, (black) women should be in jail in droves for not being able to financially take care of their kids without government help. A man can't ask for help to pay child support. Why do women get this privilege?

So now we are getting into college and being employed more not because of our own hard work and our own doing but because Black women are favored? lmao. Our biggest cheerleaders though. Please, post evidence of any of these ridiculous accusations meant to downplay the strides Black women make. I would love to see it.
If you don't see how women/females benefit through the whole educational system, then don't expect me to see your problems either.

Black Female Privilege:
- Your teacher will more than likely always be a female, just like you.
- You will not face harsher educational penalties than males for things such as classroom disruption, fights, etc.
- You can start a fight with a male student and the male student will be the only one who gets arrested
- You will not get arrested, period, for things other male students will get arrested for.
- You are less likely to be labeled as "learning disabled"

"Sitting in the same classroom, reading the same textbook, listening to the same teacher, boys and girls receive very different educations." (Sadker, 1994) In fact, upon entering school, girls perform equal to or better than boys on nearly every measure of achievement but by the time they graduate high school or college, they have fallen behind. (Sadker, 1994) However, discrepancies between the performance of girls and the performance of boys in elementary education leads some critics to argue that boys are being neglected within the education system

And that's just a small slice of where your female privilege begins


Jun 23, 2012
Just to clarify, If a man were to file child support on a mother for not taking care of her children, she would go to jail if she didn't pay. The only reason why men go to jail for not paying child support is because there is a child support case against him. If no women ever filed child support, no man would go to jail for not financially supporting his child.

Men with low incomes and/or children CAN get food stamps, housing, etc but they have to apply.

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
breh These Chics Aint Feminist. They Using That Movement As A Way To Express Their Envy Of White Women, Display Their Hatred For Black Men And Justify Their Desire For White Men. This shyt Weeks Of Desperation At This Point.

Let Them

Nobody's jealous of white women (especially since they're expiration dates is usually by the age of 30), but you gotta admit there's a preference for women who resemble white women but still has desirable black features.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
@MurderSheWrote is the Chris.B of the femdom c00n nation.

She with a white boy? Damn das foul, on some ulterior motive bullshyt. I don't think she should have the space to talk about what black men do to help or hurt black women when she's with a perpetrator of these injustices anyway. She pointin the finger at the wrong people. :why:

Imagine if her and chris b got married :ohhh:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
I'm the nice guy on here, i treat women with respect. I just think a woman of your knowledge should have a face to her posts. No one is gonna bully you, or shame you. The ones who are disrespectful at the mouth get the wolves called on them. You good. Trust me. But i can respect that though.

@YouLoveMe smelling blood in the water :lolbron:
