Black/Minority Women Goin' Against White Feminists On Twitter :lupe:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I’ve already talk about how black males are complacent in the erasure of black females and the degradation of the black womb, how black men are silent or call black women jealous when we complain we are represented by biracial and nonblack women in the media. We don’t hear black men question why the black families are usually represented by a black male black son, biracial women and biracial daughter. Also the general unwillingness to address how black women are the largest victims of sexual violence because there are bigger fish to fry.

PH talked about how Black males use the Eurocentric standard to beauty to denigrate and also rank black women. There were also a few good points in the black male privilege list she posted.

MSW already talked about the black males are silent when a black woman is a victim of a crime, black men’s unwillingness to fight against patriarchy also the fact that black men complain about racism than create holidays like WW Wednesday where they humiliate black women and basically do the White man’s bidding with regards to insulting black women’s looks. Black men humiliate black women in the spaces that they DO Control. Black men fight against racism and white male supremacy, but they do not fight with black women against patriarchy nor do they fight with black women against the Eurocentric standard of beauty. They are our allies against white men, but not against white women. The only petitions and movements against these issues are by black women, if Black men wanted to be a true ally they would hold these goons accountable, rather that telling black women to get over it.

The Black man’s dismissal black women as being bitter single maids or jealous of white women, as evident but the responses in this thread is another so called issue. Anyways I’m over it if you want to get my opinion on the subject you can scroll through the thread!

Why do you speak of black men as one homogeneous group? You wouldn't allow anyone to place black women in such a group.

You've had plenty of black men in this thread tell you they identify with your issues. Plenty of black men complain about all the issues you brought up. How could we then be "complacent in the erasure of black women and the degradation of a the black womb"?

As a father and a husband, I am insulted that you would continue to repeat that line.

Check this site, plenty of us who aren't c00ns/cacs/trolls celebrate the natural beauty of the black woman. It's women who are holding on to those standards more so then men these days. Y'all controll that, we think anything y'all do is beautiful once you do it.

And black men are not silent when our women are the victim of a crime. We lash out and support just the same no matter the sex of the victim. Most of us have never even heard of WW Wednesdays until one of you brought it up. Y'all gotta quit catching feelings about Internet trolls, half of them probably aren't even black.

And how could you say your issues aren't addressed? Your president, a black man that was voted in and endorsed by other black males has spent a lot of time on women's issues, even more so than so called "black male issues" churches, community centers, ect, always concentrate on women's issues.

I understand letting your grievances be know, but when you ignore all of the good and concentrate on the bad, your message losses power.

You are better off embracing those who are trying to engage with you and understand your burden.

Men are simple, they just want your attention. You can decide whether to give them attention for the negative or the positive. You keep giving them attention for the negative, they will keep doing it, once they notice that attention is going to other men they will adapt. That is your privelage as a woman. You guys hold more control then you give yourselves credit for, use it wisely.


Jun 9, 2012
Sydette ‏@Blackamazon5h
#SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen means Rihanna has a responsibility but Miley is just experimenting


Hard on Snows.................
Jul 26, 2012
I seriously think some of you are sick.

I bring up proof that black people in cities commit more crime, and you all start talking about slavery and WW2.
What is the connection?
You bringing up slavery & WW2 tells me you are making an argument that white people are instinctively evil to counter what im saying...but my argument isnt that black people are instinctively evil because of the high crime rates.

My point is that most people are short sighted just as most of you are. People get defensive and choose sides when the tribalism isnt necessary. If people of all races (its not just white folks) notice that black people are behaving a certain way, their reaction is going to think down on them...just how this whole thread can turn into a "look, the white man is fukked up!" party.

Your actual world isnt as big as you think.
The phrase "black men have black womens back" is pretty short sighted. What exactly does that mean? What are you doing to have black womens (in general) back? You probably only have a few in your circle, so there really isnt a whole group of people you can support. Are you talking about the faceless people on twitter and the coli? Are you going to smack a white man when a random black woman feels slighted?

I dont even post on msg boards like that because I get flammed by all races and types of people for telling them to stop complaining and get to work. But Americans LOVE to complain. Everybody is a victim in this country. :beli:

Are you serious or trolling right now?


♔Evil Queen.
Jun 8, 2012
The Seven Five
Black women are not a separate group. They are at one with us, without them, we can't function and vice versa.
If a number of black women feel that their issues are being ignored at large why not take charge?Uplift and empower each other.I'm not saying black women and black men don't have a mutual struggle because they do.But (I'm sure it was stated in this thread many times.I didn't read the whole thing) there are struggles that black women face that a number of black men (not all) ignore or feel that are "not that important."


♔Evil Queen.
Jun 8, 2012
The Seven Five
I'm still waiting for one of the females in this thread to explain black male privilege :mindblown::wtf:

I wouldn't necessarily call it "black male privilege."A number of black women just feel that the struggle of racism is represented by a black male face.This was quoted from a black woman:

"...Black men have an army of people, male and female, that will throw themselves on the track to defend them and their situation at any hour of the night."

She does not feel (like other black women) that black women are held in this same regard.Black women do not have the same support system as black men.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
I wouldn't necessarily call it "black male privilege."A number of black women just feel that the struggle of racism is represented by a black male face.This was quoted from a black woman:

"...Black men have an army of people, male and female, that will throw themselves on the track to defend them and their situation at any hour of the night."

She does not feel (like other black women) that black women are held in this same regard.Black women do not have the same support system as black men.
What big movement/issue have black women had that black men weren't there for? :beli: I seriously can't think of anything.

If anything, it's more of you women not supporting each other.