Black/Minority Women Goin' Against White Feminists On Twitter :lupe:

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
The number of black on white rapes that are reported are higher than white on black rapes, and that's the basis bigots use as their 'proof'.

Till wasn't even flirting with that white woman. There were conflicting stories, but for all intents and purposes he at best MAY have whistled at her. Its been also said that he had some sort of a speech problem when he spoke, and he whistled (correct me if I'm wrong). I watched a few Till documentaries last year and I remember that being mentioned as a theory.

Don't forget even looking at a white woman was against the law. Did you know even looking at a movie poster with a white woman was punishable? There were similar laws made later on for Asian men as well when white men started to notice that a lot of Chinese males were marrying white women.

Bigots talk about black people rioting don't have anything to say about white people who rioted and killed black men, women and children because a black man brushed past a white woman by an elevator (Tulsa) or a white woman who was cheating on her husband lied after being beaten by her male mistress that it was a black man (Rosewood). White women were doing some of the killing themselves. I highly recommend watching John Singleton's movie on Rosewood and documentaries on Black Wallstreet.

Bigots (and their :mjpls:allies) use modern day statistics for proof that black people have things like "higher sex drive" "more out of wedlock children" "higher violent rates" etc. But if that were true, shouldn't those numbers been just as high from the very beginning? The eventual changes in American society affects everyone. As the numbers rise for white folks, it does for everyone else.

Black people had thriving immunities once (and they destroyed it, literally). Europeans had been interacting with Africans for thousands of years but only realized they were inferior in the 16th century? :ufdup:

When Europeans decided they wanted to take over the world, that is when they created racism.

Good points you brought up, the black on white rapes statistic has to be wrong though. I've seen it myself at college, white men preyed on black women (including me) and would intentionally try to get them drunk so they could rape them. They have a sick fantasy and fetish for black women because they believe they have ownership to our bodies. A lot of the conquistadors used to write accounts about how mind blowingly perfectly portioned black women were, but that they were savages so they couldn't be treated like human beings.


All Star
Nov 24, 2012
They used to use black babies as alligator bait....How sick you got to be to do shyt like that.





All Star
Mar 27, 2013
So white men are next right:troll:?

Black Patriarchy... check!
White Feminism... check!

Next is White Male Patriarchy right? :blessed: What TT ideas do you have in mind? :lupe:

White men make ads/news stories/videos/etc. that shyt on you all daily and you all are too busy being a fukking cowards to speak on it.

Black women check White Male Patriarchy daily, were black women silent about Zimmerman ? Every single issue concerning black men and racism black women are HEARD, you see them protesting you see them starting petitions. Black women obviously feel that black men do not do the same or at the very least black men do not make themselves HEARD.

But anyways this thread is dead, Black men have pretty much stated they do not care what black women have to say and would rather put black women down with all that why your single that's why nobody wants y'all, you jealous of WW speech!

Black men have the privilege of being pro black all the while ignoring the issues of black women.
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May 7, 2012
Black women check White Male Patriarchy daily, were black women silent about Zimmerman ? Every single issue concerning black men and racism black women are HEARD, you see them protesting you see them starting petitions. Black women obviously feel that black men do not do the same or at the very least black men do not make themselves HEARD.

But anyways this thread is dead, Black men have pretty much stated they do not care what black women have to say and would rather put black women down with all that why your single that's why nobody wants y'all, you jealous of WW speech!

Black men have the privilege of being pro black all the while ignoring the issues of black women.

Can you do a short list(no quotes) that clearly states these issues? I'd rather hear these issues directly from a black woman

What exactly are the issues? Absent fathers? Colorism? Abuse?

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
The in fighting in the community where everyone is trying to be just one pebble higher in the ladder and taunting one another needs to stop.

Agreed 100 percent. There are some areas where black men probably have a slight advantage over black women and vice versa, but by and large, we are both at the bottom of the totem pole in this country, and for some of us to create a schism over petty issues is very discouraging.

IR thugs hijacked the black feminist movement too (probably because they there was some critique on BM, thought that that's what it was about, then decided to call themselves 'feminists' too). Now people think those "black women empowerment" blogs are black feminists :wow:

Very true, I've been noticing, just ancedotally, that a high number of the c00ns tweeting were married to white men.

It's a shame. We are the only race whose people creates blogs dedicated to seeking relationships with other races. It's disgusting.


May 17, 2012
the internet
Are you white? Serious question. If not, then you're severely lacking brain cells and comprehension, I'm not even trying to be rude. Look at America's most notorious serial killers, they are overwhelmingly white.
Serial killers? How often do serial killers come around?


May 17, 2012
the internet
I seriously think some of you are sick.

I bring up proof that black people in cities commit more crime, and you all start talking about slavery and WW2.
What is the connection?
You bringing up slavery & WW2 tells me you are making an argument that white people are instinctively evil to counter what im saying...but my argument isnt that black people are instinctively evil because of the high crime rates.

My point is that most people are short sighted just as most of you are. People get defensive and choose sides when the tribalism isnt necessary. If people of all races (its not just white folks) notice that black people are behaving a certain way, their reaction is going to think down on them...just how this whole thread can turn into a "look, the white man is fukked up!" party.

Your actual world isnt as big as you think.
The phrase "black men have black womens back" is pretty short sighted. What exactly does that mean? What are you doing to have black womens (in general) back? You probably only have a few in your circle, so there really isnt a whole group of people you can support. Are you talking about the faceless people on twitter and the coli? Are you going to smack a white man when a random black woman feels slighted?

I dont even post on msg boards like that because I get flammed by all races and types of people for telling them to stop complaining and get to work. But Americans LOVE to complain. Everybody is a victim in this country. :beli:

Street Knowledge

May 2, 2012
With the exception of a few small aspects, feminism has been a failure. Hardcore feminists are the worst. They still
Lie about the "gender pay gap"


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
Can you do a short list(no quotes) that clearly states these issues? I'd rather hear these issues directly from a black woman

What exactly are the issues? Absent fathers? Colorism? Abuse?

I don't even think she knows. She just wants to play the victim role and act special. She wants to exaggerate the divide between black issues and black female issues, and act like she's being demonized by the big evil black man. Perpetual victim complex, and the olive branch will be broken in two and thrown right back at you with this one. To me, any serious social issue a black female has is a BLACK issue. I know certain females in here want to perpetuate a divide, as white people want you to, but i've treated every black female i've known personally with dignity, respect, and identification........right until the bytch tried to play me for being too nice :russ:


All Star
Mar 27, 2013
I don't even think she knows. She just wants to play the victim role and act special. She wants to exaggerate the divide between black issues and black female issues, and act like she's being demonized by the big evil black man. Perpetual victim complex, and the olive branch will be broken in two and thrown right back at you with this one. To me, any serious social issue a black female has is a BLACK issue. I know certain females in here want to perpetuate a divide, as white people want you to, but i've treated every black female i've known personally with dignity, respect, and identification........right until the bytch tried to play me for being too nice :russ:

Can you do a short list(no quotes) that clearly states these issues? I'd rather hear these issues directly from a black woman

What exactly are the issues? Absent fathers? Colorism? Abuse?

There is no point in repeating ourselves a million times, every single female in here as stated over and over and over again what they feel are the issues, now if you don't agree that's your provocative but this conversation is pointless now.

I’ve already talk about how black males are complacent in the erasure of black females and the degradation of the black womb, how black men are silent or call black women jealous when we complain we are represented by biracial and nonblack women in the media. We don’t hear black men question why the black families are usually represented by a black male black son, biracial women and biracial daughter. Also the general unwillingness to address how black women are the largest victims of sexual violence because there are bigger fish to fry.

PH talked about how Black males use the Eurocentric standard to beauty to denigrate and also rank black women. There were also a few good points in the black male privilege list she posted.

MSW already talked about the black males are silent when a black woman is a victim of a crime, black men’s unwillingness to fight against patriarchy also the fact that black men complain about racism than create holidays like WW Wednesday where they humiliate black women and basically do the White man’s bidding with regards to insulting black women’s looks. Black men humiliate black women in the spaces that they DO Control. Black men fight against racism and white male supremacy, but they do not fight with black women against patriarchy nor do they fight with black women against the Eurocentric standard of beauty. They are our allies against white men, but not against white women. The only petitions and movements against these issues are by black women, if Black men wanted to be a true ally they would hold these goons accountable, rather that telling black women to get over it.

The Black man’s dismissal black women as being bitter single maids or jealous of white women, as evident but the responses in this thread is another so called issue. Anyways I’m over it if you want to get my opinion on the subject you can scroll through the thread!
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I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
There is no point in repeating ourselves a million times, every single female in here as stated over and over and over again what they feel are the issues, now if you don't agree that's your provocative but this conversation is pointless now.

I’ve already talk about how black males are complacent in the erasure of black females and the degradation of the black womb, how black men are silent or call black women jealous when we complain we are represented by biracial and nonblack women in the media. We don’t hear black men question why the black families are usually represented by a black male black son, biracial women and biracial daughter. Also the general unwillingness to address how black women are the largest victims of sexual violence because there are bigger fish to fry.

PH talked about how Black males use the Eurocentric standard to beauty to denigrate and also rank black women. There were also a few good points in the black male privilege list she posted.

MSW already talked about the black males are silent when a black woman is a victim of a crime, black men’s unwillingness to fight against patriarchy also the fact that black men complain about racism than create holidays like WW Wednesday where they humiliate black women and basically do the White man’s bidding with regards to insulting black women’s looks. Black men humiliate black women in the spaces that they DO Control. Black men fight against racism and white male supremacy, but they do not fight with black women against patriarchy nor do they fight with black women against the Eurocentric standard of beauty. They are our allies against white men, but not against white women. The only petitions and movements against these issues are by black women, if Black men wanted to be a true ally they would hold these goons accountable, rather that telling black women to get over it.

The Black man’s dismissal black women as being bitter single maids or jealous of white women, as evident but the responses in this thread is another so called issue. Anyways I’m over it if you want to get my opinion on the subject you can scroll through the thread!

Shorty you gotta learn to be more concise with your posts. Shorten that shyt it breh :ufdup:

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Shorty you gotta learn to be more concise with your posts. Shorten that shyt it breh :ufdup:
She needs them long because she's not saying much at all but trying to win the argument which really isn't an arguement as we really need to come to a resolution. If you read the post, it's her saying we don't care in so many words but when we ask what is the problem, they curl up like a snell.

Her points are simple. She wants Black men to defend her. They aren't. Too many out here c00ning in her opinion and the others aren't walking it like Malcom and Martin did. We tell her why but like telling a child why you can't get something for them, it fall on deaf ears and they will look to other measures to get what she wants.

I think her points are clear if the topic is Black men need to help us, support us, and do more. But Black male prilegage is the wrong battle to fight.

I agree with her. As Black men, if you watch the media which I don't. I get my info from online, we need to stand tall for our women. But to act as if those Black women didn't have our backs back then is BS. Most of the reason Blacks protested is because Black women had enough and Black men had to do something about it. Now they are just complaining and blaming BM, that's not helping especially when BM already don't think you have his back for starters. So the lack of relationships is as big as our lack of community and it's all coming together in an ill advised way.

So many errors and it's we are losing because we aren't having the best people at heart to do things.

As for v. white women, this is the part I don't get. Most Black men I know see white men and women the same or start to once they see what WW are using them for. Now c00ns of some sorts don't but at the same time self-hatred is a bytch as seen in this threads by c00ns, male and female alike. A lot of times, they hate white supremecy as much if not more than even me but they get with the opposite sex just to cope and hope their children don't have to go through this. Such a dirty game.

I think what ebony is saying has credence but only to a certain degree like female c00ns. She can seperate female c00ns as individuals but she can't do it for men. That's a thing we as men can see but she can't as a female which is another communicate divide. I see it for both parties. But I know c00ns are already lost. No need in trying to help them. The damage is beyond repair but for the rest of us, we have to come to a resolution to end this now.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
She needs them long because she's not saying much at all but trying to win the argument which really isn't an arguement as we really need to come to a resolution. If you read the post, it's her saying we don't care in so many words but when we ask what is the problem, they curl up like a snell.

Her points are simple. She wants Black men to defend her. They aren't. Too many out here c00ning in her opinion and the others aren't walking it like Malcom and Martin did. We tell her why but like telling a child why you can't get something for them, it fall on deaf ears and they will look to other measures to get what she wants.

I think her points are clear if the topic is Black men need to help us, support us, and do more. But Black male prilegage is the wrong battle to fight.

I agree with her. As Black men, if you watch the media which I don't. I get my info from online, we need to stand tall for our women. But to act as if those Black women didn't have our backs back then is BS. Most of the reason Blacks protested is because Black women had enough and Black men had to do something about it. Now they are just complaining and blaming BM, that's not helping especially when BM already don't think you have his back for starters. So the lack of relationships is as big as our lack of community and it's all coming together in an ill advised way.

So many errors and it's we are losing because we aren't having the best people at heart to do things.

As for v. white women, this is the part I don't get. Most Black men I know see white men and women the same or start to once they see what WW are using them for. Now c00ns of some sorts don't but at the same time self-hatred is a bytch as seen in this threads by c00ns, male and female alike. A lot of times, they hate white supremecy as much if not more than even me but they get with the opposite sex just to cope and hope their children don't have to go through this. Such a dirty game.

I think what ebony is saying has credence but only to a certain degree like female c00ns. She can seperate female c00ns as individuals but she can't do it for men. That's a thing we as men can see but she can't as a female which is another communicate divide. I see it for both parties. But I know c00ns are already lost. No need in trying to help them. The damage is beyond repair but for the rest of us, we have to come to a resolution to end this now.

And here this nikka come with a post just as long :snoop: