Black/Minority Women Goin' Against White Feminists On Twitter :lupe:


May 3, 2012
I don't agree with the whole list my dude but alot of guys here throw it around nonchalantly and no one ever really gets checked for it. There are females that fall into that category don't get me wrong but this is more along the lines of "So I was tryna bag these bytches on the way to blah blah"... Case in point earlier this year this was getting major spins in clubs.......

I feel like as black people we've been immersed in this type of language so long we don't realise at it's core it really is misogynistic. I remember when that Freebandz Movie mixtape dropped though ppl were saying this was one of the hottest tracks on the mixtape. No doubt women are gonna be reciting the lyricsbut how many guys would you see giving critical acclaim if Nicki Minaj dropped a song along the lines of Khia's "My neck, My back"?

That's a fair point, music today and hell a good ways back aint been about shyt and has too many negative influences. Its like we give these entertainers the power of leaders when they themselves don't even want it and don't deserve it.


May 13, 2012
Came in the thread like :blessed:

See its over 300 replies :whoo:

Realizes its only because it turned into another Black Man vs. Black Woman thread :why:

Jul 26, 2012
I disagree, cause in the real world, I don't see or hear shyt like this. This is the internet, people get to talk reckless and superimpose their belief systems on everyone while hiding behind a screen name.

It's why every dude is a swagged out alpha male who only bags dimes, and every chick is a lady of class above reproach who's constantly told how incredible she is.

Basically the internet is duckberg where everyone is perfect and can do no wrong :duck:

Well, I agree that the-coli is fantasy island and not indicative of how the real world works...

However, if you spend enough time in the poorer areas of the black community, and corporate America to some degree, it aint hard to tell that there is some animosity brewing between too many black men and woman....

Its just what I've been noticing for the past 5-6 years.....

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
I agree, but it's not solely the black woman's responsibility stop to buying albums, even if they stopped buying into this culture it would still exist. I'm sorry I don't think black people have time and money to be buying albums like that. I'ma speak for myself and say, it was a privilege to get to buy an album cause we was poor as fukk, it was a privilege to get weaves/perms so much so that I had to make do with whatever I had. On the whole, black people struggle, we're surviving and we're tryna make do, we live hip hop, white people buy hip hop. I'm not downplaying anything black men do, my father raised me, and I hate the sexualization of the black male (the Mandingo and how they were castrated by white males b/c they thought they would steal their women), but we all know who's at the core of that problem. It's white people. You see it on the internet all the time, white people appropriating black culture and protesting the fact that they can't say the n word even though when they log out they ain't gotta deal with being a nikka. We do need to work together to trump this shyt, but at the core of it, black men need to stop perpetuating the misogynist culture.

I agree with a lot of your post, BUT, you have to acknowledge the role that black women play in their oversexualizing ther image.

The chicks twerkin, the video chicks, the list goes on. These females volunteer and sign up for that shyt by the thousands


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
This list is mostly legit cause black men do call us disparaging names (pushed even further by "hip hop culture"), claim we have too much of an attitude, ain't gotta worry about wearing something revealing and someone forcing themselves on you. And the hierarchy when it comes to beauty, you gotta fit some impossible beauty standard that fits a white woman but somehow fits a black woman. I don't know why the majority of y'all are dismissing it when its mostly true.

And therein lies an inherent privilege in itself, one that actually might be exclusive to Black men. Because of Black men's position as a much maligned, extraordinarily oppressed group, they are able to dismiss all other issues as trivial or outright claim their participation in it is has no effect because of their lack of systemic power.

Black women could neverrrrrrrrr get away with downplaying or trivializing the Black male experience. Never. The great thing for Black men is that we don't even try to, we are able to empathize. But who empathizes with us? No really, who does? Beyond just being told to not talk about how we are hurt at the hands of Black men because "we have to stick together", where is the support? The same type of support that shows Black women coming out in droves whenever there is an injustice against Black men? Most of the time, we are met, just as I was within this very thread, of being blamed for our own oppression. Look at the poster that tried to deflect and tell me Black women purchase the most rap music (wholly untrue btw) so the disgusting misogyny in hip hop is our fault.

The Black male experience of oppression is in fact put at the forefront of the community and is considered one and the same with pro-Blackness. It leaves no room for womanhood, and still Black women let that ride. Even though the misogyny and racialized sexism in the Panther Movement was cause for the creation of Womanism that Black men use as a battering ram for the problems in the community today. But the minute we start talking about how we are uniquely affected, you have men, your own men, laughing or negating the experiences you are telling them are huge for you in your everyday life. Its troubling.


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
While I do believe black women have their own set of battles and should put ourselves first, this type of divisive thinking also does nothing to move the black community forward, it continues to tear at the fabric of the black community and family, and further exacerbates the mistrust and hate that has developed between the sexes. This in and of itself helps to continue to reinforce white patriarchy and white privilege. Those white feminists may talk a good (self serving) game, but at the end of the day they still marry white men, spawn white babies, generate more white wealth, and bolster future generations of white privilege all while black men and women decide to have no allies - not even each other. Before we go off to fight separate fights, black men and women need to address the mistrust, the letdowns, the lack of understanding and have an open dialogue. Sad thing is you can even see in the "stfu, black women don't have it harder than us" replies that black men don't take our plight seriously, all the while the "I give two fukks about black men if you aren't my family" continues to take some of the brightest female minds away from the fight for black parity. *sigh*
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Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
I agree with a lot of your post, BUT, you have to acknowledge the role that black women play in their oversexualizing ther image.

The chicks twerkin, the video chicks, the list goes on. These females volunteer and sign up for that shyt by the thousands

You do know where twerking comes from right? It's actually in a bunch of African cultures (I know that in certain tribes in South Africa twerking is known as a fertility dance), it's one of the few things of cultural significance that slaves kept.

And if someone's knowingly a video chick, that's her choice isn't it? I mean there's a difference between owning your sexuality, and someone forcefully sexualizing you.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Male privilege, Black men use Black women to do their bidding, march and protest when anything happens to Black men and boys but dead silent when black girls go missing black women are brutalized by the police. I remember a thread on here where an Adult WW beat up a little Black girl and the Black men on here said she probably deserved it. Again Black women are used as mules to rally for their causes all the while telling black women her issues are irrelevant.

A lot of Black men want black women to be their mules, stepping tool all the while berating her and uplifting WW.

This is complete bullshyt and you know it. Outside of the c00ns on this forum, where do you see black men openly shytting on black females and exhaulting white women?


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
lol@ Being disappointed that Black women should dare put her own interest first
Not at all the case miss.

You all had a thread of black men standing next to you in favor of the things you all have problems with and the only thing you all could do was find ways to push people away by bringing up imaginary twitter characters and forum trolls to make your points.

You had men standing next to you and the only thing that could cross your mind is the metaphorical boogey man who isn't even in the same room. Choosing to be mad about something that isn't there.


Like I said, I'm just glad that NO woman I know is like you all. Yes rap music is wrong, yes there are some inequalities, but if you have people who are standing next to you willing to solve those problems, unless you just want to be a perpetual anomaly of anger, I don't get why you keep trying paint those people as something they're not.

Clapsteel O'Neal

put a red dot on your head like a hindu
May 10, 2012
:obama: > :myman: > :ohhh: > :patrice: > :dahell: > :wtf: > :snoop:


my reactions whilst progressing through the thread

some of the opinions being spouted out and then being dapped up are fukking embarassing

especially those leaning towards looking at the black man as an enemy. if that's the case then who the fucc have black women got left? and if its white men then please kill yourself. also, can murdershewrote please confirm she's married to a white man? cos that changes my view on every post shes made in this thread completely

Family Man

May 5, 2012
They can take the floor cause I'm not layin with the devil. :mjpls:
While I do believe black women ha e their own set of battles and should put ourselves first, this type of divisive thinking also does nothing too be the black community forward, it continues to tear at the fabric of the black community and family, and further exacerbates the mistrust and hate that has developed between the sexes. This in and of itself helps to continue to reinforce white pyro archly and white privilege. Those white feminists may talk a good (self serving) game, but at the end of the day they still marry white men, spawn white babies, generate more white wealth, and bolster future generations of white privilege all while black men and women decide to have no allies - not even each other. Before we go off to fight separate fights, black men and women need to address the mistrust, the letdown s and have an open dialogue. Sad thing is you can even see in the "stfu, black women don't have it harder than us" replies that black men don't take our plight seriously, all the while the "I give two ducks about black men if you aren't my family" continues to take some of the brightest female minds away from the fight for black parity. *sigh*
Exactly. The reason why feminism might work for white women is that CACs have their houses in order. Blacks don't. We have to get our shyt together as a community first and then we can venture off on that feminism shyt. At the end of the day what do you black feminist really gain if our collective shyt isn't in order? Y'all don't have to anchor yourselves to the black man. Y'all are free to go fukk with a white man or any other man for that matter. Just get the fukk out my face with this bullshyt.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
You do know where twerking comes from right? It's actually in a bunch of African cultures (I know that in certain tribes in South Africa twerking is known as a fertility dance), it's one of the few things of cultural significance that slaves kept.

And if someone's knowingly a video chick, that's her choice isn't it? I mean there's a difference between owning your sexuality, and someone forcefully sexualizing you.

:comeon: There is NOT one black female that attributes their twerkin to some gatdamn tribal dance in Africa. Cmnon now :beli:

and nobody is forcing these video chicks to do nything. Stop it
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