Black/Minority Women Goin' Against White Feminists On Twitter :lupe:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
The issue is you have White women and Black men out here trying to control Black women, and bully us into not addressing all of our issues at the same damn time, which is why I support a Black woman's movement. Black men want Black women to ignore male privilege and sexism, meanwhile White women want to ignore their role in the racial hierarchy ....

You can support any movement you want. I'm a garveyite so I believe in repatriation back to Africa, but I'd still stand with a black nationalist who's fighting for his rights in America.

You can fight against patriarchy all you want. Just realize the patriarchy you're fighting against is for the benefit of white women, not ALL women.

Once white women receive equality under the law, please understand they will do everything in their power to make sure you don't receive the same benefits as them. As a black women, you still won't be protected, you still won't receive the same pay, and you'll still be under the same system of white supremacy that has black men under its boot.

When a single white woman goes missing, they entire country is on alert.

When a city full of black women goes missing, those white feminists don't give two shyts about them.


Power is in my hair nikka
May 1, 2012
From The Westside With Love
regardless of how they wanted to paint this as inclusive and upholding tradition, it's not.

shyt happened right when the damn world turned on the Arab/Muslim community.

it's tantamount to any of them supposed inclusive standards of hair schools/jobs started having, where it clearly and directly singles out one group of people, but is presented in a way that "everyone is included" as to cover their asses from any type of discrimination suits.

peep game tho breh....this is what i'm talking about.

LE BOURGET, France — Because of her choice to wear a headscarf, Samia Kaddour, a Muslim, has all but abandoned trying to land a government job in France. Soon, some private sector jobs could be off limits, too.

French President Francois Hollande says he wants a new law that could extend restrictions on the wearing of prominent religious symbols in state jobs into the private sector. His new tack comes after a top French court ruled in March that a day care operator that gets some state funding unfairly fired a woman in a headscarf, sparking a political backlash.

As Christians celebrated Easter on Sunday, Kaddour attended the four-day Annual Meeting of Muslims of France in Le Bourget, north of Paris. The convention, which last year drew some 160,000 faithful and was expected to grow this year, is billed as the largest annual gathering of its kind in Europe. It is in its 30th year and ended Monday.

French law bars state employees from wearing prominent religious symbols such as Muslim headscarves, Jewish skullcaps or large Christian crosses in public schools, welfare offices or other government facilities. Two years ago, France banned Muslim veils that cover faces, such as the niqab, which has a slit for the eyes, or the mesh-screen burqa, from being worn anywhere in public.

Meeting leaders say France has made progress in accepting Muslims and noted that, unlike 30 years ago, women wearing headscarves today rarely draw suspicion, scowls or curiosity. Still, many Muslims – and even some Roman Catholics and Jews – fear France's insistence on secular values first enshrined in the French Revolution more than two centuries ago is unfairly crimping their ability to express their religious beliefs freely.

They also worry that Hollande's Socialist government, like a conservative one before it, wants to score political points.

"Islam has become a political instrument," said Kaddour, 26, who is a community activist from the English Channel port city of Le Havre and one of 10 children of Algerian-born parents who moved to France for plentiful jobs during its economic boom times decades ago. "Islam is always brandished whenever there is internal political discord."

Most mainstream politicians insist Islam is not being targeted. But a backlash erupted after the Court of Cassation ruled in March that Baby Loup, a private-sector day care operator that gets some state funding, unfairly fired a woman who wore a headscarf to work. The far-right railed at the decision, and even Interior Minister Manuel Valls expressed regret over it.

Wading into the debate in a prime-time TV interview on Thursday, Hollande suggested new limits are needed on Muslim headscarves, saying that "when there is contact with children, in what we call public service of early childhood ... there should be a certain similarity to what exists in (public) school."

"I think the law should get involved," he added.

Many Muslims fear an encroaching Islamophobia, while proponents of such measures insist they counter extremism and act as a rampart to protect France's identity against inequality. Polls show that most French people support at least some restrictions on religious symbols.

France, with an estimated 5 million-6 million Muslims whose families mostly have origins in former French colonies in north Africa, is at the forefront of addressing the challenges that many European countries are facing about how to integrate their sizeable ethnic and religious minorities on a continent where white Christians have dominated the political landscape for centuries.

Bristling against stereotypes in many corners of the West that Muslims are closet radicals or even terrorists, leaders of the convention in Le Bourget preached peace and justice. And after prayers and praise of Islam's Prophet Muhammad, convention leaders led a song in Arabic in a vast meeting hall with thousands in the audience – and some up on the dais waved French flags.

In another convention hall, vendors offered items such as headscarves, sweet pastries or T-shirts emblazoned with the saying `Don't Panic, I'm Muslim,' while mothers pushing strollers and others wandered through the crowd. Several other stalls took up political issues such as support for Palestinians or war-weary Syrians. Nearby, men kneeled in rhythmic unison for afternoon prayers.

Kaddour said many Muslims regret that their faith is in the political crosscurrents again in France. But she said she's not discouraged enough yet to want to leave.

"Many others feel that way too: We are French and we have our place to claim and our future to establish in France," she said. "I'm not a foreigner. I'm French. I want to live in France, I love this country. Even if it has trouble liking us, we are going to do what's necessary to live serenely in France."

Kaddour says she plans to go back to school to get a higher degree, but has all but given up hopes for a state job. And in France, that matters: the European Union says more than half of France's gross domestic product comes from government spending – potentially curbing the work options for headscarf-wearing Muslims such as Kaddour if the ban is broadened.

"A state job, unfortunately..." she said, her voice trailing off. "When I go into job interviews, I wear my headscarf. No results." She admits that she doesn't always know why – it could just be her skill set isn't sufficient – but suspects her religion plays a role, too.

Kaddour says her future career seems increasingly limited to independent, private practice work. She currently works for a small community group devoted to improving understanding of Islam, called Le Havre de Savoir, or The Haven of Knowledge.

At a time of double-digit unemployment rates in France, a nation of 65 million, such restrictions to job access hit headscarf-wearing women especially hard: Muslim men in France don't usually wear visible religious garb.

Ahmed Jaballah, the head of the Union of Islamic Organizations of France, a major Muslim group that helped organize the conference, said the "rather morose ambiance" over France's sluggish economic growth recently hasn't helped Muslims' aspirations, suggesting that a search for scapegoats is politically appealing. He said he's concerned about the government's plans.

"Unfortunately, Muslims have the impression today that secularism is being shaped based on Muslim practices, and that's worrisome," he said in an interview. "Everybody always talks about secularism, how it's not just about Muslims. But in fact, Muslims are targeted. Nobody is fooled."

"Muslims wonder: Can we trust secularism?" he said. "Remember the French slogan: `Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite.' Today, we want this fraternity to be real."


the next guy

May 2, 2012
Another problem with white feminist is that they are the desired women, therefore they just get to chase men. WOC have to work for jobs, respect, etc even down to cars. By 35 society does not care if WOC is not married but white women are as bausra by 35 if they are not married. White Feminism is superficial on some level.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Male privilege, Black men use Black women to do their bidding, march and protest when anything happens to Black men and boys but dead silent when black girls go missing black women are brutalized by the police. I remember a thread on here where an Adult WW beat up a little Black girl and the Black men on here said she probably deserved it. Again Black women are used as mules to rally for their causes all the while telling black women her issues are irrelevant.

A lot of Black men want black women to be their mules, stepping tool all the while berating her and uplifting WW.

:whoa: this is your first mistake.

Why in god's name would you let anything you read on this site affect you personally. This is the only place on the internet where a collection of 23 year old, 6 foot, 6 figure alpha males with a 6 pack and a 6 series congregate to bytch and moan about women dogging them out.

We gotta dude on here pretending to be a women so he can get dikk pics so he can pretend to be a dude to get naked pics from women so he can then use those to get more dikk pics :mindblown:

If you take anything away from my post, don't take any of the shyt you read on here seriously.
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May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
Black males do have male privilege, this is especially true in corporate America and male dominated fields. No you don't see tons of hedge funds or private equity partners being black men, but they're there, women are a rare minority but Asian and white women are there - black women? It ain't even a possibility in the more established funds. I won't underestimate the societal pressures y'all deal with, but when you get out of the financially disadvantaged portion of black society, black males have more mobility and simply an easier time being taken seriously in academia and the workplace.

How does the very slim minority of black men equate to the whole benefiting from Male privilege when the system itself is geared to prevent us as a group to participate in said privilege.

Also according to NBC news week long special they did on black women :The "African-American community" has $850 billion to spend, and women control 62% of that. Which means black men only control 38

These numbers alone show a sharp contrast in the debate on how male priviledge benefit black men.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
C/s, the issues I've dealt with were based on my color, my blackness always comes before me womanhood. When I'm in bumble fukk no where surrounded by all white faces, I don't feel out of place as a woman, but I sure as fukk feel isolated as an AA. When friends and I got kicked out of a store as teens, it was because we were black not because we were women. When friends and I were told what we could and could not do during recess, it was because we were black, as the white group of girls were free to do whatever. I will forever be black before I'm a woman. Yes, there is sexism and a patriarchy in this country, but as a black woman, I have two battles to fight and the first is simply being misunderstood as a black person

They're not misunderstanding you. They simply believe in your inherrant inferiority. Racism isn't a system of random misunderstanding. It's a deliberate and well calculated system used to keep African people in a subversive position to whites.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
They wouldn't dare ban whites or Christians from wearing crosses, or jews from wearing yarmulkes.....the whole " muslim women are oppressed because they're forced to wear hijabs/niqabs" is a westernized/anglicized bullshyt ass myth/half truth.

How you gonna tell muslim women they can't dress in a manner that's an outward proclamation of their religious beliefs?

Hey listen. I don't mess with religion AT ALL...but Islam isn't open minded as modern christianity is. A lot of those muslim immigrants go HARD for Islam and are out there trying to change culture of the places they immigrate to and even further, are imposing their perceptions on their neighbors.

Read about how muslims in the UK and Spain are shaking shyt up in major cities.


May 10, 2012
912 easy on that one.

Germany, the UK, and Greece are very much facing changes in national identity by way of culture that go beyond "color"

Islam isn't all fun and games.
:russ: those Muslims are no serious threat to Europe stop believing Right wing Euro propaganda if those Euros didn't want them in their countries they should stop dikking around in a good amount of the Muslim world
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Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation easy on that one.

Germany, the UK, and Greece are very much facing changes in national identity by way of culture that go beyond "color"

Islam isn't all fun and games.

You really are an a$$hole. I'm not gonna let this thread turn into ethnocentrism but you are by far the worst poster on the coli.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
:russ: those Muslims are no serious threat to Europe stop believing Right wing Euro propaganda if those Euros didn't want them in their countries they should stop dikking around in Africa

I didn't say every muslim was a threat...but theres something most Americans don't understand about muslims in Europe...and thats how open they are.

Most of the muslims in Europe look like they're back home. I'm talking dress. Culture. Even living arrangements.

Most of the muslims in North America wouldn't dare do that shyt.

And for that, most of the muslims are going back to places that were once their imperialist rulers. America doesn't really have that issue.

Trust and believe me when i say that I've got no problem with muslims, but ISLAM is a major problem for most of how Europe defines itself and orders its society.

i don't doubt that there is a racial component to the anti-islam sentiment, but islam is not an aspect of society I'd want to encourage. Especially in places like the UK/Spain/Germany/France/Greece.

Don't think Saudi Arabia (as a source of funding for something like 80%+ of all mosques overseas) doesn't notice this. They're trying to build little caliphates all over Europe.

Arabs are great people and I've got no qualms with them...but when you can't separate Islam from how you integrate with society, then we've got a problem.