Better to invest in a good martial art instead of lifting to try and look cute leave that to cacs.
Boxing MT BJJ will get you stronger and get your cardio right on top of giving you a functional actionable skill.
You still gotta lift heavy and carry heavy before you can get into boxing and BBJ dumbass. Stop with this stupid mindset of acting like weight lifting is for "cacs". Boxers can still be held down if someone is stronger than them. Floyd Mayweather could fukk up all his bodyguards but if they caught him alone just ONE alone could easily tie him up because they are STRONGER than him.
Lift weights enough and also practice your carrying strength with liftings things like tires or logs to build stability
THEN later on get into HIIT cardio, boxing, muay thai etc. Be well rounded.
The same cacs you talk about do everything while yall keep acting like you allergic to lifting weights