black men dont invest in black women


Jul 30, 2015
I'm in my 20s, but as i see it, if black men would think about it and be completely honest, they'd realize that a lot of the things they blame this generation of women for is actually black men of the previous generations fault. Not EVERYTHING, but just specifically, A LOT of the things they blame women for. (Read what i said carefully before u jump 2 conclusions)

How is it 24 yr old Keisha's fault (your female peer) that your OWN father didn't set up a family business, any property/houses, or even a college fund for you? Built nothing to pass down to you? How is it their fault that u had/have to do everything on your own? And is it a coincidence that it may also be the case for your male friends in the same age group? Who really dropped the ball? Who made your headstart even more challenging by not helping you as a father should?....

Your mother likely did as much as she could, likely got her education and/or worked multiple jobs, and took care of the household domestically, yet you still blame women for the way things are for you? Not the dad?

Young black men in general DO have a reason to feel disadvantaged, but it's not black women's fault. I'm not saying they're perfect, i get on them about things on here, but this is one thing that is the fault of OLDER black men, who did not set anything up for their sons.

Many black men around my age had to pretty much build from scratch. A lot of us did not get anything tangible given to us from our dads. White men, asian men, and hispanic men tend to have more help from their fathers. Not all but more than we do.

Black men dont wanna be honest about that. It's easier to blame it on women instead of just being real and facing the reality that a lot of older black men do not set anything up for us, and when they do it's usually not very much. Especially compared to other races of men and their fathers.

Many black men have misdirected anger/resentment. Instead of placing the blame on older black men who did not provide him with anything, they blame this generation of women like its their faults. It was older black men's job to provide their sons with things that will help them in this world. No its not their job to finish high school or college for you but it IS their job to help and guide you along as a man. Provide you with helpful tools in this world.


Rusty Kuntz

It be ya own peoples, huh?
Nov 13, 2012
Myself. fukk 12(1)!
We need a black economy.

Currently we are relying on the white economy and naturally its biting us in the ass with the disease of white supremacy and causing all of the symptoms said in the OP.

Its about time we all stop beating around the bush and start focusing on building a black economy so all of these problems can be fixed.
Yes, we do.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
I'm in my 20s, but as i see it, if black men would think about it and be completely honest, they'd realize that a lot of the things they blame this generation of women for is actually black men of the previous generations fault. Not EVERYTHING, but just specifically, A LOT of the things they blame women for. (Read what i said carefully before u jump 2 conclusions)

How is it 24 yr old Keisha's fault (your female peer) that your OWN father didn't set up a family business, any property/houses, or even a college fund for you? Built nothing to pass down to you? How is it their fault that u had/have to do everything on your own? And is it a coincidence that it may also be the case for your male friends in the same age group? Who really dropped the ball? Who made your headstart even more challenging by not helping you as a father should?....

Your mother likely did as much as she could, likely got her education and/or worked multiple jobs, and took care of the household domestically, yet you still blame women for the way things are for you? Not the dad?

Young black men in general DO have a reason to feel disadvantaged, but it's not black women's fault. I'm not saying they're perfect, i get on them about things on here, but this is one thing that is the fault of OLDER black men, who did not set anything up for their sons.

Many black men around my age had to pretty much build from scratch. A lot of us did not get anything tangible given to us from our dads. White men, asian men, and hispanic men tend to have more help from their fathers. Not all but more than we do.

Black men dont wanna be honest about that. It's easier to blame it on women instead of just being real and facing the reality that a lot of older black men do not set anything up for us, and when they do it's usually not very much. Especially compared to other races of men and their fathers.

Many black men have misdirected anger/resentment. Instead of placing the blame on older black men who did not provide him with anything, they blame this generation of women like its their faults. It was older black men's job to provide their sons with things that will help them in this world. No its not their job to finish high school or college for you but it IS their job to help and guide you along as a man. Provide you with helpful tools in this world.

So wait a minute..."many black men around your age had to pretty much build from scratch"...
...what do you think older Black men had to do when they were younger?

You think it was cool for them back in the 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s?
They just had enough resources to "start their own businesses" and "set up college funds" for us?

And then here you just assume that "your Mother likely did as much as she could..." it can't be any of her fault you don't have right now. She did everything right, huh?

Point blank: there's enough blame to go around as to why we're in such a mess.

But you know what isn't the awnser? "Give Black Women your money, or get out of the way"
like this dude is saying.

Kilgore Trout

May 2, 2012
Black Men Must Invest In Black Women Or Leave Them The Hell Alone!!

Take a wild guess as to why black women don’t have much, just guess! Guess why their credit score is laughable, guess why their bank account is in the negative, guess why they are more masculine than an NFL linebacker, guess! Are you guessing yet? You don’t know why they are stressed out? So you’re not sure why a 25-year-old black woman is aging? Well let me tell you why.

All we do (me included) is make withdrawals when it comes to black women, and not deposits. We suck the life out of them, and make not a single ounce of investment in them, this is abuse. Sad thing is the abuse isn’t isolated, it’s generational.

Globally men abuse women, we impose our ideas on them, and we think for them, we feel like we are entitled to their body and everything they have, as harsh as that is, its way more complex when it comes to black American relationships.

I can’t speak for an African, I never been to Africa, my experience is American. In my experience dealing with black women from America, my role was always from a taker’s position. Psychologically, I think I always seen black women as an enemy because of the relationship I had with my mother. Many black men have dysfunctional relationships with their mother, she’s our first teacher, so if we don’t see value in her, we will never see value in any black woman, because we don’t see value in ourselves. 1 + 1=2

There were things I didn’t receive from my mother, so I felt black women owed me that, I would get what I needed from them at any cost. Many black men are living that predator lifestyle, if it’s not preying on their bodies, then it’s preying on their emotions whenever we need the attention, as soon as they stroke our ego to the point we become ready for the world again, we’ll leave them hanging and find a new victim, again this is generational.

When it comes to being good husband/boyfriends, I think every culture of men drops the ball, men are just wretched creatures. We might or might not get a pass in the relationship department, but there is no excuse for us to be terrible friends to black women. Any relationship must start with a foundation, friendship is the core, and we aren’t even their friends. All we do is tear them down, then we are shocked when they have no more to offer, we are shocked when they aren’t as open with their body as they once was, were angry at the lack of support they may give us, little do we know the last guy she was with completely exhausted her, so of course she has nothing, SHE’S DRAIN

Every woman on this planet needs security to function, and out of all the dikk head shyt we do to ruin them, the nail in the coffin is, we don’t protect them. We let them fight other women in the street while we record it , we don’t break bread with them, we leave them vulnerable when we go to jail, and we lie to them, not realizing that women are more emotionally stronger than us, they can handle our truth, even when it’s ugly.

I’m guilty of everything under the sun when it comes to abusing black women, I didn’t know any better, millions of us don’t, is it an excuse, hell no, only thing we can do now is become aware of our flaws, and fix it. Hurt people hurt people, we can’t keep bringing that vampire energy to these women, so I want to discuss ways we can invest in black women. We have to give back, we have to start repairing those emotional scars, and we have to put Band-Aids on those mental wounds. Let’s try to reverse the curse, you ready?


For some reason, black men always have this narrative that white girls are freakier than black women, this is a myth! Whatever sick and twisted sexual act you want to do in the bedroom, trust me there is a black woman who speaks your language. Black women have trust issues, from years of hurt. She’s had to deal with so much lose; men have been taken away from her. Fathers have been murdered, brothers and uncles have gone to jail, society has hardened their hearts, and this has a effect their femininity, which affects their sexuality.

White girls haven’t had to experience the same trauma as a black woman, so of course she can suck your dikk 5 different ways, she’s free!

If a black woman does open up to you physically, then don’t leave her hanging. Always leave money on the table or something equivalent to that. Not all black women are pressed for cash, regardless though give them something in return besides dikk. If she isn’t asking for a relationship that’s the least we can do. We have to be fair, reciprocity is natural law. Pay a bill or two, give her gas money, and let her know you appreciate her. Pay like you weigh nikka!!


A child’s first teacher is the mother; I believe a woman’s teacher is a man. Even if you have never met her children, you can still teach them by teaching her. If the information is applicable she will pass down the information to the babies. We don’t just father children; we father the women we sleep with as well.

We need to be involved in children’s lives that aren’t ours. Just because we aren’t sleeping with the mother, doesn’t mean we can’t father her children. Knowing that it’s a man around that will assist if needed will alleviate a lot of stress put on her. We have to figure out an approach to show these mothers we mean no harm, so they can gradually lower that defensive barrier society taught them to have.

Most importantly, if you have a child, figure out a way to be in that child’s life regardless of the relationship between you and the child’s mother. Human beings have figured out how to put satellites in the heavens, and submarines at the bottom of the ocean, so you can’t convince me that you can’t work a situation out with a woman who may be out-of-pocket.


When we get locked up, it’s not the homies that holds us down. It’s not our families either. It’s usually a woman that we dogged the hell out that sticks with us. We invest a lot time and money into the homies but the homies haven’t really helped improve our lives the way our women have, so for that I think we need to break bread more. I’m not talking about tricking, I’m talking about investing. Investments benefit all parties involved.

I’m talking real bread breaking, not purse buying. I’m talking about really pouring money into her so she becomes empowered. Put money into her education; help her acquire some skills so she won’t have to be dependent on the system. This is fair because they do it for us. They give us that income tax check so we can flip it, they invest all their money so we can pursue rap careers even though the bars is whack as fukk, I mean c’mon. A lot of these girls are doing hair in their house; we got to get them their own salon, their own nail shops, their own clothing lines.

The white man is breaking bread with them, he’s making sure they have a 401k; he’s making sure they have health benefits, dental and life insurance. He’s fathering our women, so of course there loyal to the system, remember women think security first.


Seriously, black woman are collectively out of shape, it’s not funny and it’s an elephant in the room. It’s something that isn’t address because we are afraid to hurt feelings, but hey, we don’t have time to worry about people’s baby feelings, we all have to make changes.

Part of the reason black women are out of shape physically is because they are out of shape emotionally and that’s because of us. They are hollow; we have killed their confidence so they let themselves go. Understand everyday they have to go into the world and compete, then they have to clash with us, we would be stupid to think that they would be gym warriors; they don’t have the energy for it. We expect them to work, take care of kids, take care of us, and look pretty at the same time? Be serious!

Let’s repair the emotional damage that we’ve created and get gym memberships with them. When they see they have us as a support system, they will end up going harder than us. Black women often times have addictive personalities, so just imagine how quickly their emotional and physical health will change once they know that we are in their corner. It’s our job to get them together, we slacking,


This is something I’ve been guilty of sadly. I’ve told some big lies, not knowing that I was robbing women of choice. I’m a guy that likes more than one woman, and what I learned is all I have to do is be honest in the beginning and be transparent; I may actually get what I want.

Every time I lied to a woman, she never even left me. I was lying because I feared that she might leave me, and then when ugly truths came out, they never even left, black women are tougher than we think.

Listen all black women aren’t the same; you’ll be surprised what they are open to once you give them the chance to have a choice. Black women aren’t one thing, don’t rob them of choice, be open and communicate with them. Lies throw them off, I know from personal experience that lies ruin relationships, it’s not fair, and it’s not being a good friend either.

Say what you want, be who you are, and I guarantee more women than you think are down with your program. No lies, no deception, black women flourish from honesty, it’s like sunlight and water to a plant.


I think the white man may have bigger nuts than us, so maybe he deserves the head we get, maybe he deserves our women. He builds the house we live in, provide us with water, schools and infrastructure, he’s the MAN.

Imagine if black women seen us build homes, provide protection, achieve financial stability, imagine what that would do to them mentality. Well that’s what we have to do, we have to boss all the way up. No excuses, no crutches, no pity party shyt, we got to grow all the way up. When we die, we can’t leave them in debt, we have to leave empires, and we have to get resources, most of all we have to create options for them.

They go hard for us, and we haven’t even invested in them, imagine if we did a little more work, wow, it’s no telling how they might behave. At this point, we either part of the problem or part of their solutions.

You get what you put in, make investments in black women or get the fukk lost nikka, you in the way.

Sorry for how ive been treating you


thats 2 kids! im out!!
May 22, 2012
chi sagittarii
:childplease: bytch drove herself, aint no one put a gun in her hand and told her anything of this, foh

bytch shut your dumb ass up :russ:

:umad: didn't even read what the BLACK MAN wrote, but mad cuz I got me some white dikk :ahh::umad: while NEVER EVER shytting on black men, unlike you retards

While y'all suck the dikk of men getting white p*ssy :russ:

Dumb bytches :russ:

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
bytch shut your dumb ass up :russ:

:umad: didn't even read what the BLACK MAN wrote, but mad cuz I got me some white dikk :ahh::umad: while NEVER EVER shytting on black men, unlike you retards

While y'all suck the dikk of men getting white p*ssy :russ:

Dumb bytches :russ:

Be proud of sucking cave beast brehettes
Last edited:


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
:umad: didn't even read what the BLACK MAN wrote, but mad cuz I got me some white dikk :ahh::umad:

Should I post the "white dikk" you've been bragging about because I don't think The Coli would be mad at what they see? :mjpls:


thats 2 kids! im out!!
May 22, 2012
chi sagittarii
Should I post the "white dikk" you've been bragging about because I don't think The Coli would be mad at what they see? :mjpls:

:russ: bytch ass motherfukker do you EVER get off the internet? Damn, your momma gots to hate you

Please do. Please post it. How you gon quote me mentioning white dikk then "threaten" to bring up me mentioning it in the past :russ: y'all so fukking dumb

While you're at it, show me my post of shytting on black men. I would love to see that

Also I haven't "bragged" about white dikk in over two years, so....... chyeah