Black Manta rumored to be the villain in Aquaman (2018) !!!

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
I'm calling this a rumor even though The Wrap seems certain. I feel like this news deserves its own thread and I'd like to see people discuss the character further anyways....:manny:

'Aquaman' Villain Revealed (Exclusive)

‘Aquaman’ Villain Revealed (Exclusive)

TheWrap has exclusively learned who Jason Momoa‘s “Aquaman” will square off against in the standalone film

When Jason Momoa suits up as “Aquaman” for his standalone film, he will face off against one of the seafaring superhero’s greatest foes.

TheWrap has exclusively learned the bad guy of the movie will be Aquaman’s deadliest and most-famous opponent — Black Manta. “Aquaman” diehards should go nuts for the film’s adherence to DC lore — “Aquaman” first introduced the villain in 1967. In DC’s “New 52” reboot, Black Manta is a man in a suit with no innate super powers.

Warner Bros. had no comment.

Black Manta (pictured above) has had several distinct origin stories over the years. In the latest version, Aquaman killed his father in retaliation for a murder committed by the young Black Manta. So begins Black Manta’s quest for revenge.

The character has spent some time in Belle Reve prison, during which Amanda Waller tried to get him to join Suicide Squad. Interestingly, fans floated a now-disproven rumor last year that Common would play Black Manta in “Suicide Squad.”

Jason Momoa will next be seen as “Aquaman” in 2017’s “Justice League” along with fellow Atlanteans Mera (Amber Heard) and Vulko (Willem Dafoe). “Gangster Squad” screenwriter Will Beal is writing the screenplay based off a treament by Geoff Johns and James Wan. Wan is directing the “Aquaman” film, which is slated for release on July 27th, 2018.




Black Manta (Character) - Comic Vine
Black Manta was a mercenary and treasure hunter who worked alongside his father. He was hired by Stephen Shin to collect the blood of Arthur Curry in an effort to prove that he was actually an Atlantean. Curry was defended by his father, Thomas Curry, and in the ensuing fight Curry’s father died of a heart attack. Enraged, Curry tracked him down and snuck onto his boat in the middle of the night. He killed Manta’s father, believing him to be Manta himself. Manta abandoned his career as a treasure hunter to seek his revenge against Aquaman.

Powers and Abilities
Black Manta has no superhuman powers or abilities. He has honed several skills to near perfection.

Expert Diver and Treasure Hunter
Black Manta is one of the world's best divers and treasure hunters. He is the first choice for missions that require underwater salvage or exploration.

Expert Assassin and Fighter
Black Manta is also one of the world's best assassins, and is accounted one of the deadliest and most highly-disciplined killers alive. He has developed his own fighting style, usable both on land and at sea, which typically relies on his suit and weaponry. He is an adaptable fighter who is able to use his environment and improvised weaponry to his advantage.

Peak Physical Condition
Manta is in excellent physical condition, particularly in terms of his strength, stamina and agility. He can easily outclass opponents who are armed, and can survive threatening underwater conditions.

Leadership and Intellect
Black Manta is a gifted leader and a skilled strategist. He is a gifted manipulator, and occasionally makes use of this skill and his leadership ability to persuade others to join in his schemes. He is very intelligent, and experienced in numerous relevant fields, such as mechanical engineering.

Weapons and Equipment
Black Manta owns a large arsenal of weaponry, equipment, and vehicles of his own design. Additionally, he has amassed a considerable fortune over the years through his exploits as a treasure hunter.

Manta Suit
Black Manta wears a diving suit that enables him to survive underwater to unknown depths; it insulates him against the cold and protects him from pressure changes. It is completely waterproof and bulletproof, and is so completely sealed that it cannot be entered even at the atomic level. It also grants him a level of superhuman strength and durability, allowing him to survive major traumatic injuries. It greatly increases his underwater mobility, primarily through the use of some sort of diver propulsion vehicle, and allows him to leap great heights when shooting out of water. It is also effective as a means of camouflage in dark water. He wears a distinctive manta-shaped helmet with two large eyes that allow for infrared and scope vision, as well as powerful optic blasts capable of hurting or killing metahumans. His helmet connects to an oxygen system that allows him to breathe underwater indefinitely. It also protects his head from trauma.

Bladed Weapons
Black Manta always carries two specifically-designed long daggers, that can be concealed in the arms or the back of his suit. These blades are capable of wounding metahumans.

Harpoon Wires
His suit is equipped with wrist-mounted grappling guns which can fire specialized hooks able to penetrate armour and metahuman skin. The hooks can be charged with electricity, and also may be used to climb or attach to objects.

Two-Bladed Gun
Manta often carries a gun which can fire powerful energy blasts, and which has two sharp blades on the barrel.

Manta Ship
Manta owns a small submersible ship which is extremely quick, maneuverable, durable, and stealthy. It can function normally at any depth. The control room contains radar and communications and a window for direct visibility. The Manta Ship has both very powerful defensive and offensive weaponry such as missiles, lasers, and electrical blasts. It is able to fly at very high speeds when out of the water.

Black Manta is one of the few, if only, arch-nemesis of a major superhero who happens to be of African heritage.

I don't care at all that he's evil, I think that this sounds like a great black character if done correctly. In fact, in regards to representation, I prefer a masculine, intelligent, and dangerous character, to a kind-hearted, effeminate, harmless character like Finn.

Who would y'all like for casting? I've heard some people saying that they should try to go for Denzel....:lolbron: I personally think he's too old for it now (61), but like 15 years ago he would have been incredible. How about Nate Parker (36). Jason Mamoa is 37 if it means anything.

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
It was either him or Ocean Master. :manny:

Chiwetel Ejiofor should have sign on to this role instead of being a damn sidekick. :martin:

Bu bu bu Marvel is all about diversity :damn:

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
Seems he has a lot to prove as an actor. He said one word in the JL trailer and had a bit part and spoke no English in GoT.
I heard he was good as Conan, I just haven't watched any of his other shyt. He wouldn't have been casted as Aquaman if he was a shyt actor, considering he's going to be in the justice league film and others as well, they wouldn't have hired him for multiple films whilst being a shytty aquaman. He doesn't have to say any lines, just look at his mannerisms and look of the character itself, you can infer a lot about his performance.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
I heard he was good as Conan, I just haven't watched any of his other shyt. He wouldn't have been casted as Aquaman if he was a shyt actor, considering he's going to be in the justice league film and others as well, they wouldn't have hired him for multiple films whilst being a shytty aquaman. He doesn't have to say any lines, just look at his mannerisms and look of the character itself, you can infer a lot about his performance.
Really? Cavill isn't particularly good just servicable as Superman and the Enchantress was terrible in SS. Let's not act like DC has a flawless track record as far as casting.