It was over the moment she tried to run him over. Thats intent to kill. He was protecting himself.
Free that Brother
Free that Brother
He shouldn’t have shot her.
She was not a threat, and his car is a material thing that can be replaced.
He deserves the murder charge
:ohh: didn't read that...she tried to run him over with the v...that doesn't count as a deadly weapon?
Wrong. A decent lawyer will see that his ass gets locked up and pays out of his ass.
A great lawyer that specializes in ccw will get him off. He'd need a gofundme for that.
They have to prove he was going to die in order to justify the shooting. Anything else less than that and he's doing a bid.
No In several places it means entering property that belongs to you period.
Even with a public defender he should be able to beat this down. State to state shyt is different, you can get charged with bs in one state that’s justified in the next and I speak from experience on that shyt.
If someone tries to run you over with a car they’re a threat to you and the public, who’s to say this bytch don’t double back and finish the job now that I’ve seen her.
if even think about running over a cop / using your vehicle as a deadly weapon then they’re fully justified to shoot so I don’t see why the same doesn’t apply here. Breh will probably plead out but he could fight and probably take some shyt like this to the Supreme Court, at least in his state that is...
You don't fight murder charges in the south with a PD..
yep. I agree especially on the plead down. You simply can't pop anybody running away if you're the wrong color. In the eyes of the law that's cowardly. 2nd degree likely won't hold though. The better his defense the lower the plea goes.He’ll probably plead down.
any responsible gun owner, know that once the culprit is running or driving away; u have to stop shooting at them.
fukked up law, but it is the law.
Whether its your:
Back yard
If im inside my "property", and you "trespassing", then i have the right to blow your head off..
Even if they violated. Part of the training for owning and using a gun is proper restraint.Not if they violated, it's not like you get training for situations like this.
Again! I’m not talking about of these parts of your house that are generally secured from innocent people entering.
Also if someone entered my garage because it was open and there was no1 at the door to reach them. I would question before shooting and of course have my firearm visible so they can see I’m ready to unload.
It’s ok a lot of you guys are just gun nuts looking for any excuse to shoot someone. Pretty sad!
A good lawyer would have him showing up to court in a wheelchair and neck bracea good lawyer can either make it self defense or an extenuating circumstance since he was knocked over on camera
Btw i believe self defense should only be for people in danger meaning that you are in a life death situation.
Someone entering your property shouldn’t give anyone a right to kill unless they are in there for the intent to harm.