If you think they won't justify a turned knob as reasonable threat that someone is trying to enter their home, then you are a lost cause.There is literally no excuse for how dude reacted. Turned knob? He could have been beating on the windows and there still isn't grounds to feel threatened enough to pop somebody twice in an attempt to kill them.
Anybody who thinks a turned knob is even worth bringing into the convo is already a lost cause.
Turned knob?If you think they won't justify a turned knob as reasonable threat that someone is trying to enter their home, then you are a lost cause.
They justified Travon Martin because he was in a Hoodie and fought a stranger following him.
because youre absolutely right and ive encountered demons like that before@boogerwolf Why the angry dap, sir?
I just cannot believe this kid is at home recovering. Or that he was able to tell the neighbors that he had been shot in the head after going to the wrong house. That’s incredible.
Divine intervention indeed. Little bro gotta be on earth for some grand reason.Divine Intervention is all I can really gather. Hopefully he makes a full recovery and this cac dies in prison or in a shytty diaper...either works for me...
Cause he definitely was around during segregation and partook in kkk activities....
God was walking with him…I just cannot believe this kid is at home recovering. Or that he was able to tell the neighbors that he had been shot in the head after going to the wrong house. That’s incredible.
Problem for them is the precedent they'll now set if they let that old cac off.
Essentially that anybody coming to your door you dont recognize is trespassing and you can light them up.
They really have no choice but to do him in.
One of the worst things that has happened in this country is the introduction of this bullshyt ass "news" channel. They are singlehandedly IMO responsible for the rise in a lot of the political divide rhetoric over the last 20 years. The fact they DELIBERATELY lie and twist shyt under the facade of truth is dispicable. They give theirHis grandson is on CNN, saying his grandfather watches Fox News all day.
And…he has braids