Yeah ive gotten called white boy alot and mostly by WOMEN
Black women have a TERRIBLE reputation here and they are public enemy #1 it seems
When i worked downtown for 3 years, I got to see the worst of the worst everyday. Such low standards and quality down there in the life department. And thats with black and white folks.
And thats another wack fact about PGH..its NOT diverse at all. just black, white, and yella. Unless you're up by the colleges you wont see much beyond the norm.
Dear lord at how true this is. The standards and quality of life Pittsburgh are sooooooooooooo low. It's probably why heroin has been such a problem in the area for the past couple of years. And most people are really mean and irritable it seems like here. People just really dress bad here too. The men dress like they just got done with work on I-376 and the women just look like they got out of bed and just put on the nearest Pitt/Steelers/Penguins/Pirates sweater they could find and matched it with a pair of love pink sweatpants with words on the butt and a pair of ugg boots.
Also, coming back from NYC, I really notice how non-diverse it is. Like you said, just black and white people with your occasional asian, indian (indians are asians though technically), and mexican folk. There really isn't a significant hispanic population.
Example...In New York, there are tons of asian food places. Thai, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese, etc. In Pittsburgh, those places are just labeled "asian" or "oriental" (which is such an outdated term, it's just embarassing ).
People in general are really ignorant and behind the times too. Don't even get me started on the weather!