what we do is what guys like twism and tons of other people on this board advocate. People on here are always talking about black business and black power right? Not integrating and relying on social programs, but segregating and building and paving the way for younger generations to get jobs and success, right? By any means necessary. My parents family were indentured slaves on both sides. They were tricked into signing contracts when they were illiterate and they did their hard labor on the fiji sugar cane fields and kenyan railroads... Then they held each other up and trailblazed their way though business, government, medicine, and law...
Isn't that exactly what people say blacks should do here and in america? But for some reason, Africans have slated us a few times on this board, calling us vultures, corrupt, racist and fail to integrate with African society and call us c00ns to boot because we will use whatever means necessary to win, even if they are handouts.. so you see what i'm saying?