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believe it or not i'm capable of distinguishing what happened to my dad vs what happened to trayvon.thats not how the criminal court system works...and i know they screwed your dad so this thing doesn't work out like it should a lot of the times
but they have to prove Zimmerman was wrong not the other way around you know this your a smart guy
Again, the issue is not IF Zimmerman killed Trayvon, it's IF it was done in self defense. There was NOTHING done to really determine that.
So i'll say it again.
The court didn't need to determine IF ZImmerman murdered Trayvon, the default answer to that question is YES.
I'm a christian, you know this, but even I find credulity stretched when someone wants to prove God exists by asking someone to prove he doesn't.
That is basically what happened here. The prosecution had to prove that Zimmerman did not act in self defense vs Zimmerman having to prove that he did. How do you prove that?
Scene 1.
Man A is following Child A. Man A has been told NOT to follow Child A. We know Man A has a gun, we know Child B is fearful of Man A.
Scene 2.
Child A is dead after being shot by Man A. Man A says Child A attacked him.
That is the case at its purest form, facts all boiled down to the actual PROVABLE facts.
How in good conscious can you say BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT that Man A is NOT at MINIMUM guilty of manslaughter?