Easy there...people need to stop making these debates personal we don't know the people involved and we all have the same wants in life and go through similar struggles. Opinions are going to always be different that doesn't make someone a bad person or evil if you have different philosophical opinions.
The autopsy report showed the yellow discoloration ...the guy in the video claimed doctors said irs consistent with codeine use ...but the autopsy linked mentioned the same thing the guy in the video said so no i did not lie and nobody disproved it
Show me a fcking medical report that says his condition was consistent with "lean" abuse. A medical professional...and not some far right wing scumbag's biased speculation. You do know yellowing discoloration can come from a host of different reasons, right?
Furthermore, this same right wing scumbag that you keep parroting like he's the gospel, claimed that Trayvon Martin was some MMA fighter, which is something you have oft repeated in this thread. George Zimmerman was the fcking MMA fighter you lying dyckhead. This was testified on in court.
George Zimmerman had been training in MMA in the weeks before Trayvon Martin shooting - Bloody Elbow