Black Hebrew Israelites?


Return of the Khryst
May 1, 2012

Cave Savage

Sep 7, 2014
Women's rights
There are some sensible hebrews

But those gms dudes are idiots and I personally think many of them are agents.

@Czar has pretty much bodybagged them on here tho.

Some of my favorite moat ridiculous things I have heard spewed by these idiots

We are not african :mjlol:

We are closer in lineage to the irish and Italians :dead:

They allow so called native Americans in they movement without considering all these white dudes who paid 5 bucks to get in the dawes roll and become part of the so called 5 civilized tribes :mjlol: so they literally call white folks edomites /devils but got pure white boys in they camp :heh:

In the kingdom we will be allowed to marry little girls.

Jesus is coming back and putting all edomites and hamites into slavery :pachaha:

They call africans nasty, even tho in scripture it's been said they ate they children and ate shyt :mjlol:

But seriously these dudes are an embarrassment :snoop:
And they think "Latino" is a race. Meaning, Thiago Splitter is acceptable to them despite being a pure "edomite" in reality

Another interesting thing about them, their lineage is through the father, the opposite of mainstream Judaism. Gee I wonder why.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
And they think "Latino" is a race. Meaning, Thiago Splitter is acceptable to them despite being a pure "edomite" in reality

Another interesting thing about them, their lineage is through the father, the opposite of mainstream Judaism. Gee I wonder why.

1. You don't know what you are talking about. We always emphasize that the so-called Latinos that are Israelites are the ones of native or black decent on their father's side. Those are the people that will wake up to being an Israelite. One of the curses is that we would be known by bywords and not our real nationality. The identities of Latino and Hispanic are bywords.

If a tare comes across, they will reject it like any Edomite that comes across the message because the Most High will harden his heart to get rebuked.

Ezekiel 37
16 Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim and for all the house of Israel his companions

This is why we have the sign up, because this a commandment for preaching the gospe on the streetl in the last days. Each tribe has a companion. Ex: Judah's is so-called Negroes. Issachar's is so-called Mexicans (Aztecs). We go through the prophecies of each tribe and they line up with those people. Something you will not understand because the book is sealed from you and your kind.

2. Mainstream Judaism is not based on the Torah, its based on the Talmud that is why they choose the mother's side because they are devils just like the rest of so-called white people. That is why they created Judaism because it opposes the Word of God. Jacob had 12 sons and 1 daughter, Dinah. Ask them why Dinah did not become a tribe. It is clear throughout the Torah and the books of the prophets (Tanakh) that lineage is paternal not maternal. They created the Talmud because the entire bible condemns the entire nation of Edom which is where they descend from. King Solomon's son, Rehoboam took over as King of Judah after his death, his mother was an Ammonite. Why didn't he become an Ammonite? Why is King Rehoboam from the tribe of Judah? Its all about the seed of the man, the woman's egg is nothing more than an incubator, it doesn't even determine the sex of the baby.

Here is a scripture to prove that the father determines nationality and tribe among Israel:

Number 1
18 And they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month, and they declared their pedigrees after their families, by the house of their fathers

You cannot find one nation that was started and named after a woman in the Bible.
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Cave Savage

Sep 7, 2014
Women's rights
1. You don't know what you are talking about. We always emphasize that the so-called Latinos that are Israelites are the ones of native or black decent on their father's side. Those are the people that will wake up to being an Israelite. One of the curses is that we would be known by bywords and not our real nationality. The identities of Latino and Hispanic are bywords.

If a tare comes across, they will reject it like any Edomite that comes across the message because the Most High will harden his heart to get rebuked.

This is why we have the sign up, because this a commandment for preaching the gospe on the streetl in the last days. Each tribe has a companion. Ex: Judah's is so-called Negroes. Issachar's is so-called Mexicans (Aztecs). We go through the prophecies of each tribe and they line up with those people. Something you will not understand because the book is sealed from you and your kind.

2. Mainstream Judaism is not based on the Torah, its based on the Talmud that is why they choose the mother's side because they are devils just like the rest of so-called white people. That is why they created Judaism because it opposes the Word of God. Jacob had 12 sons and 1 daughter, Dinah. Ask them why Dinah did not become a tribe. It is clear throughout the Torah and the books of the prophets (Tanakh) that lineage is paternal not maternal. They created the Talmud because the entire bible condemns the entire nation of Edom which is where they descend from. King Solomon's son, Rehoboam took over as King of Judah after his death, his mother was an Ammonite. Why didn't he become an Ammonite. Why is King Rehoboam from the tribe of Judah? Its all about the seed of the man, the woman's egg is nothing more than incubator, it doesn't even determine the sex of the baby.

Here is a scripture to prove that the father determines nationality and tribe among Israel:

You cannot find one nation that was started and named after a woman in the Bible.
I've heard Israelites say things along the lines of "It's not about skin color, we like Cubans and a lot of them look exactly the same as a white man". Maybe it varies from camp to camp.


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
I've heard Israelites say things along the lines of "It's not about skin color, we like Cubans and a lot of them look exactly the same as a white man". Maybe it varies from camp to camp.

Michael Warren, Cash Warren's father (bottom left)


Cash Warren and Jessica Alba


Jessica Alba and her daughters

3 generations can change the look of the family line quick. You can say that they are a lesser grain of Israel, but the seed comes from the man ALWAYS. Now you can understand why we know its not always about skin color, its about your spirit and only an Israelite can accept the gospel and know its talking directly to them. The spirit of Israel is directly tied to the Word of God, when we hear it, we know it. The wisdom of the Bible is not given to anybody else but us. All these bible schools cannot breakdown the Book of Revelation like we can. We are the only ones that know the mysteries of the Bible.

Amos 9
9 For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth

So, when its all said and done, every grain that is meant to be sifted will be sifted. Our nation (Israel) has become like a speckled bird because were were scattered, but the seed of the men is all that matters. Wherever our men went they had sons and their sons has sons, etc.

Jeremiah 12
9 Mine heritage is unto me as a speckled bird

Meaning we have become different colors but we are all part of the same bird, Israel.


On top of that, the prophecy was that part of our nation will be like a cake not turned over because of this. Ephraim is similitude for the northern kingdom (10 tribes of Israel) since Ephraim was the lead tribe for them, they represent the rest of the northern kingdom. These just so happen to be the same tribes that settled the Americas before so-called white people showed up.

Hosea 7
8 Ephraim, he hath mixed himself among the people; Ephraim is a cake not turned.

The side of the cake that is not turned over is lighter than the other side.

How do we know that the natives of the Americas and the islands are the northern kingdom of Israel? Through the prophecies. They were taken captive during the Assyrian captivity, when the Assyrian empire was taken down, they left and came to the Americas by ships.

Arsareth is the Americas even the Khazar fake Jews admit it in their own dictionary:

Arsareth: The name of the land beyond the great river, far away from the habitation of man, in which the Ten Tribes of Israel will dwell, observing the laws of Moses, until the time of the restoration, according to IV Esd. xiii. 45. Columbus identified America with this land.

So guess what? The 100s of millions of native and so-called black people that were killed during the slave trade and Edomite occupation of this land is going to be recompensed on the head of the entire so-called white race. You and your kind touched the wrong people and will pay the heaviest penalty for your crimes. You wronged the real chosen people of the Most High as you still do this day.

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May 2, 2012
Michael Warren, Cash Warren's father (bottom left)


Cash Warren and Jessica Alba


Jessica Alba and her daughters

3 generations can change the look of the family line quick. You can say that they are a lesser grain of Israel, but the seed comes from the man ALWAYS. Now you can understand why we know its not always about skin color, its about your spirit and only an Israelite can accept the gospel and know its talking directly to them. The spirit of Israel is directly tied to the Word of God, when we hear it, we know it. The wisdom of the Bible is not given to anybody else but us. All these bible schools cannot breakdown the Book of Revelation like we can. We are the only ones that know the mysteries of the Bible.

So, when its all said and done, every grain that is meant to be sifted will be sifted. Our nation (Israel) has become like a speckled bird because were were scattered, but the seed of the men is all that matters. Wherever our men went they had sons and their sons has sons, etc.

Meaning we have become different colors but we are all part of the same bird, Israel.


On top of that, the prophecy was that part of our nation will be like a cake not turned over because of this. Ephraim is similitude for the northern kingdom (10 tribes of Israel) since Ephraim was the lead tribe for them, they represent the rest of the northern kingdom. These just so happen to be the same tribes that settled the Americas before so-called white people showed up.

The side of the cake that is not turned over is lighter than the other side.

How do we know that the natives of the Americas and the islands are the northern kingdom of Israel? Through the prophecies. They were taken captive during the Assyrian captivity, when the Assyrian empire was taken down, they left and came to the Americas by ships.

Arsareth is the Americas even the Khazar fake Jews admit it in their own dictionary:

So guess what? The 100s of millions of native and so-called black people that were killed during the slave trade and Edomite occupation of this land is going to be recompensed on the head of the entire so-called white race. You and your kind touched the wrong people and will pay the heaviest penalty for your crimes. You wronged the real chosen people of the Most High as you still do this day.

Pretty much every single black person in the Americas has a white male ancestor if you go back far enough. Going by your logic none of those people are going to heaven.


Jun 28, 2013
I'ma let my dudes @Tony Muthafu%*in Tubbs @cornercommission2k12 and @Broke Wave be witnesses to this ether I'ma give @Marvel

1. You don't know what you are talking about. We always emphasize

What is all this "we" talk? You're literally African breh. You were riding that Pan Africanist wave for 2 years straight up until Feburary of this year, then tried switching personas overnight like nobody would notice.

Now you're supposedly an "expert" on UPKism, claiming your family "knew about this their whole lives" ....even though you have posts from before you started with this lame gimmick which contradict those sentiments.

You went from this.

I'm 100% African
I am a Pan-Africanist.

To this.

How did they become "Africans" if they are not the descendants of Scipio Africanus?

How do you parrot a false doctrine which condemns YOU to slavery? :mjlol:

At least the midget keeps his persona/trolling consistent. You're the definition of a double minded lame.

the so-called Latinos that are Israelites are the ones of native or black decent on their father's side. Those are the people that will wake up to being an Israelite. One of the curses is that we would be known by bywords and not our real nationality. The identities of Latino and Hispanic are bywords.

And yet you're too stupid to realize IUIC also teaches that ALL LATINOS listed on the 12 tribe chart are part of the "Northern Kingdom." In fact, ALL the other camps that adhere to that fake chart also teach it. This is why you have dudes like Sambow who were fighting tooth and nail for Manu Ginobeli, who ironically enough has CLEAR Italian lineage on his father's side. Which would make him an "Edomite" according to the same dense doctrine UPKers subscribe to.

If a tare comes across, they will reject it like any Edomite that comes across the message because the Most High will harden his heart to get rebuked

What's ironic is you have other HI camps who predate the 1 West teachings/UPKism, who wholeheartedly believe the original Hebrews were black and do NOT subscribe to Latinos and Native Americans being Israelites. What's sad is there is no real "proof" for that ridiculously dumb doctrine. And the only "proof" offered by UPkers is the fake 12 tribe chart, which poorly attempts to identify each "tribe" using weak "breakdowns," and a vague reference found in 2nd Esdras, which is a pseudographical writing from the late 1st century AD which was written by 3 different authors. And what's even crazier is, 2nd Esdras 13:45 ISN'T even saying what these camps claim it is.

And I challenge ANY of the dudes on here who subscribe to that fake "12 tribe chart" to debate me on that. I've been meaning to refute that nonsense for awhile now.

This is why we have the sign up, because this a commandment for preaching the gospe on the streetl in the last days. Each tribe has a companion. Ex: Judah's is so-called Negroes. Issachar's is so-called Mexicans (Aztecs). We go through the prophecies of each tribe and they line up with those people. Something you will not understand because the book is sealed from you and your kind.

Again, what is this "we" talk breh? You're a Hamite according to the same false belief system you're stanning.:mjlol:

2. Mainstream Judaism is not based on the Torah, its based on the Talmud that is why they choose the mother's side because they are devils just like the rest of so-called white people. That is why they created Judaism because it opposes the Word of God. Jacob had 12 sons and 1 daughter, Dinah. Ask them why Dinah did not become a tribe. It is clear throughout the Torah and the books of the prophets (Tanakh) that lineage is paternal not maternal. They created the Talmud because the entire bible condemns the entire nation of Edom which is where they descend from. King Solomon's son, Rehoboam took over as King of Judah after his death, his mother was an Ammonite. Why didn't he become an Ammonite. Why is King Rehoboam from the tribe of Judah? Its all about the seed of the man, the woman's egg is nothing more than incubator, it doesn't even determine the sex of the baby.

1. This dummy doesn't even realize the Talmud was created BY THE PHARISEES, since it is THEIR oral tradition.

2. He doesn't even realize the founder of the particular brand of HI's he's stanning (Abba Bivens) came outta of school (the Commandment Keepers) which subscribed to Judaism. In fact, Abba Bivens still practiced many of the tenets of Judaism BEFORE his death. Many of the doctrines you see now actually started AFTER his death, with Ahrayah.

Here is a scripture to prove that the father determines nationality and tribe among Israel:

Here's two examples which show how lineage was also passed through the mother.

1 Chronicles 2:34-35
34 Now Sheshan had no sons, only daughters. And Sheshan had an Egyptian servant whose name was Jarha. 35 Sheshan gave his daughter to Jarha his servant as wife, and she bore him Attai

1 Chronicles 2:17
17 Abigail bore Amasa; and the father of Amasa was Jether the Ishmaelite.

This was in Judah's genealogy FWIW. In both cases the children (and subsequent children) were considered Jews.

You cannot find one nation that was started and named after a woman in the Bible.

But we can show examples where a line was carried through the woman.

Then again, you don't actually read the Bible breh. :sas2:

Now get outta here.

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Jun 28, 2013
Pretty much every single black person in the Americas has a white male ancestor if you go back far enough. Going by your logic none of those people are going to heaven.

Gimme a sec. I'ma literally tear apart all his arguments in here. This dude is a dude who isn't even knowledgeable in the things he tries to debate.


Jun 28, 2013


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Pretty much every single black person in the Americas has a white male ancestor if you go back far enough. Going by your logic none of those people are going to heaven.

Wrong. You are basically saying that the black men were not procreating. Do you understand the parable of the wheat and tares? I'm sure you do not. That is where you are in error. Our seed is the strongest on the planet and when we drop it in a women it catches the egg. The ones that came from these seed of the black men are the ones who the inheritance pertains to....we are the wheat. A lot of Boule and Creole black families comes from white man and they know it, which is why they separate themselves because they know their line goes back to white men....these are the tares.

That is why Esau kept those kids that came out of him in the house with them and gave them privileges, he also educated them as well. They pass these stories down and even got pictures of their white great great grandfathers in their homes. Wilberforce University was created for these kind of people. Esau is not stupid he understood the importance of having those descendants set up well enough to act as a buffer. The seed of the black and native men are the ones that suffer the curses of Deuteronomy 28:15-68. If you go to Louisiana, you see whole creole communities prospering because they are not the seed of Israel and therefore are not under the curses for not keeping the laws. Over time, the god created that separation to where his seed is going to suffer in this current age and be reproach to everybody else. My dentist and her husband are Louisiana creoles and their families were eating well before and after the Civil Rights era. Because this is the age of Esau, the Most High has to bless his seed from generation to generation until his time is up and we are set up on top. Louisiana creoles can eat all the unclean foods (Leviticus 11) and not end up with the ailments that Israelites get such as diabetes, obesity, gout and high blood pressure.


May 2, 2012
Wrong. You are basically saying that the black men were not procreating. Do you understand the parable of the wheat and tares? I'm sure you do not. That is where you are in error. Our seed is the strongest on the planet and when we drop it in a women it catches the egg. The ones that came from these seed of the black men are the ones who the inheritance pertains to....we are the wheat. A lot of Boule and Creole black families comes from white man and they know it, which is why they separate themselves because they know their line goes back to white men....these are the tares.

That is why Esau kept those kids that came out of him in the house with them and gave them privileges, he also educated them as well. They pass these stories down and even got pictures of their white great great grandfathers in their homes. Wilberforce University was created for these kind of people. Esau is not stupid he understood the importance of having those descendants set up well enough to act as a buffer. The seed of the black and native men are the ones that suffer the curses of Deuteronomy 28:15-68. If you go to Louisiana, you see whole creole communities prospering because they are not the seed of Israel and therefore are not under the curses for not keeping the laws. Over time, the god created that separation to where his seed is going to suffer in this current age and be reproach to everybody else. My dentist and her husband are Louisiana creoles and their families were eating well before and after the Civil Rights era. Because this is the age of Esau, the Most High has to bless his seed from generation to generation until his time is up and we are set up on top. Louisiana creoles can eat all the unclean foods (Leviticus 11) and not end up with the ailments that Israelites get such as diabetes, obesity, gout and high blood pressure.
So slave rape didn't happen? Its well documented that the slave masters raped their slaves. The slaves who weren't raped ended up having children with mulattoes etc who had the white man's blood. DNA testing proves it.

And are you going to address czar's post?

How do you parrot a false doctrine which condemns YOU to slavery
You admitted to being an African. Aren't you condemned to hell?


Jun 28, 2013
Let's cut you some more @Marvel

Michael Warren, Cash Warren's father (bottom left)


Cash Warren and Jessica Alba


Jessica Alba and her daughters

3 generations can change the look of the family line quick. You can say that they are a lesser grain of Israel, but the seed comes from the man ALWAYS. Now you can understand why we know its not always about skin color, its about your spirit and only an Israelite can accept the gospel and know its talking directly to them. The spirit of Israel is directly tied to the Word of God, when we hear it, we know it. The wisdom of the Bible is not given to anybody else but us. All these bible schools cannot breakdown the Book of Revelation like we can. We are the only ones that know the mysteries of the Bible.

:mjlol:Again with this "we" nonsense. Not to mention, this has gotta be the stupidest argument for Latinos being Israelites, ever. Not because what you're saying about intermixing isn't true, but due to the stupid assertion that because dude's father is black, he's automatically an Israelite.

How do you know his father doesn't have Hamite descent? Especially since there is OVERWHELMING evidence of Hamites being taken on those ships.

In fact, I'ma practice bad hermeneutic like most camps and use this verse from Isaiah 19:4 to prove a point.

I will hand the Egyptians over
to the power of a cruel master,
and a fierce king will rule over them,”
declares the Lord, the Lord Almighty.

Now all I gotta do is quote Hebrewism of West Africa's claim that many tribes actually descend from the Nile Valley, specifically the Ancient Egyptians and Ethiopians, and boom... I too have used the fallacy of contextomy to perfection like most HI camps.

As for your dense assertion that the seed is ALWAYS carried through the male, the bible clearly condtradicts your statement (as proven in my other post)

Then again, you should explain to everyone why the disciple Timothy's father was a natural Greek.

Czar said:
Acts 16:1-3
Then came he to Derbe and Lystra: and, behold, a certain disciple was there, named Timothy, the son of a certain woman, which was a Jewess, and believed; but his father was a Greek: which was well reported of by the brethren that were at Lystra and Iconium. Him would Paul have to go forth with him; and took and circumcised him because of the Jews which were in those quarters: for they knew all that his father was a Greek.

And before you claim his father was an Israelite "living in a Gentile state of mind"

Acts 16:1 Greek Text
Acts 16:2 Greek text
Acts 16:3 Greek text

^Original Greek with the English translation.

Strong's Greek: 1672. Ἕλλην (Hellén) -- a Greek, usually a name for a Gentile
Hellén: a Greek, usually a name for a Gentile
Original Word: Ἕλλην, ηνος, ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: Hellén
Phonetic Spelling: (hel'-lane)
Short Definition: a Hellene, a Greek
Definition: a Hellene, the native word for a Greek; it is, however, a term wide enough to include all Greek-speaking (i.e. educated) non-Jews.

By contrast, THIS would've indicated his father was a Hellenized Jew (which he wasn't).

Strong's Greek: 1675. Ἑλληνιστής (Hellénistés) -- a Hellenist (Greek-speaking Jew)
Hellénistés: a Hellenist (Greek-speaking Jew)
Original Word: Ἑλληνιστής, ου, ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: Hellénistés
Phonetic Spelling: (hel-lay-nis-tace')
Short Definition: a Hellenist, Grecian Jew
Definition: a Hellenist, Grecian Jew, a Greek-speaking Jew, that is one who can speak Greek only and not Hebrew (or Aramaic).

Our nation (Israel)

I'm 100% African
I am a Pan-Africanist.


I'm not saying Africa is a nation. But you're the same dude who was vehemently Hamitic in the not too distant past...

Meaning we have become different colors but we are all part of the same bird, Israel.


:mjlol: @ "we have become different colors" News flash dummy, the Israelites were already different colors WITHIN THE BIBLE. Due to the fact they were comprised of native borns and proselytes (strangers) from other nations. Why do you think Songs of Solomon identifies Solomon as being Adom, and his lover as being Shechorah (dark/black)

On top of that, the prophecy was that part of our nation will be like a cake not turned over because of this. Ephraim is similitude for the northern kingdom (10 tribes of Israel) since Ephraim was the lead tribe for them, they represent the rest of the northern kingdom. These just so happen to be the same tribes that settled the Americas before so-called white people showed up.

The side of the cake that is not turned over is lighter than the other side.

Lol I was wondering when you'd use try using Hosea 7:8, which is a favorite of IUIC, and one they've been cut on in the past.

First off, let's look at the context (which HIs HATE to do)

Hosea 7:1-10
1 “When I would have healed Israel,
Then the iniquity of Ephraim was uncovered,
And the wickedness of Samaria.
For they have committed fraud;
A thief comes in;
A band of robbers takes spoil outside.
2 They do not consider in their hearts
That I remember all their wickedness;
Now their own deeds have surrounded them;
They are before My face.
3 They make a king glad with their wickedness,
And princes with their lies.

4“They are all adulterers.
Like an oven heated by a baker—
He ceases stirring the fire after kneading the dough,
Until it is leavened.
5 In the day of our king
Princes have made him sick, inflamed with wine;
He stretched out his hand with scoffers.
6 They prepare their heart like an oven,
While they lie in wait;

Their baker sleeps all night;
In the morning it burns like a flaming fire.
7 They are all hot, like an oven,
And have devoured their judges;
All their kings have fallen.
None among them calls upon Me.
8 “Ephraim has mixed himself among the peoples;
Ephraim is a cake unturned.

9 Aliens have devoured his strength,
But he does not know it;
Yes, gray hairs are here and there on him,
Yet he does not know it.
10 And the pride of Israel testifies to his face,
But they do not return to the Lord their God,
Nor seek Him for all this.

Ephraim (the 10 Tribes) mixing amongst the nations had to do with them taking on the pagan practices of the other nations, which God continually FORBID them to do (this becomes clear as day when reading chapter 6).

Verse 8 had NOTHING to do with Ephraim being "black" and becoming lighter due to intermixing On the contrary, in the parable the cake was BURNED. :mjlol:

I honestly question the reading comprehension of most HI (or HI stans) by default.

How do we know that the natives of the Americas and the islands are the northern kingdom of Israel? Through the prophecies. They were taken captive during the Assyrian captivity, when the Assyrian empire was taken down, they left and came to the Americas by ships.

Arsareth is the Americas even the Khazar fake Jews admit it in their own dictionary:

(Just an FYI, I don't subscribe to this dude's beliefs, but he DEFINITELY cuts that nonsense)

And last time I check, Christopher Columbus was an "Edomite," according to the dumb doctrine you're parroting. He was also a Roman Catholic and 2nd Esdras was an appendix in the Latin Vulgate. Meaning, it was not considered canonical.

He simply used the verse to sway the monarchs to fund his voyage to the new world. He did not use it as a map to sail to the Americas as the fake "12 tribe chart" supporters erroneously claim.

And anyone with common sense knows 2nd Esdras is a false book which wasn't even written by Ezra, nor existed during Ezra's time.

So guess what?

No need to guess, you just got
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Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
So slave rape didn't happen? Its well documented that the slave masters raped their slaves. The slaves who weren't raped ended up having children with mulattoes etc who had the white man's blood. DNA testing proves it.

And are you going to address czar's post?

You admitted to being an African. Aren't you condemned to hell?

1. Are you slow?....didn't I tell you that Boule and Creoles were descendants of those Edomite slaveholders. Stop acting as if the black men were not spending their spare time getting women pregnant at night. Travel around the US, its obvious that Jake is having kids left and right...we are not impotent.I know that you are tare and want to get in this but the Most High is not dealing with you, you are a tare that is going to burned as it pertains the parable of wheat and tares. I don't address Czar because dude is a Khazar agent and is the devil so he has been on my ignore list for a long time.

2. My parents are Igbo (Ibo) pronounced E-bo, we were called that by Africans because that was the name of Eber, the name to the word Hebrew came from. Ebo was a linglistic corruption of Eber. We were the main people targeted for the slave trade to America. We don't get along with Hamite tribes in Africa. All Israelite camps even know that Igbos are not Hamites but Israelites you can go from GMS to even IUIC and they will tell you. It has been common knowledge to them for decades. Igbos and African-Americans are carbon copies...we are the same people...Hebrew Israelites. Our tribe always get the, "you don't look African" comments...because we are not...we are Hebrews. ex: Oguchi Onyewu, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Robert Nkemdiche, Nnamdi Asomugha, Osi Umeniorya, Emeka Okafor, Jahlil Okafor, Jay-Jay Okocha


Newspaper ad of runaway Ibo negro in Willamsburg, Va 1766

Book has original document from slave ships showing the slaves were majority Igbo in the Americas.
Only place in America named after a people taken off the coast of West Africa

Proverbs 17
10 A reproof entereth more into a wise man than an hundred stripes into a fool.
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