naw ma, I didn't see guns to these womens head.... They seemed very excited to shake that ass and excersice female priverlege. Most of my female friends from HS are dancers, seriously. They make a ton of money, get a ton of shyt..... and that's why they do. It goes both ways... listen to the female lyrics in the song below... That's reality.I think some of you are getting confused. Feminists are not shaming the women who participated. For the most part they did what they wanted to do. The author is saying how ingenuous and despicable Juicy J's intentions were because he encouraged the women to participate in a behavior almost explicitly, then shamed the ones who did as beneath himself and the ones who didn't.
He was basically exercising male privilege by encouraging a behavior he participates and finds gratification in, and then condemning those who partake in it with him but on the other side of it. It was even worse than normal because he was doing so over a group of women without the means to a higher education, so basically exploiting those seeking to better themselves.
The response would have been entirely different if he hadn't promoted it as a twerking contest and gave it to a woman who didn't twerk. Or even if he had promoted it as a twerking contest, gave it to a woman who didn't twerk, and just didn't shame and look down on the women who did.
White people have been posting this meme everywhere. It's inaccurate, though, friend. There was nothing in the terms stating that twerking wasn't a requirement.
Where can we read the terms?
Nowhere in the scholarship application guidelines is "twerking" mentioned, and Holmes says she recognized that loophole from the get-go.
“You don’t have to be able to twerk to win this $50,000 dollar scholarship,“ he told XXL Magazine in August. "It’s not all about dancing and twerking. It’s about your personality. So I want people to know that if you want to twerk that’s on you but you don’t have to do that to win that scholarship. You can just send me a video of showing me how smart you are or what your goals in life are for me to give you this money. It’s for people who use their brains, too.”
Do you have a source? Juicy J said this before the end of the scholarship.
“You don’t have to be able to twerk to win this $50,000 dollar scholarship.” Juicy told us about the scholarship. “Just submit a video telling me “Why do you deserve this $50,000 dollar scholarship?” It’s not all about dancing and twerking. It’s about your personality. So I want people to know that if you want to twerk that’s on you but you don’t have to do that to win that scholarship. You can just send me a video of showing me how smart you are or what your goals in life are for me to give you this money. It’s for people who use their brains, too.”
Edit: Huffington Post confirms: