Julius Skrrvin
I be winkin' through the scope
my breh Juice for setting up a magnificent
. He's a misogynist though.

I think it's safe to say that he just didn't think this all the way through. I do not think anyone should be surprised at the outcome and though it might be messed up for me to reiterate this: those women should have read the fine print. Plenty of women shake their behinds for cash but these opportunists wanted to take the easy way and enter a contest? I really cannot offer any sympathy. Both sides are at fault. It seems like the only person with any sense is the scholarship winner.
Rappers are not role models or saints. The black feminist movement is necessary in my eyes but I think they pick the wrong battles and there is a large amount of hypocrisy in that circle. "We are disgusted at booty rappers' attempts to get women to shake their booties for money. We are disgusted when they give the money to a woman that didn't twerk and maintained self respect. You see, Mr. Strip Club Rapper, no matter what you do it will be wrong.". If black feminists want to keep it real, they should shun the women that entered the contest as well. Misogyny is a problem but how mad can you really be when a bunch of women are supporting it? You can't bow down willingly and then blame the master.
1. There was no fine print. The contest rules never stated that twerking was necessary, though they did not state that twerking was optional, either. Juicy used that to try and claim at the end that because it never said it was necessary, by default it was optional. That is weak as hell.
2. The Black feminists who wrote the article praised the woman who won the scholarship. They are not demonizing her. They are criticizing Juicy J for his incoherent double standards.
He wants to condemn the women as hos while also encouraging women to be hos at the same time. It's a bizarre, love-hate relationship with Black women.
Squeeze on my nuts
Lick on my butt
The natural curly hair, please don't touch
2) The rest of you are focusing in on Juicy.. lol, that dude is funny, imo.. and we all know he's sexist, a degrader..
You guys never see the silver lining in Anything.
1)@twism is delusional about hip hop and urban culture.... and the potential of those in it.
They can empower.. black female empower... and pull their resources together to create a scholarship... anyone can do that... and if they can't they probably should be shutting the fukk up about people who do give young black girls money for college.What makes you think they have 50k to give away? Most Black feminists aren't rich, just like most other people concerned with the Black struggle. But that being said, there are scholarships for Black women out there from women's foundations.
Anyway, why are you defending him? Yes, we know he's a degrader- so why are you throwing that out there casually like it's a reason to give him a pass for it, like it's just some natural trait we have to accept? If this is what passes for pro-Black now, then things are even worse than I thought.
the people who it doesn't affect can listen , get advanced degrees.. and build their communities later in life - Is the point and why @theworldismine13 was @ed . Not a big deal - that dude is funny.... been funny since we were kids. And on his Troll shyt.
True Hip Hop is a term that describes the independent collective consciousness of a specific group of inner-city people. Ever growing, it is commonly expressed through such elements as: Breakin’, Emceein’, Grafiti art, Dee Jayin’ Beatboxin’, Street Fashion, Street Language, Street Knowledge and Street Entrepreneurialism. Hiphop is not just music and dance, nor is Hip Hop a product to be bought and sold. Discovered by Kool DJ Herc in the Bronx, New York around 1972, and established as a community of peace, love, unity and having fun by Afrika Bambaataa through the Zulu Nation in 1974, Hip Hop is an independent and unique community, an empowering behavior, and an international culture.”
so in shorti think you are just a little bytch who got offended cuz i dissed rap music and then got your panties in a bunch cuz i said that black people need to be more academic
just because some corporation puts out something and calls it rap music doesnt mean its hip hop or that its something that has to be respected
as far as this this story, its neither here nor there as far as what i was saying, it doesnt prove anything, is this story suppose to prove that rap music isnt garbage that is controlled by people that dont care about black culture?
and on top of that you missed my overall point that rap music has to be more hip hop, hip hop has an actual definition and actual elements, one of the elements is knowledge
so in short
he's embracing capitalism as well.yeah im definitely mad, why are bringing my name into this thread? cuz i dissed rap music and said its garbage? are you saying that this story proves that rap music isnt garbage?
this story is such a weak pro corporate rap argument im insulted that you would demand a response from me