Black female journalist asks why Black men can't wear their GF's jeans like white hipster men?


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
That wasn't the point of the article in any way. I get that the collective IQ around here is lower than 100, and that most of you all don't have deeper thoughts than "mah dikk my big dikk that every man envies and wants me strong masculine rah", but that's not a problem for the rest of us, so my sympathy is light when it comes to you all not being able to understand complex ideas.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
This sounds like some young girl stuff.
The author sounds like the type that would go on a predominantly white forum and ask "why don't white guys like black girls?"

But yo...I am straight up sick and tired of everyone and anyone saying "why can't black men be like white men?" "why can't black people be like whites/asians/indians/jews/etc?"

Just shut up y'all. :stopitslime:that's why we are who we are...cause we're not like everyone else. We the ORIGINAL! That's why everyone hates us and envies us at the same time. I can be around any other group of men or people and not feel threatened cause I know I'm a one out of one. Meanwhile I know I look good. I know I'm fly. I know I got it going on. When I walk in a room, everybody looks at me. Women with their boyfriends check me out. Dudes sweating me and feeling intimidated. meanwhile all these white people looking the same and even when they go out of their way to stand out with tons of tattoos and piercings and crazy clothes still don't receive a fifth of the attention a black man or woman just doing them does.

People like that are not happy with themselves period...let alone being black.

I'm all for the humanization of black men in the media and on a societal level and I'm also for everyone and anyone doing what they want. If a nikka wants to wear a dress that's on him...but some brothas and sistas need to stop asking black people to change cause of their own insecurities and wanting to appease others.

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
You have to realized why would a white publication would even allow a black female to publish anything concerning black men while not being detrimental to them.

It is because this article IS low-key c00ning

She is celebrating and ENCOURAGING black men in major films, to be COWARDLY. That's why the editor ran the piece.

No, in this day in age, black men CANNOT be cowardly.

She mentions racists were mad because Finn was black. Then she said that PEOPLE (IE black people) were mad because he wasnt a strong black male. What she omit to mention is that the racist WERE NOT mad when Star Wars came out because he was portrayed as the total opposite of what they FEARED.

Look at Gotham. The lead protagonist, Det Gordon, is a white male who takes chances, is brazen, cocky, not afraid to push the ladder, threaten corrupt superiors, go after the bad guys, and go against the grain of the corrupt police force, EVEN IF HE IS ALONE IN DOING SO. Not to mention he has MULTIPLE love interests. I dont think he ever cried in season 1. As idealistic and one-sided this character is, THAT IS THE POINT OF HIS PORTRAYAL. THIS is what Black males should be portrayed as. NOT LIKE FINN who was seen as a buffoon, running away, looking up to other people, and chasing a girl who was NOT interested in him.

Her reasoning of Finn being scared is ASININE. Of course humans become scared. But to make a driving point in a major action picture is stupid. If he was white, he would have been portrayed much differently.

Yes, she is low-key c00ning. She doesn't like the masculine, high-testosterone black male action stars of yesteryear. SHe is encouraging MORE portrayals like Kevin Hart and Finn and even a feminized Jaden Smith. Nah b, I'll take Michael Jae White's characters in action movies over cowardly Kevin Hart movies in a heartbeat. :camby:

This. (Slow claps)

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
This is a problem. Why can't we have both? Why is it always a binary with one side demanding hyper masculinity, and another a gumbel type clown?

I don't understand the criticisms of Finn. Dude is a youngin who was scared, yet still stepped up. What would you rather have had? A denzel who is automatically ready to scrap? Guess what, theres plenty of films with those black characters. Finn was different because he was a black man that got to play a normal, non-stereotyped character. He was great because i could see a white person playing him just as easily. We need more of them, rather than characters being rewritten simply to incorporate a black actor.

What black people need in the media as much as hero fantasy tropes is to be normalised. For too long we've either been hyper masculine, or goofy scary movie cowards. It's time we get to be in middle like everyone else.

You right. There has to be a balance. Maybe next film he would different.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Let a woman define masculinity for you brehs :mjlol:
This si the thing that is 100000% pathetic about this. This woman is doing just that.

The last thing the black community needs is it's men consisting of a bunch of sissy boys wearing dresses and girls jeans when cops and white supremacists killing us with no disregard and no consequence. While we are at war and getting attacked from all sides. And that's a fact.

This woman is actively encouraging the feminization of black males....that's agent shyt.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
But once again, if you're black, the media they put out is to destroy your spirit and confidence.
This is why I encourage black men and women to...AVOID the media. (social media is alright)

Yes. Don't fukk with TV. Don't fukk with movies. Don't fukk with entertainment where the black guy gets killed first in the horror movie, or the white guy is the hero and the asexual black sidekick only offers comic relief. That damaging.

One of the reasons I'm happy I stopped watching TV. My self-esteem is through the roof now. Haven't watched or owned one since 2008. Started working out. Started reading more about black and african history. Started doing yoga and kickboxing. started to strengthen my mind soul and body repair the damage (or attempt to) that this society wreaked on my mind.


Apr 15, 2015
It's not like he had control over how his character was portrayed, he's just reciting lines and scripts.

I think his character was portrayed pretty well. Breh wasn't as cowardly as they made him out to be. It was more like he was fed up with war and wanted to leave. He proved himself to be a pretty ballsy guy and a great fighter though

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
I know alot of black women probably mean well, but women shouldn't have to speak up for us and have a say about our manhood

That's why we have homosexuals and the LGBT community leading movements and black women being the sole head of households too often

We can refine our masculinity without snipping it away and throwing glitter on it

I take mental notes on how lots of black males (16-30's) don't even look people in the eye when they talk vs. Everyone else that does it. Same age, same gender. Sad
AS a man who grew up in a two parent household, watching this single mother matriarch be the representative of the black community en masse is PATHETIC.

A woman cannot raise a boy to be a man. A woman knows nothing about being a man. That's why we got all these effeniminate/emasculated ass nikkas walking around talking borderline gay on some homies over hoes shyt. In skinny jeans and white gay designer fashion. They spent the majority of their childhood with their moms while they got their nails and hair done...fukk kind of enviroment is that for a MAN to grow up in?

I thank my daddy...everyday for being a shining beacon of manhood for me to emulate and pillar of strength for my family.

I'm sick of everyone trying to dissect and destroy black masculinity cause they think everything we do is property of theirs and they can do whatever they want with us. fukk that. I see why nikkas on this board fukk with athletes, cause they atleast a shining example of black masculinity...and in a lesser respect, gangsta rappers. They've been tryna destroy the black man for a minute...and how do that? Lowering the black man on the level of a woman.

The crossdressing
The promotion of gay black men over straight black men in corporate america and the media

I'm sick of it at this point.