Black female journalist asks why Black men can't wear their GF's jeans like white hipster men?


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
You have to realized why would a white publication would even allow a black female to publish anything concerning black men while not being detrimental to them.

It is because this article IS low-key c00ning

She is celebrating and ENCOURAGING black men in major films, to be COWARDLY. That's why the editor ran the piece.

No, in this day in age, black men CANNOT be cowardly.

She mentions racists were mad because Finn was black. Then she said that PEOPLE (IE black people) were mad because he wasnt a strong black male. What she omit to mention is that the racist WERE NOT mad when Star Wars came out because he was portrayed as the total opposite of what they FEARED.

Look at Gotham. The lead protagonist, Det Gordon, is a white male who takes chances, is brazen, cocky, not afraid to push the ladder, threaten corrupt superiors, go after the bad guys, and go against the grain of the corrupt police force, EVEN IF HE IS ALONE IN DOING SO. Not to mention he has MULTIPLE love interests. I dont think he ever cried in season 1. As idealistic and one-sided this character is, THAT IS THE POINT OF HIS PORTRAYAL. THIS is what Black males should be portrayed as. NOT LIKE FINN who was seen as a buffoon, running away, looking up to other people, and chasing a girl who was NOT interested in him.

Her reasoning of Finn being scared is ASININE. Of course humans become scared. But to make a driving point in a major action picture is stupid. If he was white, he would have been portrayed much differently.

Yes, she is low-key c00ning. She doesn't like the masculine, high-testosterone black male action stars of yesteryear. SHe is encouraging MORE portrayals like Kevin Hart and Finn and even a feminized Jaden Smith. Nah b, I'll take Michael Jae White's characters in action movies over cowardly Kevin Hart movies in a heartbeat. :camby:
This is in the running for post of the year.


Aug 17, 2014
That wasn't the point of the article in any way. I get that the collective IQ around here is lower than 100, and that most of you all don't have deeper thoughts than "mah dikk my big dikk that every man envies and wants me strong masculine rah", but that's not a problem for the rest of us, so my sympathy is light when it comes to you all not being able to understand complex ideas.
Yet, you still post here on a regular basis despite having such an obvious disdain towards any damn thing pertaining to black males.:jbhmm:


Aug 17, 2014
I didn't ask "how" Black people are oppressed, I asked "why", why are all these masculine Black males allowing themselves to be oppressed by another group, why aren't Black people oppressing whites instead considering all the masculine men we have in our community?
Masculinity doesn't equate to power, genius.


Aug 17, 2014
Kevin Hart is one of the few black superstar comedians to challenge the restrictive archetype of a black man’s strength. He’s always transparent about being scared, poking fun of himself and making it cool to be not cool. His role in “Ride Along 2,” out next week, is the silly sidekick who is often scared but prevails.

“My favorite thing about him is his vulnerability,” Keion Jackson, a Kansas City creative writer, told me when Hart was performing here in August. “I think he is subversive in a way he might not get credit for, because his voice is so high-pitched, and he is loud. But he challenges stereotypes around how hard black men are required to be. It gives permission to explore topics in a more personal way, as opposed to commenting on the things from the outside.

“He says what a lot of men feel but have not been culturally allowed to say, and he does it in a way that is charismatic and funny. There is a confident strength, a loud defiance in it.”
:ohhh:I knew there was another reason I didn't care for Kevin Hart! It has nothing to do with showing fear. His persona is just irritating.


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
I didn't ask "how" Black people are oppressed, I asked "why", why are all these masculine Black males allowing themselves to be oppressed by another group, why aren't Black people oppressing whites instead considering all the masculine men we have in our community?

War on drugs, assassination of our leaders, govt infiltrating early gangs and turned them into bandit self death squads spreading terror in our community, the epidemic if c00ning that prevents black folks to not be on the same page let alone read the same book. Add upon this that after slavery white folks still terrorized us, passed laws to prevent us to vote, burn down entire communities etc. Also one thing I said before us we act too nice and try to have white accept us. When you try to play nice people naturally see you weak and take advantage of you and will crush you.

Knuckles Red

Jun 22, 2015
The world is a cruel and ruthless place. Look at every group of men they are hyper masculine. The arabs are ruthless agai st their enemies see the wars in Iraq, Yemen and Syria. White europeans ruled the world through ruthless efficiency and brutality oppressing non whites. In this world there isnt time to be emotional or getting in touch of our feelings. Its a dog eat dog world where only the strong and ruthless survive. If you show weakness then you are food. Yes there can be pockets of effeminate black men but why should the ENTIRE group of black to be touching their effeminate side? Hell no!
Many woman are right to say we dont provide enough so they can act like loyal feminine womalen cuz we fail to protect our community. But how the hell you want us to do that but act effeminate? Makes no sense. Its a cruel world and only the strong survive.
White people ruled the world because of geographic luck, production of food, immunity to germs, and the use of steel along with being surrounded by plants and animals that could be easily domesticated.

"In this world there isnt time to be emotional or getting in touch of our feelings."

But the vast majority of fatherless black males ARE emotional. That emotion is expressed in the form of anger, rage and violence. Being emotional doesn't just mean sitting on the ground and crying. The vast majority of these fatherless black males have absolutely no control of their emotions. Thats a problem.

"Yes there can be pockets of effeminate black men but why should the ENTIRE group of black to be touching their effeminate side?"

Thats not what the article was about though. The article was about the narrow set of emotions black men are allowed to express as a result of how marginalized we are. It shouldn't be an issue for Jaden to wear the clothes he's wearing. He shouldn't get ostracized or made fun of for that. The same way Treyvon Martin should not have been killed for the way he was dressed. We, as black men, should be allowed to exist outside of these detrimental stereotypes cast on us by the racist white dominate society. That is what I took away from the article.
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Aug 17, 2014
If Black men aren't submissive and spineless why are Black men still living under the rule of the people who enslaved them, that doesn't seem all that "masculine" to me?

I know you think you said something really profound......but it is just profoundly stupid.

What "rule" are Black men living under that everyone else in this society is not living under? Specify.


Nov 19, 2013
There it is. That's that inflated sense of power and control over black males and our capabilities as leaders.

It's always going to come down to dikk, p*ssy and sex in these conversations, but gender roles and masculinity is so much more deeper.

But naw, "nikkas" are only reduced to p*ssy hounds. Simple, base, hypersexual beasts.

fukk power structure and the negative implications of having a weak effeminate males. It's all about p*ssy :francis:


You're either confused or playing dumb. You should reread this whole converstation.

"Why can't we let black men be human?"

I get what he's talking about. You guys get called gay a lot for the littlest things by black women and other black men.

If you hug your bestfriend you're gay, go on a trip with your male friends and share a hotel room, gay, care about the way you look, gay, care about the way the women you would/wouldn't be attracted look, gay, interested in pop culture, gay, take care of your hair, gay, cry, gay, express feelings in certain ways, gay, get revenge gay, reject a woman, gay, argue with a woman, gay, watch certain shows gay.

Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay

Wearing women's clothes and being a weak, dishonest coward, you might as well be a fakkit

Who said anything about being a weak dishonest coward?

I didn't see that anywhere.

That what Finn is in Star Wars

I don't watch star wars. This article's main point and my post in here have nothing to do with starwars. It's about black males and people's idea of masculinity.
Finn and peoples' opinion of the character is main piece of the article. He was shoehorned in there to mask the true intention of the article. The writer believes that we should relax the requirements of black masculinity

My point is that the criticism of black men's standards of masculinity by you, as a female, and the writer's, are null because y'all aren't black men yourselves

No, Jaden can't wear dresses and no, your daddy can't wear your mother's panties and still be considered a man in terms of masculinity

Masculinity and femininity have their standards

Women influence and decide what is masculine as well. Women have a strong influence on what is considered masculine or not. Stronger than men b/c your lives usually revolve around pssy.You all won't do something if women think you're gay or not a real man for doing it. I've seen it plenty of times.

Just like some women lie about their sexual history because they don't want men to think they're hoes.

Women and men both influence what is seen as masculine/feminine.

But women have more control over what is seen as feminine than men have over what is seen as masculine. Because of feminism, gender roles and double standards.

I didn't say anything like that in any of my posts.

I see why you only quoted one line and deleted everything else . You had an agenda you were trying to push since the first time you quoted my post in here.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
I know you think you said something really profound......but it is just profoundly stupid.

What "rule" are Black men living under that everyone else in this society is not living under? Specify.

good point, Black people are living under the exact same rule as everyone else, so what exactly are Black people complaining about?


Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
If Black men aren't submissive and spineless why are Black men still living under the rule of the people who enslaved them, that doesn't seem all that "masculine" to me?


Because our people are broken and need WW3 to even the odds :manny:

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
Breh, concerning the phasing part: black people arent being portrayed in major motion pictures like they were in the 80s and 90s. We dont see new franchises like Becerly Hills Cop or Lethal Weapon (other then Bad Boys). Denzel is getting older and we still dont have a replacement. Wesely Snipes is older as well and has been tainted. I really dont see a young martial artist with acting talent as his replacement (Lateef Chowder cant act like Snipes).

Kevin Hart is trying hard to be the next Eddie Murphey but he is no where as well rounded as he is.

Hollywood is trying hard to stuff Tyler Perry as a leading black male. Maybe Michael B Jordan will be the next blsck A-list actor but I dont see him commanding a presence on the screen like Denzel, Sam, or Idris. Hell I gotta watch a BBC show, Luther, to see a intelligent black male using his brain to solve problems. Rosewood is another show. But thatz it.

Blacks will be regulated to cowardly sambo roles, comedy relief, or bedwench roles. I see it in various shows today, if they even have any blsck characters. Its no coicedence that the highest rated tv show, Big Bang Theory, has no regular black actors.

I see what you're saying. I thought you meant a complete phase out. But yea.. don't got it like it was in the 80s-90s.

Never watched the BBt... but yeah no coincidence. Just like Friends..

Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
I think a lot of hyper masculinity, with some black dudes, goes back to not having a father. I said this in that thread about Jaden--that he probably feels validated by his father in a way that I don't think you can if you grow up without one. Its almost like black dudes who don't have fathers are on a mission to prove to the world that they are manly men when they have no real idea of what a real man is or looks like. And as I've said before, these fatherless black males ARE emotional. Super emotional. Often times, though, this emotion gets expressed in the form of anger and rage.
Hyper masculinity has been the way of white and black men

Stop acting like black men are the only macho ones
U Bama ass spoofs
Really only see negative in the black race

U a legit c00n

Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
If Black men aren't submissive and spineless why are Black men still living under the rule of the people who enslaved them, that doesn't seem all that "masculine" to me?

You legit need a hug
You effeminate and self hating like a mafukka
Take that 504 out ya sn