Black Dudes Are Natural PUAs

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
I'm a :smugdraper: (whiteboy), and most of my cac brethren are shyt at talking to girls. Raised by protective parents, not much social experience, lack the balls to roll up to the opposite sex... Just :flabbynsick: status at game.

Black dudes, on the other hand... Confident, no hang-ups and full-on direct with chicks. A *much* higher % of y'all approach women all the fukking time and are basically naturals at pick-up from sheer experience and trial+error.


I can't even hate - I learned a lot from watching black dudes around girls. I'm basically fearless, I have no shame in my game and I know what these heaux want :takedat:. Those traits + being white = :win:

Thank you black dudes.
what are some of the lines you used? how fearless? how do you handle rejection from females? do you game just a chick at bar, or with her friends or on the dance floor?

Hollywood Co

Primetime Reppin
May 1, 2012
Eastside Atl -
What you're using is called a "straw man argument." On top of that, by saying that anyone agreeing with me is a c00n, you're trying to strong-arm people into taking your side out of fear.

While this is good for persuading people, your logic is fallacious and you're basically full of shyt. Read the opening post, take it all in, go for a walk and think - you'll understand (though you'll probably pretend not to just like you did right there).

You just wrote a bunch bullshyt right here but ok

I understand what you wrote just fine but the overtones of this thread are blatant and you even highlighted the shyt yourself.

The uncomfortable fact is, whites are worse at social skills and blacks are worse academically. You can be :umad: all you want, but that's the general trend.

No straw man needed here because this post is mirrors my analogy to the tee. :smh:

If you're black and cosigning this dude, you're a c00n straight up.
May 19, 2012
what are some of the lines you used? how fearless? how do you handle rejection from females? do you game just a chick at bar, or with her friends or on the dance floor?

1. I don't use lines at this point, I improvise. If I'm too tired, I say "I thought you were cute" or "I like your look," or even just "hello"... It's situational.

2. Rejection? I'll use today as an example.

Today a girl didn't show up to a date we'd agreed on this morning. I got 1 new number, then went on a mini-date with another girl I met on the spot while waiting for my initial date to show up.

Later on the flakey girl reappeared and now her ass is buying me lunch Wednesday. (Lunch because I don't want to waste more evening time on a girl who has a history of flaking.. this way I only lose daytime hours if she no-shows).

In short, rejection doesn't matter. Meeting women is like poker - there's a method to the madness, but it's also a numbers game. When a girl "rejects" me in any way, there are hundreds of reasons for it - bad experiences, bad situations, bad timing, etc. It's never personal - always on to the next.

3. I'll be real - my club/bar game is mehhhh status. I can pull girls, but I'm much more comfortable doing that in cafes, on the streets and other daytime venues.

I don't have the luxury of having lots of leisure time, so I try to meet women in everyday situations and that's where I have the most experience.

I'd love to go out a lot for 1-2 months and take my nightgame to the next level, but I don't have that kind of time, unfortunately :(.


4. How fearless.. I'm comfortable walking up to single girls, mixed groups and girls walking in pairs. I'm not afraid to get physical and direct quickly. I don't seek approval so I'm not one of those guys who are too careful/nervous about saying something the girl won't like.

Of course I still get the jitters and fail to approach girls I like sometimes, I think everyone does. There are a few specific things that still make me nervous - walking up to girls walking with guys (boy+girl), women in very expensive cars (audi, mercedes, bmws and up), women significantly older than myself (7-8 years+). I'm working on all that though.

You just wrote a bunch bullshyt right here but ok

I understand what you wrote just fine but the overtones of this thread are blatant and you even highlighted the shyt yourself.

No straw man needed here because this post is mirrors my analogy to the tee. :smh:

If you're black and cosigning this dude, you're a c00n straight up.

you'll understand (though you'll probably pretend not to just like you did right there).

It doesn't mirror anything to a tee. What I said is pretty solid, and I explained why on the first few pages. However, like I said earlier, you will keep pretending to not get what I mean - or maybe you really don't get it. In either case, I had your simple ass figured out from the start.


Eternally Jaded

Jun 19, 2012
CT/North-east Caribbean American Crew
You just wrote a bunch bullshyt right here but ok

I understand what you wrote just fine but the overtones of this thread are blatant and you even highlighted the shyt yourself.

No straw man needed here because this post is mirrors my analogy to the tee. :smh:

If you're black and cosigning this dude, you're a c00n straight up.

I didn't even see that.

But, even as a proud brother, what he said isn't exactly false.
Our girls are going and graduating from college at a degree that the brothers aren't anywhere close to replicating.
At all.

It's an unpleasant truth, but the fact that its a :bryan: sayin it, doesn't make it any less true, only harder to take.
Just means we've got to change the priorities of the culture.

And urban minded, i meant by people with hip hop as their go to culture.
I don't subscribe to the motto that people can act black, white or any shade in between.


New Hope For the HaveNotz
May 6, 2012
Buzz City, NC :blessed:
I'm a :smugdraper: (whiteboy), and most of my cac brethren are shyt at talking to girls. Raised by protective parents, not much social experience, lack the balls to roll up to the opposite sex... Just :flabbynsick: status at game.

Black dudes, on the other hand... Confident, no hang-ups and full-on direct with chicks. A *much* higher % of y'all approach women all the fukking time and are basically naturals at pick-up from sheer experience and trial+error.


I can't even hate - I learned a lot from watching black dudes around girls. I'm basically fearless, I have no shame in my game and I know what these heaux want :takedat:. Those traits + being white = :win:

Thank you black dudes.
Too bad white dudes don't have a black dikk, Being black and stretching out your girls p*ssy >>>>>> :myman: