Black Dudes Are Natural PUAs

Eternally Jaded

Jun 19, 2012
CT/North-east Caribbean American Crew
I'm not crying about racism, just acknowledging such. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. And just because someone's not TRYING to offend (in your eyes), doesn't mean they aren't saying anything stupid.

So which one are you, cool or smart? Or just all around c00n? :heh:

And you know most "urban minded" (:laugh: or whatever that means) black guys correct?

This is the equivalent of black dudes getting excited when white women fetishize them. Only you guys get excited when white guys do it. :scusthov:

I remember you from sohh, and you're still the angry azz dude, just tilting at windmills fabricated in your mind.

I never agreed that black dudes are natural pick up artists.
There were black dudes at the bonfire party i referenced, and they were just as swagless as the dudes playing hackysak instead of talking to females.

Its not ingrained, but cultural mores set expectations for people.

What i will maintain, is that when white guys hang out with cool black dudes, the coolness/swag/carriage tends to rub off on them.

Rappers/R&B used to embody coolness, at least when i was growing up and listening intently.
They were just the coolest cats, with the prettiest women and the best parties, etc.
Not the southern rappers, their era was similarly minded, but there was a blatant disrespect for women present in the music that turned my lip down.

You live in a setting where culture expects you to be smoother, cooler and more confident, you try to be cooler, smoother and confident. And when you see success doing the above, it becomes natural.
When you fail, you end up on message boards bashing black men, black women, and the world and are generally seen as angry and unpleasant.

See Topaz, yourself and others.

dr. pill biden

All Star
Jun 6, 2012
Ummmm.....This OP reeks of latent cuckold desires.

Can I watch you watch your dikk get hard while you watch your wife bang a naturally swagged out black guy? :noah:


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
I remember you from sohh, and you're still the angry azz dude, just tilting at windmills fabricated in your mind.
I never agreed that black dudes are natural pick up artists.
There were black dudes at the bonfire party i referenced, and they were just as swagless as the dudes playing hackysak instead of talking to females.
Its not ingrained, but cultural mores set expectations for people.
What i will maintain, is that when white guys hang out with cool black dudes, the coolness/swag/carriage tends to rub off on them.
Rappers/R&B used to embody coolness, at least when i was growing up and listening intently.
They were just the coolest cats, with the prettiest women and the best parties, etc.
Not the southern rappers, their era was similarly minded, but there was a blatant disrespect for women present in the music that turned my lip down.
You live in a setting where culture expects you to be smoother, cooler and more confident, you try to be cooler, smoother and confident. And when you see success doing the above, it becomes natural.
When you fail, you end up on message boards bashing black men, black women, and the world and are generally seen as angry and unpleasant.
See Topaz, yourself and others.

You still haven't answered the question. You've had your personal tirade about me, but can't answer a simple question. What is "urban minded"? I'm looking it up and I don't think these people have the same definition as you: Why are you an urban minded individual. - Elaboration would be great. Let's see how your theory and image of not being a c00n hold up when you define this topic and relate it to what your point.

Does not ANY/EVERY faction/setting in life prefer people that are smoother, confident, etc? Or are you saying the desire for these traits come from areas where people are "urban minded"? What is this mysterious sub sect of culture that wants people to be lame, rigid, and with low self-esteem?

Where have I ever bashed black men or women? I love how conveniently things are switched up on here. In one thread, I'm too "black power", the next moment I'm bashing black men and women. :ehh: Good stuff. Let's me know that it's just people being emotional. I don't care if you see me as angry or unpleasant. If you wanted to be my friend and now you're disappointed, welp, too bad.

the cool

May 1, 2012
Naw son. Black dudes are naturally thirsty than any other race.


May 1, 2012
White dudes dont mind mimicing and taking pointers. White women are easy to pick up with the most basic game. Your standard white boy can game them easy with shyt black women will clown yu for. Yall eatin.
May 11, 2012
Naw son. Black dudes are naturally thirsty than any other race.

Nah......I think Mexican dudes hold the crown.

Maybe I see it that way because I'm from the West coast, but them dudes are hounds.

I had a cousin who lived right on a ho stroll.All you would see was Mexican dudes wrecking havoc.Flooding up the block, hitting corners, busting U turns, breaking necks.....getting into accidents.That's how serious they use to be on the prowl for prostitutes.

It was gridlock out there watching them chase street walker skirts.
May 2, 2012
Actually, I'm not stereotyping shyt. Due to the way Western society functions, kids growing up in black communities tend to be more socially experienced from the get-go. If you don't understand why - e.g. less money, higher probability of working parents meaning more time spent with peers from the same age group - you have no common sense.

The uncomfortable fact is, whites are worse at social skills and blacks are worse academically. You can be :umad: all you want, but that's the general trend.

Now, if I was to start stereotyping, I would say something like: "You seem to have a poor grasp of basic logic and common sense... But then you're a woman, so how much common sense can you have anyway?". However, I'm a good person so I won't do that.

Your avatar says "no women"... Should you really be in this thread?

Stealing swag? :wtf: I'm sorry, I hadn't realized that confidence and being direct were a black-exclusive thing.

Edit: Oh wait, you sell your dignity p*ssy for money. :snoop: why did I bother replying.

Louis CK - Being White - YouTube

I don't give a fukk about skin color, I could be purple for all it matters to me. It does matter to other people though - I couldn't even live where I live right now if I was anything other than a cac. Should I pretend that being white, educated and having game sucks? :yeshrug: it is what it is breh... What I said isn't personal opinion - it's a fact that I happen to acknowledge but dislike.

Ignorant people are gonna be :umad: as hell at this thread, just like white people get mad as fukk when I slam them for racism with pure facts and logic. Some people can't handle the real. Oh well.


thegreatest has now been successfully added to your ignore list. You will now be returned to where you were.
May 2, 2012
Most black guys "swag" is saying outrageously sexual stuff and being loud... Lol no thanks, I have my own game going on

Neurotic Jewish guy swag >>>>

:rudy: you outta line with this one. I thought you were better than that...
1. do you travel?

2. will you pm me if you hit philly?

it would be a pretty surreal experience to have sex then bs about the coli...


You probably drop a lot of moist panties with those lines...:heh:

EDIT: And then these cacs go to a predominately black message baord to spend their free time...:mindblown:
May 19, 2012
thegreatest has now been successfully added to your ignore list. You will now be returned to where you were.

Oh no, my day's been ruined :aicmon:

White dudes dont mind mimicing and taking pointers. White women are easy to pick up with the most basic game. Your standard white boy can game them easy with shyt black women will clown yu for. Yall eatin.

:ehh: Man, you know what's funny? I basically never faced all this tough, challenging black woman behavior a lot of posters here talk about. Take that FWIW because I haven't been with many, but girls are generally more attracted to unfamiliar, "different" men. That could have something to do with it :manny:

Nah......I think Mexican dudes hold the crown.

Maybe I see it that way because I'm from the West coast, but them dudes are hounds.

It was gridlock out there watching them chase street walker skirts.

I gotta see this shyt man :krs:

This thread is equivalent to the white dude at a party saying yea white folks are smarter but black people are smooth and have rhythm and its cool because he's just telling like it is and even picked up some black traits from a few of his black friends.

and you c00ns are following right along with it.

What you're using is called a "straw man argument." On top of that, by saying that anyone agreeing with me is a c00n, you're trying to strong-arm people into taking your side out of fear.

While this is good for persuading people, your logic is fallacious and you're basically full of shyt. Read the opening post, take it all in, go for a walk and think - you'll understand (though you'll probably pretend not to just like you did right there).

