INCEL! :DAMN:It's not that they all want athletes or thugs but it seems many prioritize physical attributes and "swag" over character and integrity. Even Black women who are professional matchmakers have said this.
Why Is It So Hard For Black Women to Find The Love They Deserve? | Essence
Why Is It So Hard For Black Women to Find The Love They Deserve?
ESSENCE.COM: Do you feel Black women and men are too particular when it comes to potential dating candidates?
FISHER: We found that as opposed to the White clients that we’ve had, Black women are usually looking for physical attributes first. We look for someone who is attractive to us and then we pick up on his hobbies, interests and values. Whereas, White clients are looking for the reverse first. What kind of job does he have? Is he going to be able to provide? Then they circle back.
GILMORE: We’re the first ones to look at men’s bodies and how attractive they are whereas our White clients have a long list of requirements of things like character and integrity…
FISHER: …and, then down the line, it backfires for us because you were never a compatible mix to start with.
ESSENCE.COM: Do Black women have realistic dating pool expectations?
GILMORE: We have clients that have a long laundry list of requirements—6 foot 4, with a Ph.D., never been married, no children, in his late 30s or early 40s—and a lot of times we then ask them, well, what are you bringing to the table? And, the answer is nowhere near all that. Why would you expect someone to have more than what you’re offering?
Brehettes, do you agree with this assessment? @Gloxina
Rachel went to First Baptist Academy in Dallas.Sadly more common amongst some professional women than women admit---though I would not state the hyperbole that all professional Black women want athletes or thugs.
More like I know a few who try to save men or be with one they think will allow them to be in charge. Tbh, IR relationships often turbocharge this with some high credential Black women I know married to average White dudes. Nothing wrong with this but it is hard to claim you can't find a BM on your level but are willing to settle for less elsewhere.
If she had dated Bryan like Black dudes she would probably been married years ago but it seems like she is into the possible fame so was a perfect reality TV contestant. Her dynamic towards him and maybe denial about this true character may have been 1/2 of breaking the relationship.
Did you warn her that she decided to be single during the GMB Era so she’s out of luck?So Rachel is one of my wife’s friends. They’re both lawyers. She’s not a wench. She’s just a regular black chick who applied to a show and became somewhat famous. No surprise she’s coming back home.
only gonna date the top-shelf brehs
So Rachel is one of my wife’s friends. They’re both lawyers. She’s not a wench. She’s just a regular black chick who applied to a show and became somewhat famous. No surprise she’s coming back home.
What do you mean “picked for anything serious” or feel sorry for?
I’m telling you that Rachel has fought for, fought with, and has put on multiple black men. Socially, economically, and openly.
So Rachel is one of my wife’s friends. They’re both lawyers. She’s not a wench. She’s just a regular black chick who applied to a show and became somewhat famous. No surprise she’s coming back home.
@GloxinaPay real attention of that video
She said where she at in her life right now( broken, fukked up) she need to come home
Then she said i need some space for a little bit..
Basically she said” she want a nikka to fukk her for a while, so she can get her confidence and everything back up, and then she can go on and meet Tyler and Biff
Like I said before, within the black community, black men aren't allowed to be regular, straight-laced men, and still be deemed masculine.Thing is, she did the exact opposite and dated cut-at-training camp ballers. Maybe she had a stereotypical idea of Black masculinity due to lack of exposure?
Funny thing is I grew up with a bunch of White private school attending Black men and women. I won't send my kids to any lily White private school bc of the social dynamics and later relationship bias as you infer.
I didn't get self hate or whitewash vibes from her (though the swirl romance novel was a bit much). But the way things play out in the public sphere are unfortunately out of an individual's control. Pro-swirl BW ran with a narrative and that and the BM pushback reflected on her as a symbol, not a person.