Black Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay reveals she’s engaged (8/7/17 update: He's a cac)


All Star
Jun 16, 2015
Thats the thing about these dating shows. The nikka they end up with is usuallly not their first choice.

Thats how it is in real life but its wild for the nikka to see it live in 4k

Same as the clip now shes low key fly and shes smart (st least bóok smart) but Black aint lining up to take the white dudes leavings.

The simple fact is because she was on a reality show is like she did porn again a lot of Black women smashed a cac here and there but it hits different when you see it.

And shes tapped in to the celebrity world even her husband incinuated that she went hollywood.

Yeah and she's still a 39 year old woman so her quality options for long-term commitment will still be very limited. Based on her book she spent ages 23-32 with former college football players with short NFL stints who wouldn't commit, kept rosters and had side babies while she financially supported some of them and the last 6-7 years on the Bachelor dude. It's wild how some women waste their prime like that.
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Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
Yeah and she's still a 39 year old woman so her quality options for long-term commitment will still be very limited. Based on her book she spent ages 23-32 with former college football players with short NFL stints who wouldn't commit, kept rosters and had side babies while she financially supported some of them and the last 6-7 years on the Bachelor dude. It's wild how some women waste their prime like that.

The the whole "NFL" player thing she was doing is a bigger red flag to me than a White dude. That literally is some bird behavior no one with her looks and education she be doing. She deliberately wasn't looking for a solid Black dude in her prime so she burned herself even before the show.


Feb 16, 2017
Yeah and she's still a 39 year old woman so her quality options for long-term commitment will still be very limited. Based on her book she spent ages 23-32 with former college football players with short NFL stints who wouldn't commit, kept rosters and had side babies while she financially supported some of them and the last 6-7 years on the Bachelor dude. It's wild how some women waste their prime like that.
Yeah that too she could've and should've settled down with a good lawyer and called it a day but the settle word is a bad word when it comes to Black Men.


Feb 16, 2017
The the whole "NFL" player thing she was doing is a bigger red flag to me than a White dude. That literally is some bird behavior no one with her looks and education she be doing. She deliberately wasn't looking for a solid Black dude in her prime so she burned herself even before the show.
I knew a fly ass chick who was a super christian to the point that she renouced her AKA membership last I heard from her she said Dez Bryant DMéd her then she deleted her social media.

Haven't heard from her since. Chicks get wierd over ballers, I know this chick who used to strip and lokked pretty mid dealt with someone riding the bench for the wizards realized that she wasn't being taken seriously and left it at that she married a Chief Warrant Officer in the Army.

They divorced but she got some benefits and a government job out of the deal way more than the Wizards dude gave her.


Feb 16, 2017

I actually have no excuse for that. It’s not smart to sleep with a guy too quickly, and it’s especially stupid to do it on reality tv.

But, shows like this appeal to a certain type of man and woman, so the type of people who go on these shows are the type to move this way.
Yeah no one goes on the balloon show expecting to find the love of their lives.

Imagine how boring the show would be if Man or Woman they picked the first person and dated them. The idea is for them to look delusional and reject decent canididates,

But like I said Rachel did expose the fukkery ( as well as some other chicks) but it's wild to me how down some girls are to fukk some random if someone tells them that;s part of the job.

I was floored when I found out that directors something suggest that actors smash for real before they do a sex scene.


Feb 16, 2017
It’s a very low class move and common sense would tell you not to go on a show like that.

However, if someone was going to do it, it’s good it was an educated woman who wasn’t an embarrassment.
That's low key worse again I don't watch the show but it appeared that the white chick who got with the Buck Batchelor was basically a ex cheerleader with some random junior management job.

Racheal wasn't a high powered attorney and she was a junior junior attorney at the firm but her fam was aspiring boule types so she should've never went on the show she did say she was heavily pursuded by some friends and show producers telling her that she could help Black woman's image.

That's why she was siad was schocked to learn all the Black Men picked for her season was confrimed bucks and they even threw in an obvious racist who played like her was interested in her till he let the racism slip out.

She said it wasn't until the other Black chick felt "forced" to pick a cac and the debacle with the Buck that made her realize shyt was a scam from jump.

I guess she liked the guy meaning Peter but she fukked... She said the show is flimed in near real time so it's not like she dated the dudes for months before she said it I assumed that the overnight dates was scams and the whole show is a set up.

Come to find out on all the shows when they spend the night that almost always fukk. As a Man I could maybe see taking easy lay ups but damn fukking on a staged overnight date is close to porn for me. They don't flim what happens in the room per se but on the european shows they do.

Even on African Big Brother they flimed shower scenes and bed scenes so if someone fukked they caught it and showed it.

They know the cameras are right there I don't understand why they did it. I wouldn't have done it

The reason why I asked you to chime in is because when I worked at the strip club there was no real interview or audition basically ID's were taken and they were sent out there they weren't even explictly told about the VIP rooms they let the other dancers tell them nine times out of ten a home girl or relative who danced brought them so there was no need to explain. Obviously that meant they knew what was up but I surprised by the randomness of the women there were a bunch of Brenda got a Baby types but there were a lot of middle class college girls dancing

One chick told me why she danced at underground clubs she said if someone saw her there they wouldn't say nothing because if they knew why she was there she also knew why they were there. This wasn't a regular strip club with signs you had to know where it was.
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Oct 26, 2014
Sadly more common amongst some professional women than women admit---though I would not state the hyperbole that all professional Black women want athletes or thugs.

More like I know a few who try to save men or be with one they think will allow them to be in charge. Tbh, IR relationships often turbocharge this with some high credential Black women I know married to average White dudes. Nothing wrong with this but it is hard to claim you can't find a BM on your level but are willing to settle for less elsewhere.

If she had dated Bryan like Black dudes she would probably been married years ago but it seems like she is into the possible fame so was a perfect reality TV contestant. Her dynamic towards him and maybe denial about this true character may have been 1/2 of breaking the relationship.

It's not that they all want athletes or thugs but it seems many prioritize physical attributes and "swag" over character and integrity. Even Black women who are professional matchmakers have said this.


ESSENCE.COM: Do you feel Black women and men are too particular when it comes to potential dating candidates?

FISHER: We found that as opposed to the White clients that we’ve had, Black women are usually looking for physical attributes first. We look for someone who is attractive to us and then we pick up on his hobbies, interests and values. Whereas, White clients are looking for the reverse first. What kind of job does he have? Is he going to be able to provide? Then they circle back.

GILMORE: We’re the first ones to look at men’s bodies and how attractive they are whereas our White clients have a long list of requirements of things like character and integrity…

FISHER: …and, then down the line, it backfires for us because you were never a compatible mix to start with.

ESSENCE.COM: Do Black women have realistic dating pool expectations?

GILMORE: We have clients that have a long laundry list of requirements—6 foot 4, with a Ph.D., never been married, no children, in his late 30s or early 40s—and a lot of times we then ask them, well, what are you bringing to the table? And, the answer is nowhere near all that. Why would you expect someone to have more than what you’re offering?

Brehettes, do you agree with this assessment? @Gloxina
Not surprised

People need to realize : for high-earning women, a regular high-earning man does nothing for some of them. Because they themselves are already ambitious and high-earners

That's why many educated women like dating toxic men, or prioritize looks. They satisfy a different type of masculinity - they're like a pitbull she gets to own and play with.

this hurts Black men especially, as we are typecast as already being hypermasculine brutes.