Black America's Wealth Illusion: Black Celebrities misrepresenting the black community's wealth

Apr 30, 2012
What does light skin/white latinos have to do with my point? You might want to re-read that post

Oh yeah...the famous "common knowledge" argument, just like "common knowledge" that there are more black men in prison than college
Your "common knowledge" lacks two thing. Proof and Reasoning.
Surviving a ship ride does not produce a Usain Bolt
There are no documented works done by slaves that would affect height, speed and strength

If two little people could produce a regular sized person AND
if two regular sized people could produce a little person AND
if two "healthy" adults could produce a "sick" child AND
if two unathleletic parents could produce an athletic child...then your over simplification of the breeding process is absurd

White folks force blacks to produce offspring for economical reasons.
:snoop: It's not the work that made them physically superior. Being physically superior allowed them to be more productive by working longer hours and producing more material/hour, thus improving the bottom line for the plantation owner. Surviving a ship ride doesn't produce a Usain Bolt, but Usain Bolt would be more likely to survive than say Al Roker. Then Usain Bolt marrying with a Serena Williams/Leila Ali type chick would probably produce some physically impressive children in return. This isn't rocket science breh :heh:

But I directly addressed your usain bolt and serena union comment with the bolded. And two athletic parents could produce a non-athletic child. So how does the bolded and the two athletic parents comment, fit into your argument?
An Al Roker type's offspring could be athletic though, so how does that fit into your argument?

Your over simplification of breeding is comical


May 19, 2012
Ok finally, now we are getting somewhere. Slavery doesn't have anything to do with slavery

Now let us focus on this simplified breeding notion....

You are constantly tossing the term "superior" to describe certain slave traits, as if by default it correlates to some meaningful quality for use back then. What quality made these slaves superior?
Why are 10-18 hours of work, proved generic "physical superiority" and not simply that they had higher tolerance of pain and/or endurance?
If the slaves who survived 10-18 hours of work would produce offsprings that had high endurance? So wouldn't black folks dominate endurance sports like triathlons, cycling, marathons etc

So you equate running for 18 hours with working for 18 hours? :snoop: Compare cardiovascular endurance with muscular endurance brehs. :dead: I'm tired of the back and forth. I don't want to resort to ad hominems, so let's just agree to disagree.


May 19, 2012
But I directly addressed your usain bolt and serena union comment with the bolded. And two athletic parents could produce a non-athletic child. So how does the bolded and the two athletic parents comment, fit into your argument?
An Al Roker type's offspring could be athletic though, so how does that fit into your argument?

Your over simplification of breeding is comical

Anything is POSSIBLE, we are we talking about what is PROBABLE. Interbreeding physically superior people IS NOT A GUARANTEE that the offspring will be physically superior, but it makes it more probable. So if you're a slave owner who has $50K of 1735 money (probably like a few million today, ironically what the average NFL player makes probably, but that's another topic :ohhh:) invested in slaves, you're going to increase your chance of creating physically superior future slaves by interbreeding the physically superior ones you have currently. Same way the horse owners and dog owners do it :manny:
Apr 30, 2012
So you equate running for 18 hours with working for 18 hours? :snoop: Compare cardiovascular endurance with muscular endurance brehs. :dead: I'm tired of the back and forth. I don't want to resort to ad hominems, so let's just agree to disagree.

hmm I'm sensing a blatant deflection attempt because cardiovascular AND muscular endurance are needed for most sports

According to you, slaves "need to be physically superior to resist the toll it takes on your body for 10-18 hours of straight work." So that toll produces muscular endurance. And that muscular endurance is the core of the "superioirty" of certain slaves during that period and it's the secret sauce to the black athleticism of today. But yet most sports favor muscular endurance, but yet black athleticism is not dominating all of them. Just mostly the sports that are more accessible to black folks


Jul 22, 2014
hmm I'm sensing a blatant deflection attempt

Yet you can't agree with this post about Wiggins parents, or the white girl winning Gold in hurdles?

How can a white girl can win gold at running and jumping against the worlds best black girls?

But you won't see a lazy American white girl do this.

I can prove my argument by saying this.

Take Andrew Wiggins this years #1 NBA draft pick and the most hyped athlete since Lebron James.

Andrew Wiggins father was a first round pick in the 1983 NBA Draft

And his mother was a World Champion Olympic runner.

You can't breed a much better athlete, i rest my case.

Apr 30, 2012
Anything is POSSIBLE, we are we talking about what is PROBABLE. Interbreeding physically superior people IS NOT A GUARANTEE that the offspring will be physically superior, but it makes it more probable. So if you're a slave owner who has $50K of 1735 money (probably like a few million today, ironically what the average NFL player makes probably, but that's another topic :ohhh:) invested in slaves, you're going to increase your chance of creating physically superior future slaves by interbreeding the physically superior ones you have currently. Same way the horse owners and dog owners do it :manny:
so now breeding does not have guaranteed results? Now you shifting your argument to probabilities, before it was usain and serena having an athletic offspring. Al Roker not.

So we finally got to the two original points I made from the very beginning of this discussion
Slavery and breeding does not have direct connection to black athleticism
We are dealing with genetics
Like I already said earlier, unless the plantation owners had a DNA lab doing work to increase their probability, just having two people producing an offspring does not guarantee a desired result

The oversimplification of breeding during this discussion was comical and disgusting. Especially to support false white supremacist ideologies


Jul 22, 2014
I was just thinking that. Basketball and Football are pushed as a way out of poverty (Dave Chappelle even made a joke about it) so if you have something like 40% of Black males playing sports since birth, and being pushed by both their households and communities, you're going to have a lot more dominate athletes coming from one community. Same thing with musicians, its pushed, and seen as a way out.
Blaming rap music is always problematic, but rappers are generally known to flex their wealth and overstate their influence. With the exception of Jay-Z, Dr. Dre, Diddy, Birdman and 50 Cent (who's actual net worths are in the hundred millions) most rappers rely on braggadocio And spend time talking about ridiculously extravagant purchases, while their actual spending ability may only be in the tens of thousands.
Normal Black men and women are shown a lot less on television than the (moderately) wealthy, and to counter this we need more "normalcy" on television, and in general media.

I missed this post earlier but i guess there is alot of Truth in it.
Apr 30, 2012
Yet you can't agree with this post about Wiggins parents, or the white girl winning Gold in hurdles?

1) Wiggns' athletic parents produced him, so how do you explain Lebron's mom?
2) What attributed to the white girl's ability? If you claim slave breeding attributed to modern black athleticism


Jul 22, 2014
1) Wiggns' athletic parents produced him, so how do you explain Lebron's mom?

2) What attributed to the white girl's ability? If you claim slave breeding attributed to modern black athleticism

My comments about Wiggins parents validate my point that breeding the biggest, strongest, fastest will create greatness.

Lebron's Mom looks thorough and i have never seen a pic of his real Dad before so....idk

And if a white girl is winning gold at the Olympics with the world record in hurdles it can't be an issue of color superiority.

I can't think of any event being more athletic than hurdles which is all fast twitch running and Jumping so it can't be color.

Plus people people are saying Delle Donne could end up being the greatest female basketball player ever and she is white.


May 19, 2012
hmm I'm sensing a blatant deflection attempt because cardiovascular AND muscular endurance are needed for most sports

According to you, slaves "need to be physically superior to resist the toll it takes on your body for 10-18 hours of straight work." So that toll produces muscular endurance. And that muscular endurance is the core of the "superioirty" of certain slaves during that period and it's the secret sauce to the black athleticism of today. But yet most sports favor muscular endurance, but yet black athleticism is not dominating all of them. Just mostly the sports that are more accessible to black folks

Yes, because most black athletes would rather run marathons for a $50K commercial spot with Subway than to earn hundreds of millions in the NBA :heh: Why continue this? Let's just agree to disagree breh.


Jul 22, 2014
Yes, because most black athletes would rather run marathons for a $50K commercial spot with Subway than to earn hundreds of millions in the NBA :heh: Why continue this? Let's just agree to disagree breh.

Yea his logic is like saying Usain Bolt is a better athlete than Lebron James which is not true.

You can't teach size you can only breed it.


Jul 22, 2014
No, my argument was that two physically superior people could produce a physically superior child. It doesn't matter white or black

That was the main point which is common knowledge so i'm not going to debate this anymore.

We might as well get back on the topic which was.

Black Celebrities misrepresenting the black community's wealth


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
but how do you explain a black person's dominance in sports? I coach little league football and coach basketball for my son sometimes and even then the little black kids dominate those white children, they're not old enough to know that black people dominate sports yet.

So none of these kids have ever watched basketball or football on TV? :childplease:

For anybody who doubts this, please look up the Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes experiment by Jane Elliott. Long story short, she took an (all-white) class of 3rd grade students and basically told them that people with brown eyes were superior to people with blue eyes. The results -

To conduct the exercise in the her class, Elliott segregated the children on the basis of eye color instead of skin color. She wanted to have students experience how it felt to be discriminated against at that time in America. Elliott bifurcated the class into two groups, namely, brown eyes and blue eyes. She gave colored bands to the blue-eyed students to wear so that they could be distinguished from their classmates at a distance.

The brown-eyed students were designated to be superior in comparison to blue-eyed students. The brown-eyed group was given extra benefits such as prolonged access to the playground, second helpings at lunch, extra minutes for lunchtime, and the advantage of drinking water at a better water fountain. The brown-eyed children were asked to talk to only students with brown eyes and ignore blue-eyed children. Elliott singled out blue-eyed children for not obeying the instructions and talked only of the superiority of the brown-eyed children. She would say the brown-eyed children were smarter and used pseudo-scientific theory which explained that there was a correlation between the melanin in brown-eyed children and their superior intelligence.

The experiment had a huge impact on the behavior of children in the two groups. The group which was deemed superior became bossy and arrogant, and they considered their classmates to be inferior. The performance of brown-eyed students improved, their mathematics and reading tasks also improved as compared to their earlier performance. On the other hand, the so-called inferior group behaved in a timid and subservient manner, and the behavior of blue-eyed children who were dominant in the class before the experiment became timid and their performances suffered. The inferior group performed poorly in academics and could not perform even the tasks which they considered simple before the experiment.

The next day, Elliott reversed the concept of superior and inferior groups, and made the blue-eyed students the superior group. The blue-eyed students were told to take off their colored bands and place them on a brown-eyed student. The blue-eyed students were made the superior group and asked to behave in a similar way as their brown-eyed counterparts in the previous day. Amazingly, the blue-eyed students were able to solve problems faster when they took much longer the previous day. It was also noteworthy that the brown-eyed children were not as mean and bossy when they given the upper hand, perhaps cognizant of how they were treated a day prior. At the end, Elliott highlighted how prejudice can divide the class, and people in general. Judging from the response of the children, it appeared that the children had learned a valuable lesson.

Think long and hard about how this might apply to society at large (both in terms of sports and in terms of other things) and perhaps some of yall will smarten up enough to stop believing in dumbass pseudoscientific theories.


May 19, 2012
so now breeding does not have guaranteed results? Now you shifting your argument to probabilities, before it was usain and serena having an athletic offspring. Al Roker not.

So we finally got to the two original points I made from the very beginning of this discussion
Slavery and breeding does not have direct connection to black athleticism
We are dealing with genetics
Like I already said earlier, unless the plantation owners had a DNA lab doing work to increase their probability, just having two people producing an offspring does not guarantee a desired result

The oversimplification of breeding during this discussion was comical and disgusting. Especially to support false white supremacist ideologies

You're taking extremes to prove your point, which is why I don't want to argue with you anymore, I got better things to do with my time than to chat with you on the internet breh. To make this short:

1) 1 White Olympic hurdler doesn't invalidate the valid results of interbreeding people. I don't have the stats, but I would have to bet at least 30% of most pro black athletes have fathers/uncles/cousins who were/are also pro/collegiate athletes.

2) Nothing is guaranteed in life, everything is probability, however slim. That's why I as a scientist I talk like that. However, that doesn't mean something isn't 90-99% probable. If I take a stud horse, and breed it with a mare of good stock, odds are it's going to produce impressive offspring. That's why the stud horse's semen is worth millions. That's why slave owners would have their most impressive slave copulate with as many women as possible on their plantation. They're playing the odds that will improve their stock. You don't need to be a geneticist to manipulate characteristics. How do you think all the variations of japanese koi carp came into existence? The white Arabian stallion? Ligers? So you're saying the Arabs and the Japanese from the 1800s were geneticists? :dead:

3) Slavery in and of itself doesn't have a relationship to black athleticism. Mutombo, Dalembert, Ibaka, all probably came from stock that were never slaves. However the interbreeding that occured as a result of the plantation owner's quest to produce superior slaves has a direct correlation to your average professional African-American athlete.

4) Birthing A Slave- Book on Motherhood in the Antebellum south

^^^Direct quotes from former slaves from a 400 page book on the topic. This the last response to you breh, let's just agree to disagree.