@kp404 Holy shyt word for word
I know right? its like arguing with a spoiled child

@Napoleon is not embarrassed by the post you quoted is extraordinary breh
@*L*E*G*A*C*Y* told you he would quote you like a fukking 5 year old child

@Napoleon is a pathetic robot at this point; so predictable, so amateurish in his knowledge and trolling:babyhaha:
I guess I'm supposed to let untrue statements slide, huh?
You've perpetuated concepts of things I DID NOT EVER SAY.
GO ahead. you're good at it.
I'm tired of repeating myself ad nauseum. Its apparent you have no regard for integrity or honesty, so I'll unleash your creativity and allow you draw up whatever narrative you want to push to make yourself feel better.
All of the things I addressed in reply to
@*L*E*G*A*C*Y* were because they were things I DID not say and carried sentiments I did NOT imply.
And here you again pushing this shyt.
I've been saying it since page 1 and you're still here pushing this tired shyt of things you can't even source in this thread.