How am I talking past you? You playing dumb now or are u legit ignorant to vocabulary words not in high school textbooks? This whole thread is a thread talking about counterhegemony, right? Do you know what counterhegemony is or are you so fukking clueless as to what constitutes resistance against oppression? Read that too, fukk boy.
You're playing games, and I guess I'll be the only one to call you out.
You WERE NOT promoting or even addressing counter hegemony.
Your ENTIRE steez in this thread has been trying to bring up FAILURE.
Second, if you are in the community all day like you say, then how come you didn't ask the black masses you interact with their position on this question?
Moving the goalposts. I posed this to the Coli.... I didn't post a youtube video or start a thread on twitter.
Do you not care what the working class people think?
More evasive aimless questions instead of acknowledging that I asked THE COLI. Why don't you ask me why I didn't pose this to a live CNN call in show
I ask them questions like this all the time and they always express to me how they worked their ass off to take a stake in the country their ancestors built..they have organizations, movements, and historical lineages tied directly to collective resistance and black self-determination; yet you ignore that and throw my people under the bus without actually engaging them. So how do you make the claims you do?
The Fuuuuuck are you talking about?
I didn't throw anything under the bus.
I called for a sense of black americana thats unashamed to embrace the united states and
I know you're lying about being in the community,
yet you bytch when I said you'd discount all of my CURRENT engagements. Why even ask me?
because half the garbage you posted in this thread alone I ahve never heard a black person say that is in the majority.
I guess we're all a monolith to you
Why you trying to lie to us, homie? Just admit you don't know shyt, you ahven't read shyt, and you don't do shyt, and keep it moving. You are embarrassing yourself here.
And how do you know this? Because I don't agree with you?
How intellectually consistent are you really flaming to be when you ask me something...I answer you...then you discount MY experiences and current involvement as not being "black enough"
I'm sure Comte would be proud