If white people don't like you, are you going to run away from them or live your life in such a way that they have no choice but to respect you?sounds like a whole lot of victim blaming
If white people don't like you, are you going to run away from them or live your life in such a way that they have no choice but to respect you?sounds like a whole lot of victim blaming
accept a position as a second class citizen in lieu of all thats happened to you instead of continuing to rise up and take charge of the country that has long shytted on you instead of running away in fear
Those with power control those without it...which side are you trying to be on?who is accepting a position as a second class citizen? i sure as hell am not.
but hey, i agree with your position in this thread. while we're at it, we might as well say that Native Americans should be more patriotic as well. after all, not being patriotic is what got them put on reservations in the first place, right?![]()
Yep."Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious."
- Oscar Wilde
It all comes down to perspective.
You're NOT leaving.
Most of you aren't.
And those of you that are thinking of leaving, really don't have the balls to do so.
Statistically of those that do that amounts to insignificant numbers of people
So lets drop this "back to Africa" shyt.
You're here. Act like it. Live like it.
I'm not talking about joining the military either... i'm talking about PRIDE of where you're form and the aims you go through to CHANGE your community.
I know this thread is going to flooded with clowns talking about USA impacts abroad, or how the US treated blacks in the past...and my answer is...ok...and?
What are YOU going to do about it right now?
Complaining never changed anything. Action changed everything.
Most of the stories on here are about "woe is me" and not "we are changing this country"
Every other group of people in this country doesn't look at themselves as being defeated, they managed to manipulate this nation into a place THEY were happy to call home, why aren't we' doing the same?
And we need to adopt that mentality.
for about 6 months after 9/11, whites accepted blacks as true americans. after that, it was back to business as usualBlack Americans were very patriotic, enlisting for the armed forces in large numbers..where did it get Black people today?
Black Americans were very patriotic, enlisting for the armed forces in large numbers..where did it get Black people today?