I love how Bill Cosby was public enemy#1 when he was telling the black community to take responsibility for their self inflicted debauchery. I agreed with a lot of what he is saying. Little did I know he had several skeletons in his closet. Now that he has been committed for self admitted actions that in this day and age would be considered criminal now he is portrayed as some kind of martyr on this site.
This place man. All this whataboutism...the white men this..,black men are not white men and don’t call the shots in this society. If he did this he did this knowing that. These entertainers keep thinking their cheques signed by white men ironically, absolve them of the burden of race. And time and time again they are brought back to reality at huge cost to them. Cheated on his wife all throughout his marriage and now sitting at 81 when he should be enjoying his life he will spending his last years in jail for temporary pleasure.
Some people learn the hard way if ever. I hope he uses time and reflects on his life.