0% energy loss

I hope this is true.
From reddit
"If it turns out to actually work, we will have computer processors that are hundreds or even thousands of times faster than current devices. That's because the pathways inside an integrated circuit have to be made with conductive material(copper?) that has some resistance to electricity. That resistance causes heat. The faster the processor runs the more heat is generated, putting a limit on performance.
If the pathways could be made with a superconducting material that worked at everyday temps and pressures then they'd run much faster without generating so much heat that they damage themselves."
Yup instead of that wasted heat (which is a shytload of energy) going into the environment to do nothing but destroy it, it goes
back into whatever work it was meant to do.
That alone is
Think about the difference in efficiency from that by itself.
Additional side effect is now your crazy computers, video game consoles, phones, etc. get even crazier as well.
Software apps can now push the limit hard af.
All the heat those generate means more power now for your system.
Now think about infrastructure and the power grid and how much heat that all generates. No more and they can put that heat to use to.
I'm really really hoping this is legit.
Those researchers not only found it, but they found it with really cheap materials and primitive tech. They basically found a glitch in physics: