This is going to be the new arms race.
Yup, a$$holes always take something that benefit everyone and monetize it smfh.This is going to be the new arms race.
Wouldn't that be poisonous?If true...putting lead in everything, including phones? High tech, high crime future is back baby.
I'll wait for more evidence because that's factually true. This might be the equivalent of discovering steam and would accelerate human productivity and machine capability. With new types of computers running detailed simulations, we can create a very detailed digital twin of earth and run simulations on it using climate data to figure out what climate change will do to our planet and experiment with ways of solving it before we go extinct. Like how many trees could be planted via drone, how much seaweed can be grown, plankton reproduced, organisms modified to break down plastics in the ocean etc.A room temperature super conductor is huge news if true
[Sad trombone]
I'll wait for more evidence because that's factually true. This might be the equivalent of discovering steam and would accelerate human productivity and machine capability. With new types of computers running detailed simulations, we can create a very detailed digital twin of earth and run simulations on it using climate data to figure out what climate change will do to our planet and experiment with ways of solving it before we go extinct. Like how many trees could be planted via drone, how much seaweed can be grown, plankton reproduced, organisms modified to break down plastics in the ocean etc.
I hate to be a pessimist, but it won't impact pricing which I see as the real issue. It will be prohibitively too expensive for the average person to benefit from the abundance.
One can only hope. I hope and think the best path forward for individual humans is to develop our own power sources and home resource stations like food/waste management. I don't think it's sustainable on a fully societal level at our current/projected population levels to either 1, elevate all people out of poverty, or 2, not become ultimately self-destructive to humanity and the ecosystem as a whole.According to the (disputed) paper, you can make this in your own garage/basement.
Price won't be an issue for the 'average' person.....but this is all speculation until verified.
Nothing wrong with your skepticism. It's justified at this point.
Let's see what happens.
Everyone wants an honor. Wouldn’t you appreciate a rep right now … exactly … know...we just do away with the concept of Nobel prizes altogether since it is part of the climate that produces the selfish mentality you're describing.
People should be making discoveries for the public good only. Not for fame and money.