I use to work for the city of New York and everything this dude is saying is true.
Black folks will march on the streets complaining all day but when you go to a local community board meeting in a black community it is literally crickets.

Go to a white area and the community board is practically a live event.
I also want to add that buying a home is only half of what the black community needs to do. He said something about people moving into the homes which means the people who can afford them.
Black folks in the future need to bust their ass in high paying fields like Asians so we can buy properties at ease when gentrification comes.
Asian folks for example are practically gentrification proof.
This culture we have of constantly running away or ignoring these issues when they arent in our radar needs to Change.
Real estate is not a game. There should be no reason why a black person has to move to a less progressive society to avoid housing cost.