and there you have it. That shyt is the reason why 99.9 percent of the hate comes toward Lavar. These dudes never had dads and of course there's the obligatory

factor when any brother is trying to not be shytty until eternity. But when it comes down to it, dude raised 3 kids, none of them are on drugs/in jail, none have kids of their own, all 3 are talented, grew up in a nice area, and he's proven that his influence can push them to make millions of dollars. Who the fukk doesnt want a father like that? Because I wish I had a parent like that pushing me. Kids dont know everything growing up.
They need to learn about finances, culture, history, race politics and just life in general and often times we dont get the game we need to survive in this world. And when you do get a little bit of game, there's still so much work to do. So I give this dude props. The haters will look for any crumb of ammo to shyt on him, but in a year of being on the national spotlight, he's been at the controls of his own brand, all over TV and now his kid is about to ball out for the Lakers