A Demented fukk giving an Evil fukk a fake get out of jail free card. If you're not convicted how does this even work?Ir sounds like shiit his Evil Team of Handlers just made up. Fuuck that. Put that Evil Fuuck Fauci under the prison
MAHA Slide on em RFK, Jr.
If they reinstate those people that will open an entire can of worm. Following lawful order is the entire jist of being in the military. You can't pick and choose which rules to follow. It creates a precedence of unruly troops and breaks the command structure. People that enlisted got injected with all type of stuff that had no idea about during basic but chose to draw the line with COVID...he's about to create the very weak military he so called railed against by letting these people in. Because now they'll feel justified and start disobeying anything that goes against how they feel ..smh