Bible Verse: Deuteronomy 18:18


Aug 11, 2012
God dint throw away his chosen people for a new race of people. When we go off, he sends us into slavery to other nations. And we follow GOD, we run everything. Thats the part you dont understand
Psalm 105
6 O ye seed of Abraham his servant, ye children of Jacob his chosen.

7 He is the Lord our God: his judgments are in all the earth.

8 He hath remembered his covenant for ever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations.

9 Which covenant he made with Abraham, and his oath unto Isaac;

10 And confirmed the same unto Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant:
deuteronomy 32-21 They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
something to help people understand this dilemma better

what is the seed of words? :jbhmm:

what is the purpose of seed? :jbhmm:

what then is the "seed of the serpent"? :jbhmm:

new words and beliefs.:sas2: is it not declared all from the beginning?


Nov 25, 2014
deuteronomy 32-21 They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation
That verse explains when we broke the commandments of Deuteronomy 28. That chapter explains the curses the Israelites will go through and the non Israelites will prosper due to our downfall. Its like a seesaw. If Israel is up, then heathens are down. If Israel aint living right then the heathens run shyt.


Aug 11, 2012
That verse explains when we broke the commandments of Deuteronomy 28. That chapter explains the curses the Israelites will go through and the non Israelites will prosper due to our downfall. Its like a seesaw. If Israel is up, then heathens are down. If Israel aint living right then the heathens run shyt.
Mathew 21:43 “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit"


Nov 25, 2014
Mathew 21:43 “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit"
If you read the entire chapter you will understand 43. Jesus is talking to wicked Israelite leadership of that time. Verse 43 is Christ saying,” It will be a time when yall wont be in the leadership role. Ill out some leaders that will take yall spot and run it the right way. No where in that chapter it talks about dropping Israel and giving their promises, statues, ordinances, etc to another nation. Israel is The Most High’s bride. He consider any other nation besides Israel as spit, dust, etc. Yall just extras in this motion picture.

Can you explain Matthew 21:43?
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Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
The 'brethren' of Deuteronomy 18:18 are explicitly Israelites. To suggest it refers to non-Israelites, like Ishmael, is a dishonest and invalid interpretation.

Deut. 15:7, 24:14, 17:15, & 18:15 are just a few examples. The main issue, however, is that Deuteronomy is written in the form of an Ancient Near Eastern contract between YHWH and the Israelites, so 'brethren' ONLY applied to them just as the Law only applied to them.​
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Aug 11, 2012
If you read the entire chapter you will understand 43. Jesus is talking to wicked Israelite leadership of that time. Verse 43 is Christ saying,” It will be a time when yall wont be in the leadership role. Ill out some leaders that will take yall spot and run it the right way. No where in that chapter it talks about dropping Israel and giving their promises, statues, ordinances, etc to another nation. Israel is The Most High’s bride. He consider any other nation besides Israel as spit, dust, etc. Yall just extras in this motion picture.

Can you explain Matthew 21:43?

The scepter and kingdom of God will taken from the Jews once someone comes and to him shall be the obedience of the people, read Mathew 21:43 with

Genesis 49:10 " The scepter will not depart from Judah,
nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet,
until he to whom it belongs shall come
and the obedience of the nations shall be his"

Mathew 20:7-16 points to the last workers of the vineyard (Kingdom of God) and how the first workers were Jealous of them. The Last Workers (Muslims). Mathew 21 speaks about the evil tenants replaced by other tenants who will produce the fruit of the vineyard (Muslims)

7 “‘Because no one has hired us,’ they answered.

“He said to them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard.’

8 “When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’

9 “The workers who were hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius. 10 So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. 11 When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. 12 ‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’

13 “But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? 14 Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. 15 Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’

16 “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
@Slaimon Khan Shah

correct me if im wrong: To be a muslim is to be in utter submission to God (Allah)

if you are in submission to god, why do those in this thread worry about who rules the laws of the nations? are the nations of god...or are they of man? :jbhmm:

is submission to principalities consistent with Gods teaching? if it is not..then why bother being concerned?

James 4:1

From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?


Nov 25, 2014
The scepter and kingdom of God will taken from the Jews once someone comes and to him shall be the obedience of the people, read Mathew 21:43 with

Genesis 49:10 " The scepter will not depart from Judah,
nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet,
until he to whom it belongs shall come
and the obedience of the nations shall be his"

Mathew 20:7-16 points to the last workers of the vineyard (Kingdom of God) and how the first workers were Jealous of them. The Last Workers (Muslims). Mathew 21 speaks about the evil tenants replaced by other tenants who will produce the fruit of the vineyard (Muslims)

7 “‘Because no one has hired us,’ they answered.

“He said to them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard.’

8 “When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’

9 “The workers who were hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius. 10 So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. 11 When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. 12 ‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’

13 “But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? 14 Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. 15 Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’

16 “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

i dont have to read these verses to understand Matthew 21:43. I can read the entire chapter and understand the verse. This is what happens when u pick one verse and try to plug it somewhere else without reading the entire chapter first.
Matthew 20:7-16 is not talking about other nations. Its talking about how some people who been in the faith for years, becoming jealous of someone who has been sinning for a long time, but stopped and repented. The guy who been faithful longer feels he should be lifted higher than the new ones. Christ let them know it dont work like that. He love the new repenter just as much as the guy that havent ate pork in 20 years.


Apr 24, 2017
Deuteronomy Chapter 17 Verse 15: You shall surely set as king over you him whom the Lord your God will choose. One from among your brethren you shall set as king over you; you may not set a foreigner, who is not your brother, over you.

brethren means israelite as per Deuteronomy because God told the Israelites to pick a king from their own brothers / own people


Aug 11, 2012
The 'brethren' of Deuteronomy 18:18 are explicitly Israelites. To suggest it refers to non-Israelites, like Ishmael, is a dishonest and invalid interpretation.

Deut. 15:7, 24:14, 17:15, & 18:15 are just a few examples. The main issue, however, is that Deuteronomy is written in the form of an Ancient Near Eastern contract between YHWH and the Israelites, so 'brethren' ONLY applied to them just as the Law only applied to them.​

You're missing a basic point, EVEN if you believe that Deut 18:18 is talking about "explicitly Israelite" then consider Deut 34-10 that contradicts that

Deuteronomy 34:10

"And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face
" then that means The Israelite you claim on Deut 18-18 is not like Moses :jawalrus:


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
SwizzLake said:
You're missing a basic point, EVEN if you believe that Deut 18:18 is talking about "explicitly Israelite" then consider Deut 34-10 that contradicts thatU

Sorry, that fails to prove your point and doesn't contradict anything since it was written a few hundred years before Jesus was born and he was an Israelite.

Ishmael was not.

Also, if you accept that 18:18 is valid, then 2 verses later we find a verse that completely shuts down your argument regarding Muhammad......

Deuteronomy 18:20
But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.

Muhammad didn't speak in the name of YHWH, and Sura 53:19-20 was given by Satan.

On top of everything else, Moses performed numerous 'miracles'. So did Jesus.

Muhammad performed NONE.​
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Feb 21, 2015
1. Are the Prophets the Word? Or Jesus is?

Why do you ask questions that you already know the answer to? Christianity proclaims Christ as the Word of God.

Did Jesus die and was he buried like Moses? Was Moses what you call a "God Son"?

Again, asking questions you already know the answer to.

If you take deuteronomy 18:18, then you must be consistent and take all those prophecies in the psalms saying Jesus won't die and his Prayers will be answered.

Please post these Psalms that you are referencing.

Are you saying that Jesus can't be like Moses because Moses wasn't a "son of God". Or he can't be like Moses because Moses died?

I'm not following the argument that you are trying to make.


Feb 21, 2015
It has more legitimacy than Christianity in the eyes of Rabbis. Muslims are more likely to go to "the world to come (next life)" than Christians according to Rabbis

I don't care about Rabbis whose views are as broad as any Christian pastor. What do Jewish scholars say?

The Jews were chosen by Allah but that changed after taking the lives of some Prophets.

[2.47] O children of Israel! call to mind My favor which I bestowed on you and that I made you excel the nations.

[2:87] Certainly, We gave Moses the Book and followed him with the apostles, and We gave Jesus, the son of Mary, manifest proofs and confirmed him with the Holy Spirit. Is it not that whenever an apostle brought you that which was not to your liking, you would act arrogantly; so you would deny a group [of them], and kill a [nother] group?

There are a couple of more verses in the Quran that also mention this. This is true according to the Bible.

The spirit of God then invested Zechariah son of Jehoiada the priest. He stood up before the people and said, ‘God says this, “Why transgress Yahweh’s commands to your certain ruin? For if you abandon Yahweh, he will abandon you.” * They then plotted against him and, at the king’s order, stoned him in the court of the Temple of Yahweh (2Chronicles 24:20-21).

Elijah responds: “I am full of jealous zeal for Yahweh Sabaoth, because the Israelites have abandoned your covenant, have torn down your altars and put your prophets to the sword. I am the only one left, and now they want to kill me” (1Kings 19:9-10)

That is one of the reasons the final message was revealed through Prophet Muhammad PBUH. They lost their position and Muslims (regardless of ethnicity) gained it.

One of the characteristics of God that Christians understand is his omniscience which means he is all knowing.

Which means that he knew, in the beginning, of the waywardness of Jews when he proclaimed in Genesis 3:15 "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.'"

Which was the first prophecy that God made of the Savior who would come to redeem mankind.

And yet, in his omniscience, he still elevated the Jews above all nations.

God is not fickle and does not take back gifts and covenants that he bestows.

Your characterization of God forsaking the Jews for Muslims doesn't make sense in any context. Because when God forsook the Jews, what did he do? He brought along another prophet from among them to reign the Jews back in so that his Will could be done, which was the Word being made flesh from among the Jews, the revelation of God to the world.

You are pulling out scriptures talking about Jews forsaking God and killing his prophets, but the scriptures that you're pulling disprove what you say. You point out Zacharias and the Jews stoning him, and in the same breath mention Elijah. Did God not send Elijah to the Jews? Elijah came after Zacharias so clearly God didn't forsake the Jews in the way that you think when they stoned him. Elijah, another prophet, was sent. Not only was he sent, after Zacharias, another prophet, Malachi, was sent before Elijah even came.

And we know Elijah was sent to prepare the way for the highest Prophet.

One of the biggest themes running through the Old Testament scriptures is bloodlines and genealogy. God proclaimed in Genesis the 'Seed of the woman' emphasizing that fact.

God would not have brought the Jews out of slavery in Egypt, performing miracles never before seen, smiting the Egyptians, rolling back the Red Sea, rolling back the Jordan River, collapsing the walls of Jericho, all knowing he was going to abandon the Jews for a group of people not having the right bloodline. God killed off other nations and bloodlines for being defected.

He had a Will. That Will had to be complete with Christ. And it was done through the bloodline of the Jews.

After that, the Holy Spirit is sent to be God's presence in the world after Christ ascended.

You Muslims blaspheme the Holy Spirit claiming him and his works are that of Muhammad.
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