Yep....Blocks first two years...Goldberg-liks push with Rock putting him over at Summerslam..the weird shyt with Taker..odd Big Show herl turn or double turn if you will via Heyman. He wins the Angle at Mania and almost killing himself in the process. Angle gets it back at Vengeance 03...the Iron Man match where it had all those falls where Lesnar went over..tapped put to Beniut ar Survivor Series..Cripple H pulls Benoit on Raw..Eddie is Red hot and goes over at No Way Out 04..Lesnar signs with the Vikings and quits after a terrible Goldberg confrontation in NY.Rock didn’t main event Mania until April 1999, and last time I checked that was six months after November 1998
Rock debuts as a goody two shoe..goes over Cripple H for the Ic Belt...gets turned on by WM 13 in that story with his father..returns in the summer helping Farooq as the heel sunglasses and goes third person...crowd is hot with that Rocky Sucks mantra after the heel turn promo..does a Austin program by Christmas and ends up with the IC title after Austin gives it up...keeps the IC belt by hook and crook for 8 months..outsmarting Shamrock and Cripple H the whole way..last man in the Rumble 98 before the Austin win...has a classic promo with a whore at WM 14..Finals of King of the Ring 98 and the WWF still had belief in July 98, crowd started marking out more..they got kind of happy at Fully Loaded 98..outright cheers him at Summerslam 98 after he buried Chyna on Raw that week...he turns tweener..ends the Nation and starts that Vince program building to Survivor Series..its obvious him and Austin are the top faces at this point but they swerve at Survivor Series and he becomes the Corporate Champion with excellent reasoning and continuity in another classic promo..starts fukking Cripple H and Foley for his full 2nd year, he was MUCH, MUCH, MUCH bigger and over and part of wrestling history than Brock Lesnar. Not even close.