Pandemic put the final nail in the coffin for physical media being stocked in retail stores.
I still see life in physical sales on a direct to consumer basis.
Not to rehash my view on this because it’s been documented…I will add though that 4K blu rays going away would be a shame more so than video game discs.
I care very much about video and audio quality and having movie content on discs offers me that huge benefit over streaming it. Also, video content seems (I could be wrong just going off of my gut feeling without research) to get delisted / disappear quicker than video games do.
I don’t know. Interesting that while the streaming giants are at a point where they’re rethinking the sustainability of their pricing models physical media is seemingly going away faster than they are fully ready for it.
This gen my digital purchases have been more than all of my past digital purchases combined. I like the pricing competition when there are more options. Hopefully they keep discs direct to consumer at least for a good while longer. In either case…I’m not going to bent all out of shape over this. It is what it is at this point.