Belgium and Hawaii declare loot boxes as gambling UPDATE: More States Join In

May 10, 2012
Lwo Lakeset
Well work harder to put out the best possible game in creation or die by the masses that feed you?!:manny:

So basically you want the large studios who pump out the same shyt every year to takeover completely whilst smaller studios who are forced to innovate but often get it wrong to die out leaving us with cookie cutter bullshyt.

I got you

We've gone off topic anyways fukk loot boxes nobody had a problem with skins dlc etc if companies want to make extra money they can just shouldn't be behind that bullshyt practice

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
Well if the game doesnt suck it will sell well... :manny: if your a big game studio and pull out all the stops to make a triple A game. if it sucks it wont sell. but you can't be putting out games with a higher price tag and expect people to just outright buy it. :heh: Lootboxes should be done away with DLC is fine and all but damn man. I'd be pissed if I'm spending all this money and the game sucks. :scust: these companies are lying to you.
You don't want all or nothing approach to development. The entire market will be stale, focus tested bullshyt and indie studious would be dead before they even had demos out with the way publishing works as is.

Games back then didn't cost as much to make, they didn't have online bases to maintain, and they didn't require nearly as many hands - the growth of the industry is a thing. That's cool though. If they want to get their money (and ALL of this goes back to Mass Effect 3 multiplayer raking in STUPID amounts of money), they just gotta be reeled in and regulated. Just because fukkboys that love 2k are totally fine with MyGM and MyPlayer being absolutely gutted as a single player experience and having everything from their t-shirts to their jumpshots behind an absurd progression clock with adjacent convenient pay option, doesn't mean the rest of the halfway aware world will tolerate it.

There's ways to do this, Overwatch got it right. shyt, even Final Fantasy and Persona are doing okay for themselves. The problem is when these publishers force devs to hamfist a microtransaction system into every single game to get the most out of every single penny invested to the point where it warps the entire product.

Look at For Honor for example, they got ways to pay for all kinds of shyt in the game, but they STILL can't keep their online steady nor have they added anything of value to that game for months. :scust: I'm shocked that EA got clapped before Ubisoft, but that's what they get for fukking with the one fanbase that'll get mad even when you give them exactly what they want.

Flywin Lannister

May 4, 2014
Lannister Bloodline
I'm as excited as y'all are to hope for a possibility of no loot boxes in future games...


I'm small understanding that this probably means we should expect the era of the $100 physical/$80 digital game.

I'm okay with that.

Are y'all?
No I am not.

Think of all the content we historically received as players for 60..

DLC (eg for GTA IV) is on thing. It’s separate from the main, ful experience which you can get for 60.

If we pay 100 for a game, is there really 40 dollars more content? Likely not. Likely we will get a situation that you get the same amount of content for 100 that you used to get for 60 or 80 (60+DLC)...

This is because they told stockholders they will make x money and telling them it will be less is a no-no, because stock will plummet, people will get fired etc.

But that doesn’t justify that concept (100 for a game) imho


Demon Time coming 2024
Feb 2, 2014
So basically you want the large studios who pump out the same shyt every year to takeover completely whilst smaller studios who are forced to innovate but often get it wrong to die out leaving us with cookie cutter bullshyt.

I got you

We've gone off topic anyways fukk loot boxes nobody had a problem with skins dlc etc if companies want to make extra money they can just shouldn't be behind that bullshyt practice

No I actually want games that are worth their weight in their price... there should be no reason your triple A game sucks beyond it's price point. The game studios need to treat every game like it's last. The large studios need a readjustment Especially EA. it's time the lootboxes stopped period. IMO. shyt, most of the damned time we don't even get good campaigns for the games we buy. first they complained about making the games for the $60 price point. then they complained because no one's buying them. Why go into the game business with this defeatest mindset. :why:

I'll give you an example look at Mass Effect. they was on their way of establishing a solid history of being a legendary game trilogy, then EA happened and the ending, the lootboxed multiplayer, the bullshyt reverse dlc. The studio wanted to milk the game for all it was worth.

The smaller studios need to realize people are tired of lootboxes, you can't sell a shytty game worth MORE than $60 and expect people to buy it :dahell: Stop complaining and get to work. :camby: Trust and believe if I owned a game studio making Triple A titles I'd find a clever way to tie in merchandise and not lootboxes halting game progression and trying to milk these fans... Bethesda had the right idea...


Demon Time coming 2024
Feb 2, 2014
You don't want all or nothing approach to development. The entire market will be stale, focus tested bullshyt and indie studious would be dead before they even had demos out with the way publishing works as is.

Games back then didn't cost as much to make, they didn't have online bases to maintain, and they didn't require nearly as many hands - the growth of the industry is a thing. That's cool though. If they want to get their money (and ALL of this goes back to Mass Effect 3 multiplayer raking in STUPID amounts of money), they just gotta be reeled in and regulated. Just because fukkboys that love 2k are totally fine with MyGM and MyPlayer being absolutely gutted as a single player experience and having everything from their t-shirts to their jumpshots behind an absurd progression clock with adjacent convenient pay option, doesn't mean the rest of the halfway aware world will tolerate it.

There's ways to do this, Overwatch got it right. shyt, even Final Fantasy and Persona are doing okay for themselves. The problem is when these publishers force devs to hamfist a microtransaction system into every single game to get the most out of every single penny invested to the point where it warps the entire product.

Look at For Honor for example, they got ways to pay for all kinds of shyt in the game, but they STILL can't keep their online steady nor have they added anything of value to that game for months. :scust: I'm shocked that EA got clapped before Ubisoft, but that's what they get for fukking with the one fanbase that'll get mad even when you give them exactly what they want.

Read my reply... I'm actually agreeing with you. I just think these companies are lying to you as a consumer... :manny: Lootboxes are bullshyt and it's high tide it's been abolished. The fact remains when you have indies pumping out good games without lootboxes that kills at a major it shows... Survival of the fittest.


Jun 12, 2014
They gonna go after 2k as well? You can't have f2p models inside $60 games. I'm convinced western development budgets has ballooned to the point where the marketing is twice the game budget which is ridiculous. More publishers/developers need to follow model set by CD Projek Red and the Witcher series. Those games are made with a somewhat modest budget and are released complete with no MTs. It's possible to release games and not have to rely scum mobile industry tactics in the console space.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
Read my reply... I'm actually agreeing with you. I just think these companies are lying to you as a consumer... :manny: Lootboxes are bullshyt and it's high tide it's been abolished. The fact remains when you have indies pumping out good games without lootboxes that kills at a major it shows... Survival of the fittest.

Its both, your average company doesn't need loot boxes or micro transaction to have successful game. "DLC maybe..." but everything else is just a safety net or way to get extra income. The big dogs like EA definitely don't need this at all, if they wanted to they have the PERFECT games for it but they don't use it in those. Aka sports titles... Those could be ongoing living online games, with transactions, and roster updates that you pay for yearly. But for them its more money is reselling the game with a few changes from the last year using the same engine at full price will adding in a few micro transactions.

It boils down to what the holders want tho and while I don't care for sony it feels like their holders don't get involved much with there 1st party developers and insist on certain things being in the game because it turns a profit. EA feels like they whatever the metric's show they do there best to make sure its in game.

Truth be told, a small team that is passionate and works for the love of the game>>>>>>large teams or other small teams with CEO's and devs on there back's to make sure a game is a certain way or includes certain things.

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
They gonna go after 2k as well? You can't have f2p models inside $60 games. I'm convinced western development budgets has ballooned to the point where the marketing is twice the game budget which is ridiculous. More publishers/developers need to follow model set by CD Projek Red and the Witcher series. Those games are made with a somewhat modest budget and are released complete with no MTs. It's possible to release games and not have to rely scum mobile industry tactics in the console space.
It's unfair to compare a studio under EA/T2 to CDPR...

Aside for Rockstar, no studios under EA and T2 have the ability to release two games a decade like CDPR does...

Rockstar much like CDPR is pretty much independent thus do whatever the fukk they want...Rockstar doesn't need T2, T2 needs Rockstar...When the whole GTAV modding fiasco broke out Rockstar stepped in and when they said fukk off, T2 lap dog lawyers fukked off...No other studio under T2 umbrella can do that...

Everybody else under that umbrella has dates and numbers to meet and if they don't meet those dates and numbers they get tossed in the bushes...Hence all these half assed games littered with micro transactions...


Half Man Half Mammal
May 1, 2012
60 per game is actually not enough for triple AAA production titles nowadays unless it sells really well, which lets be honest only a 8 or so a year do.

That’s why you see developers trying to constantly turn anything that catches on into a franchise.

Loot boxes, season passes and dlc are all free money towards a game development and growth as a franchise/IP

That's straight up bullshyt, where are y'all even getting y'all info from? AAA devs are the last people who need micro-transactions or DLC. Their games sell which affords them to be able to make them annually. Activision has made a call of duty every single year since 03... let that sink in. EA has done the same for much longer. They do more than okay with games that are $60.

The Mad Titan

May 27, 2012
That's straight up bullshyt, where are y'all even getting y'all info from? AAA devs are the last people who need micro-transactions or DLC. Their games sell which affords them to be able to make them annually. Activision has made a call of duty every single year since 03... EA has done the same for much longer. They do more than okay with games that are $60.

I didn't say they needed it, they don't its just a safety net for them. Its apparent that EA looks at metrics after a game is somewhat successful and then goes off that as far as how to maximize profits the next time.

A triple A title isn't just a tile that's establish it cane be a new title that a company puts ALOT of resources into as well as marketing. Those don't need micro transactions or dlc... but having dlc planned is probably a smart thing to do to be able to sell a season pass and ensure continued interest and revenue.

The money spent on most New IP's that are triple AA is made risky ( Titanfall, horzion, for honor) Most companies aren't like they were back in the day willing to make the game they wanted to make and risk it not selling and getting shut down if it doesn't. Its just way to much money and to many hands in the pot now.


Demon Time coming 2024
Feb 2, 2014
When you got the attention of the federal government you know you fukked up :ufdup: I hope Mickey stomps these EA fakkits out.

Disney should just take the star wars license away and hire amy henning to work on that star wars bandit game she was doing... EA fukked up too many times and they just want the franchise to fill their pockets lootboxes and all...

Prince Akeem

Its not that deep breh....
May 4, 2012
60 per game is actually not enough for triple AAA production titles nowadays unless it sells really well, which lets be honest only a 8 or so a year do.

That’s why you see developers trying to constantly turn anything that catches on into a franchise.

Loot boxes, season passes and dlc are all free money towards a game development and growth as a franchise/IP

It is enough. Big publishers are just greedy and shortsighted as hell. EA,Ubisoft,and ActiBlizzard are NOT broke brehs.