Hispanics are anyone who speaks the
Spanish language as a mother tongue, or comes from an ethnic group which does. Hispanic is
language based.
That's like saying Americans can't be black or white. American is not a race and neither is Hispanic. Hispanic has ZERO of anything to do with race.
A Latino is anyone who speaks a Romance language as a mother tongue, or comes from an ethnic group which does. French, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish etc are all Latin languages. Brazilians, Portuguese, French, Haitians, Spaniards, Italians etc are Latinos. Not just people who speak the Spanish Language.
Spanish has two meanings. Its a language and its the demonym for the people of Spain. Same way English has two meanings. People from England are English and its also a language.
I don't know why people confuse Hispanic as a race. Its not hard to understand. Go to any country in Latin America and you'll see white, black, mixed, Indian, Chinese etc people like any other part of the world.
Watch this interview.
Negro: How Afro-Americans Found Out About AfroLatinos - YouTube