You want a parade cause you're middle class? nikka welcome to the ranks of approximately 200 million Americans you fukking lame.
You want a parade cause you're middle class? nikka welcome to the ranks of approximately 200 million Americans you fukking lame.
nikkas ain't supposed to be proud of amounting wealth that our grandparents broke barriers for, our parents worked 40+yrs for, and we achieved in 21-25 yrs(well in my case 21)
nikka if you're making a middle class income out of school, take 2 shots, celebrate and continue grinding
props to my fellow generation y's making positive movements
lets just keep moving the movement and helping these youngins under us grow
Good for you man, what do you do again?
I'm a PR rep
I'm 24 and just starting...tryna work my way up and eventually work for a nonprofit or some organization i am passionate about
when u come from where i came from, this is a big ass accomplishment.
i guess u niccas never struggled and had your parents hold your holds thru life
nikkas ain't supposed to be proud of amounting wealth that our grandparents broke barriers for, our parents worked 40+yrs for, and we achieved in 21-25 yrs(well in my case 21)
nikka if you're making a middle class income out of school, take 2 shots, celebrate and continue grinding
props to my fellow generation y's making positive movements
lets just keep moving the movement and helping these youngins under us grow
nikka my parents are Jamaican and came from true poverty. My pops couldn't even read when he came to the US, and is self mode, and that nikka don't even pat himself on the back like that.
Like I said, you're middle class Breh, you're not doing anything you ain't supposed to be doing anyway. What's you're next thread gonna be about? You washing and drying your own clothes?
Breh, you want props for being average? Seriously, you've done nothing even remotely exceptional to pat yourself on the back about. Youre the male version of a hood rat thinking she's the shyt cause she pay her own bills.
Congrats nikka, you're an adult.
Real shyt....
nikkas see me on the weekends and have no clue I been shirt and tied up during the week. You gotta be able to play the game and be patient which I did now its gravy. I got nice house, a soild job, respect by corporate america and in the hood and I've done alot of positive networking so if I leave my job I won't be unemployed for long.
I'm not bragging, I just want other young black dudes to see that its cool to have a corporate job and you don't have to sell out and change who you are. Just gotta put your foolish pride aside and play the game.