"beat that p*ssyy like Emmett Till" - Lil Wayne

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
actually I read she came forth later and said she lied about it. He didn't actually whistle but rather, she was caught giving mutual eye contact.

"Till’s cousin, Wright, was there when it happened. He said his cousin was just trying to make his friends laugh. “Whistling at a white woman, you didn’t do that. He didn’t know,” said Wright. Wright was there a couple days later when they came for his cousin. “I heard the yelling. They tuned on the light and there were two white men at the foot of my bed,” he said. They took Till away, beat him, tortured him, and then they killed him."

” ‘I want the world to see what they did to my baby,’ Wright said, quoting Till’s mother said. “She had a glass top casket and the world got to see what racism looks like.” The world did see. Till’s battered corpse was shown in magazines, the network news showed it, and Bob Dylan wrote a song about it. Rosa Parks said she was thinking of what they did to Till when she refused to give up her seat. “It changed attitudes everywhere,” said Wright. For years, Wright didn’t talk about what happened."

The whistling part is true according to his cousin,but he wuz a kid from Chicago who didn't know the ways of Missisipi who wuz trying to be funny and paid a price....Lil Wayne a 30 yr old man is trying to be funny with this line and nobodys dragging him out his bed,shoooting him in the face,beating him like Emit Til and throwing him in a river wrapped in barbwire,how nice of us:mjpls:.....we just sayin its a fuked up line and if the familys offended he should apoligize and keep it movin,cuz I don't think he meant it in a evil way.


Aug 12, 2012
"Till’s cousin, Wright, was there when it happened. He said his cousin was just trying to make his friends laugh. “Whistling at a white woman, you didn’t do that. He didn’t know,” said Wright. Wright was there a couple days later when they came for his cousin. “I heard the yelling. They tuned on the light and there were two white men at the foot of my bed,” he said. They took Till away, beat him, tortured him, and then they killed him."

” ‘I want the world to see what they did to my baby,’ Wright said, quoting Till’s mother said. “She had a glass top casket and the world got to see what racism looks like.” The world did see. Till’s battered corpse was shown in magazines, the network news showed it, and Bob Dylan wrote a song about it. Rosa Parks said she was thinking of what they did to Till when she refused to give up her seat. “It changed attitudes everywhere,” said Wright. For years, Wright didn’t talk about what happened."

The whistling part is true according to his cousin,but he wuz a kid from Chicago who didn't know the ways of Missisipi who wuz trying to be funny and paid a price....Lil Wayne a 30 yr old man is trying to be funny with this line and nobodys dragging him out his bed,shoooting him in the face,beating him like Emit Til and throwing him in a river wrapped in barbwire,how nice of us:mjpls:.....we just sayin its a fuked up line and if the familys offended he should apoligize and keep it movin,cuz I don't think he meant it in a evil way.

Do you know if the murderer's are still alive? It seems impossible to find that out anywhere.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Do you know if the murderer's are still alive? It seems impossible to find that out anywhere.

Untitled Document

The guy who actually shot til died in 1980 of cancer,and Roy Bryant who's wife got whistled at he died in 94 of cancer too from what I could find so yeah they both dead but got to live a long life,his wife left em many years later and she died too.(edit-actually the wife hasn't died yet or at least I can't find it)

"J. W. Milam died on December 31, 1980, and his obituary was published in the Greenville Delta Democrat Times on Friday, January 3, 1981, p. 2A. Although the obituary lists Juanita Milam as his wife, the couple was said to have divorced. It is possible, however, that they may have only separated. The photographs of the grave were taken on February 6, 2005. Milam does not appear to be buried near any other family members. "

Here's a roy bryant interview that's a "interesting" interview,still seems oblivious to the fact he dd sumthin wrong 100% like most old cacs that were racist in that time

Emmett Till


May 26, 2012
San Diego
Not even black, and I'm not some armchair black activist, but it was a tasteless, senseless line, and I like seeing people make good arguments that i would struggle to make, I agree with the NotSoft about Wayne's current persona and the white shyt too, that's really who he's been the whole time I think, a fukking nerdy little brat, at least we got some good music for awhile, it's over now though.


Aug 12, 2012
Untitled Document

The guy who actually shot til died in 1980 of cancer,and Roy Bryant who's wife got whistled at he died in 94 of cancer too from what I could find so yeah they both dead but got to live a long life,his wife left em many years later and she died too.(edit-actually the wife hasn't died yet or at least I can't find it)

"J. W. Milam died on December 31, 1980, and his obituary was published in the Greenville Delta Democrat Times on Friday, January 3, 1981, p. 2A. Although the obituary lists Juanita Milam as his wife, the couple was said to have divorced. It is possible, however, that they may have only separated. The photographs of the grave were taken on February 6, 2005. Milam does not appear to be buried near any other family members. "

Here's a roy bryant interview that's a "interesting" interview,still seems oblivious to the fact he dd sumthin wrong 100% like most old cacs that were racist in that time

Emmett Till

Thanks man

And sorry if I am late but did you hear Future's response?


Lil Wayne's Emmett Till Lyric Had 'No Bad Intentions' - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV.com

^"It was a hot song" <<<<He used that cliche ass defense


"done with good intensions" :rudy:

Sorry to get all Oprah in here but its dudes like these who are an embarrassment to our community. All of us including myself make jokes on here alot, but dudes like these its like they cant separate fantasy from reality.

Its dudes out there like these who sometimes If I am on a public bus where you see middle aged or elder black folks , and you hear or see one of your peers do or say something exceedingly ignorant and cringing.

The "Oh they are just young" defense would be an appropriate response.............

If 9 times out of 10, these were not grown ass men around Wayne's age who are doing things like these in public and embarrassing their family and generation.

But seriously breh...........

"It was a hot song"?


Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Thanks man

And sorry if I am late but did you hear Future's response?


Lil Wayne's Emmett Till Lyric Had 'No Bad Intentions' - Music, Celebrity, Artist News | MTV.com

^"It was a hot song" <<<<He used that cliche ass defense


"done with good intensions" :rudy:

Sorry to get all Oprah in here but its dudes like these who are an embarrassment to our community. All of us including myself make jokes on here alot, but dudes like these its like they cant separate fantasy from reality.

Its dudes out there like these who sometimes If I am on a public bus where you see middle aged or elder black folks , and you hear or see one of your peers do or say something exceedingly ignorant and cringing.

The "Oh they are just young" defense would be an appropriate response.............

If 9 times out of 10, these were not grown ass men around Wayne's age who are doing things like these in public and embarrassing their family and generation.

But seriously breh...........

"It was a hot song"?


Nah props first time seein it...but him saying

ll. "It was a hot song, we did it from a good place with great intentions, just to add some life on to the song,"

I think is more of him talkin about how the remix came about in the first place,he does go on to say later tho that Wayne didn't have bad intentions,which of course is his personal opinion....but I actually believe that too,hard to believe a nikka would try to purposley offend emit tils family...but wayne has more. Suspect lines as a black person that speaks to the fact a lot of us are not as aware as we should be....I've made sum darksin jokes on nikkas in my life time that you really shouldn't do bcuz u don't know a persons background...and if I knew I hurt sumbody feelins for real off of it I would be man enuff to apoligize just bcuz that wuznt my intent,same with usin the n word...it don't take a black person bein elderly to be offended by the word,I don't use it around old people if I can help it....but who's to say a younger person ain't offended by the word that's sittin around me and my boys? If sumbody respectfully tellls u they offended by sumthin if that ain't what u meant an apology or respectful explanation of where ya heart wuz at when u said it is in order.

But as a rapper I don't think he said the shyt out of malice,do u?I don't even think he probaly saw it as a shock line like what sumbody like ChinoXL and Eminem used to do for example....that's kinda the sad part too,but I think its just that lack of awareness like u said...one of the most disgusting lines in rap history by the way bein that today is his bday

"Leave you laying there dead like Jordans pops"-Skip

Great shockline that had me :krs: when I heard it...but its shyt rappers say and that we say on here,that we wouldn't say if we thought the rapper or they familys and kids might be lookin at the-coli,cuz its overboard sumtimes and most of us ain't straight azzholes like that...but u never know who watchin or listenin:manny:


We Are Penn State
May 31, 2012
Future just posted on his Facebook that this is still dropping on iTunes tomorrow :ohhh:
Jun 8, 2012
I'm done with this thread...the insensitivity in this thread legitimately pissed me off.

I'm sick and tired of you c00ns thinking stupid f*cking rappers making light of victims of racial violence in a heated period o American history and making jokes about it is cool.

You seriously f*cking embarass me...


All Star
Jan 30, 2013
I'm done with this thread...the insensitivity in this thread legitimately pissed me off.

I'm sick and tired of you c00ns thinking stupid f*cking rappers making light of victims of racial violence in a heated period o American history and making jokes about it is cool.

You seriously f*cking embarass me...

And was there not a tenth of anger in here that was in the Nicki thread when this lyric is far more offensive.