I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
Black people own their property here and black people have too much clout in Atlanta. They not running us out of the historical black neighborhoods.
Read the article I just posted breh. Atlanta is one of the most gentrified cities in America. Nobody believes their city is gonna get gentrified until it happens. When it happened to Harlem, we was like that shyt would NEVER happen in Brooklyn. Fast forward 10-15 years Brooklyn is low key cac central. I remember when they tore down these old ass houses on Bedford Ave and put up a 4 story building with condo's starting at 750,000
This was in the middle of the hood too breh. Everybody was on welfare and everyone was living in low income housing and they put up these expensive ass condos. I knew them shyts wasn't for us
I stay in the West End right now and believe it or not breh you're city is getting gentrified. As someone who's seen it happen before, all I'm saying is get ready