This false. BATMAN 89 was the TOP GROSSING FILM of 1989. IT BROKE THE BOX OFFICE OPENING WEEKEND RECORD. ADJUSTED for inflation it's right on "The Dark Knights" ass:
The Dark Knight WB $616,432,900 $533,345,358
Batman WB $522,523,300 $251,188,924
That's only a different of about 95 million in ticket sales. The Dark Knight did more raw dollars is cause Tickets are WAY MORE now then in 1989. Batman 89 filled put just as many Butts in the seats. To me this is Proof that Batman 89 actually had MORE Impact as it came out 20 years eariler and the Comic Book Genre was damn near dead at the time. After Jack, Nobody touched the Joker on screen for 20 years. Heath been dead for 8 years and they already Hired a New Joker. Case Closed.
Also you are wrong about another point, you said "It was only a Batman summer if you were a kid" Wrong. Batman in 89 created the Pop Culture Term "BAT-MANIA". It was HUGE EVERYWHERE. I'm seriously going to start to question people's age cause some of you clearly weren't old enough to understand "Batman 89's" impact. Or you are old enough and are doing anything and everything to pump up "The Dark Knight" as if "Batman 89" didn't knock down the buildings.