Baltimore man Freddie Gray dies after getiing neck broken while in police custody


The seperation between what's fake and what's real
May 20, 2012
The conversation is about him now. This is about as pro black and focused of a space as there is on the internet and the conversation has shifted from Gray, the Baltimore police, civilian/police relations to this shythead even here.

What's the story been with all of these stories? Unarmed black guy killed by police, how does the narrative go? "Well he was selling cigarettes/wore a hoody/cussed in front of an old person." Anything to detract from the murder. This brother went ahead and did that.

There's no problem with righteous black anger. But we've gotta realize there are some ain't shyt people showing up to these events just for the fukkery. And that fukkery will be caught on tape. And that tape will be replayed over and over and over in lieu of discussions about Gray and the men who contributed to his death.

This is already an uphill battle. Bad optics don't help. And nothing may come of these events anyways but it's nice if they have the highest likelihood of succeeding. Stealing white women's purses in broad daylight doesn't contribute to that.
thats why marching like some idiots is fukkin futile in the first place this is the exact reactions they want
playing right into their hands every fukkin time....
if you fakkits want to fight take it right to the police.....

instead of using this 'righteous black anger.'
us our righteous black black brains
May 26, 2012
LISTEN UP. All you nikkas talkin this bullshyt:

Why they stealin that white bytch purse?
Why they lootin for?
They should just be peaceful and protest.
This violence is makin us look crazy!

These are Moral High Ground arguments that imply that we should be operating with a higher moral code. That we should reserve these acts of aggression for when they REALLY do something to us, and THEN we'd be justified when we retaliate.


1) Survival and Morals/Ethics don't always go hand in hand
2) We've had the moral high ground since we were brought to the fukkin country in chains. Subsequent targeting, subjugation and outright genocide means we have the HIGHEST moral high ground one could possibly have in this country (besides MAYBE the native americans.. MAYBE)

So cut the shyt nikkas :stopitslime:


The seperation between what's fake and what's real
May 20, 2012
I understand the anger, but I just don't see the point in smashing up cars. That breh's photo is every where now, he is going to get arrested. That photo is every where now, the world is going to see that be like "look at these black folk acting ratchet", maybe the police do need to be more aggressive etc.

I am just saying this because, this same shyt happened in Fergueson, NYC, and now Baltimore. There has to be a better solution. :manny:
negros dont ever come up wit next level thinking at least the 60's negro formed the black panthers
best i could come up wit this weekend is get some black college grads and beg them to be police officers.
Have them gain stature across the country and have guys on the inside
also the voting booth
negro stop commiting crime and avoid police contact at all cost
thats my suggestion

walking down the street waiting to be provoked is just plain stupid


The seperation between what's fake and what's real
May 20, 2012
1) Survival and Morals/Ethics don't always go hand in hand
2) We've had the moral high ground since we were brought to the fukkin country in chains. Subsequent targeting, subjugation and outright genocide means we have the HIGHEST moral high ground one could possibly have in this country (besides MAYBE the native americans.. MAYBE)

So cut the shyt nikkas :stopitslime:
negro shut up
then take the fight to the cops then....arent they the ones killing yall to the point your worried about survival? :francis:

is a building or a ladies purse threatening your survival?


May 2, 2012
I ain't saying that there may not have been some racist cac's out there but if you check any of the videos you don't hear any of those White people wildin. The one video dude is saying "this isn't how you protest" and then he gets a trash can thrown at him. Another video dude is just walking and youngin throws something at him, White dude catches it, throws it back and then gets rushed by like five youngins...fukk he supposed to do just say "fukk it" when it gets thrown at him? Dude ain't do shyt AND HE WAS PROTESTING WITH THEM!!! People in the restaurant get pissed but wouldn't you if a group of White people started throwing shyt through the restaurant window you're eating lunch or dinner at?

I am all for fukking those police cars up...hell yea have at it cuz these muthafukas have to know we ain't playing but to start fukking with innocent people who had nothing to do with it is's a complete contradiction to what is being protested. Gray got his neck broken for not doing a damn thing wrong and now these protesters are fukking with people who did nothing wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right.

*waits for the "fukk that we been calm for too long response"*

You're doing too much responding these threads are losing steam at a fast rate
thats why marching like some idiots is fukkin futile in the first place this is the exact reactions they want
playing right into their hands every fukkin time....
if you fakkits want to fight take it right to the police.....

instead of using this 'righteous black anger.'
us our righteous black black brains

At this point you've got to start looking at MLK's impact.. His ideology was just flawed

He indirectly/directly gave unwarranted credence to a false idea that whites are superior therefore, we should conform to the masses or mainstream lifestyle we were being left out of....

Garvey, X, the brother in my avi (kwame :wow: ) weren't about interfacing with the masses from an inferior position. Those brothers were comfortable in their skin and building black communities outside of the masses that didn't care for us.

Here we are today and people still interface from this position of weakness. Begging people to treat them nice or fair :mjlol:

Malcolm would have organized and went at the police department

Martin would've met with Obama for a photo op and had a big rally downtown

There is a reason Martin (even though he changed his tune which got him killed) can be sensationalized by whites in death and X can't.

Malcolm over stood these peoples disdain for us. Even after Mecca, he realized that while they all are not hating of black people's they still feel superior

Arianne Martell

"Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"
Jan 22, 2014
House Martell #SnakeGang #Targset
CNN makes me sick:camby:

they are "trying" to report Freddie's funeral today while showing Eric Garner's first I was like, ok maybe they are trying to show correlation with this case but no they kept referring to the funeral and showing Eric Garner over and over

these idiots can't even differentiate the victims :what: :dahell:


The seperation between what's fake and what's real
May 20, 2012
You're doing too much responding these threads are losing steam at a fast rate

At this point you've got to start looking at MLK's impact.. His ideology was just flawed

He indirectly/directly gave unwarranted credence to a false idea that whites are superior therefore, we should conform to the masses or mainstream lifestyle we were being left out of....

Garvey, X, the brother in my avi (kwame :wow: ) weren't about interfacing with the masses from an inferior position. Those brothers were comfortable in their skin and building black communities outside of the masses that didn't care for us.

Here we are today and people still interface from this position of weakness. Begging people to treat them nice or fair :mjlol:

Malcolm would have organized and went at the police department

Martin would've met with Obama for a photo op and had a big rally downtown

There is a reason Martin (even though he changed his tune which got him killed) can be sensationalized by whites in death and X can't.

Malcolm over stood these peoples disdain for us. Even after Mecca, he realized that while they all are not hating of black people's they still feel superior
someone rep him for me


Aug 6, 2013
Really, there are no black leaders in this country to control all of these rallies. This is what happens.

And lets be honest it doesn't take a looting to makes whites think worse of black people. They already had those thoughts.

The owner's of those businesses should be coming down just as hard as the idiot police who think they can treat black men inhumanely.

Also, fukk the idiots picking fights with the protester's, you deserve everything you get.


Aug 30, 2013
You're doing too much responding these threads are losing steam at a fast rate

At this point you've got to start looking at MLK's impact.. His ideology was just flawed

He indirectly/directly gave unwarranted credence to a false idea that whites are superior therefore, we should conform to the masses or mainstream lifestyle we were being left out of....

Garvey, X, the brother in my avi (kwame :wow: ) weren't about interfacing with the masses from an inferior position. Those brothers were comfortable in their skin and building black communities outside of the masses that didn't care for us.

Here we are today and people still interface from this position of weakness. Begging people to treat them nice or fair :mjlol:

Malcolm would have organized and went at the police department

Martin would've met with Obama for a photo op and had a big rally downtown

There is a reason Martin (even though he changed his tune which got him killed) can be sensationalized by whites in death and X can't.

Malcolm over stood these peoples disdain for us. Even after Mecca, he realized that while they all are not hating of black people's they still feel superior

You make some good points, but you can't really compare Malcolm and Martin. They had to have different approaches based on their location. Martin had peaceful protests, but most importantly boycotting the buses played a major factor toward reaching goals. It was all about the green in the end.

You are right about Malcolm. Malcolm and the nation was very organized in protesting.


May 2, 2012
Really, there are no black leaders in this country to control all of these rallies. This is what happens.

And lets be honest it doesn't take a looting to makes whites think worse of black people. They already had those thoughts.

The owner's of those businesses should be coming down just as hard as the idiot police who think they can treat black men inhumanely.

Also, fukk the idiots picking fights with the protester's, you deserve everything you get.

The real ones who weren't funded by the enemy to maintain the status quo are dead

The first step to countering their reverse engineering is reprogramming your mental. Get away from all the half truths and the lies.

The next step is seeking the true history of melenated people's. You've got to find the God in you before you can move on purpose.

Its a lot of brothers and sisters out here moving on instincts and that's only going to get you but so far.


Sep 17, 2014
Man, woman, and child
The real ones who weren't funded by the enemy to maintain the status quo are dead

The first step to countering their reverse engineering is reprogramming your mental. Get away from all the half truths and the lies.

The next step is seeking the true history of melenated people's. You've got to find the God in you before you can move on purpose.

Its a lot of brothers and sisters out here moving on instincts and that's only going to get you but so far.
Our local black leaders aren't doing us any favors either. It seemed like Saturday they were more concerned with making sure they got their camera time. When you organize something like this you need to see the process all the way through. They led the march from the Western District to City Hall took some photos and said some words and left. They didnt lead it from beginning to end