Baltimore man Freddie Gray dies after getiing neck broken while in police custody


Jul 22, 2014
Ya'll muthafukas that think this shyt is gonna swept under the rug and dismissed like the others have to realize that Baltimore ain't going for this shyt. Like
I pointed out in the beginning of the thread (and others are telling ya'll now) every position of power is held by a Black person. Baltimore is small compared to mostly all the bigger cities but it's still the largest city in Maryland and right next door to DC (which makes it even more important to convict these clowns because it's too close to the White House), 63% of the city is Black oh and the lawyer who has taken the case...BILLY MURPHY WAS ALSO A JUDGE but was making so much bread as a lawyer he said fukk it and stepped down after three years as a circuit court judge. Look at this shyt

Awards and Recognitions
  • Clarence Darrow Award, Mass Torts Made Perfect Conference, 2012
  • AV-Rated 20 years, Martindale-Hubbell
  • 100 Top Trial Lawyers in the U.S., American Trial Lawyers Association, 2011
  • The Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers, Martindale-Hubbell, 2011
  • Whitney M. Young, Jr. Memorial Award, Urban League of Greater Baltimore, 2010
  • Legal Elite Readers’ Poll, Top Baltimore Lawyer, Baltimore Smart CEO, 2010
  • Circle of Excellence, Merchant Circle, 2010
  • Top Attorney in Maryland, Baltimore Magazine Super Lawyers, 2009, 2010
  • Trailblazer Award, Minority Business Summit, 2009
  • Influential Marylander, The Daily Record, 2008
  • Lifetime Award, Black CEO Summit Trailblazer Award, 2007
  • Thurgood Marshall Lifetime Achievement Award, 2003
  • Lifetime Member, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, 2002
  • Top Ten Criminal Lawyers in Maryland, Baltimore Magazine, 1996
  • Charles Hamilton Houston Award for Lifetime Achievement in Litigation, 2004
  • Board of Governors, Maryland Trial Lawyers Association
  • 25 Smartest People in Baltimore, Baltimore Magazine
This shyt happened in the wrong city this time and the mayor has never had a crisis like this on her hands and may be overwhelmed but she is doing it correctly by making sure she has all the facts the straight before proceeding because she wants to convict these fools. Ya'll keep sleeping on the city of Baltimore, I lived there for 10 years and I can tell you one thing and that is that they stick together.

Why would they have white police officers in majority Black areas of the city?


TSC Fantasy Football Champion 2016
Sep 14, 2013
Los Angeles C.A.
Why would they have white police officers in Black areas of the city?

LMAO, you think they put Black officers in Black areas and White Officers in White areas? Not just Baltimore but anywhere in America


May 1, 2012
they sending out the robo-calls now for a town hall meeting. that shyt gon be live

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Black people have been killed by cacs since they went to america, but now suddenly its an issue:comeon: :patrice:
You know the time is coming, when blacks start killing these cops they are gonna use propaganda to explain the extermination of most of us.
fukk it, just start shooting them already:manny: its not like we can do anything...

Yeah, when they have more guns, more numbers, more power, and better organization, lets just start a guns-and-power battle with them. That's a great idea.

We have to be willing to hit them in ways that they can't hit us back. We have to hit their economic power, their political power, their media power. And we have to do that by both REFUSING to keep funding their business as usual, and by being willing to make sacrifices so that when the going gets rough, we keep on going because the long-haul struggle is more important than the temporary hardship. We can win that battle because their privilege is a strike agains them - they are NOT willing to make the sacrifices we are, and if we can truly threaten their standing, we can make them fold.

On the other hand, we kill one of them, they'll kill 10 of us, and they'll celebrate every killing as a victory. We have to turn the tables so that killing us is a loss for them. That has a chance of happening in some of these cases, but the national narrative isn't there yet. If we go violent, there's no chance at all - every loss on our side will become a victory for their side, and as long as that is true we'll keep taking losses. And we have a lot less room for losses than they do. (Especially because the ones that really call the shots aren't the ones taking the losses, and don't really give a shyt whether a few cops die or not.)

The issue with the police is a cultural one. Police culture is built around protecting the interests of land owning White males regardless of the race of the officer. The officer in modern America is the equivalent of the constable that used to patrol a lord's fiefdom back when England had serfs and shyt. That's why Black cops still act like White cops and get away with treating Black people in a majority Black city like enemies.

That's the truth, though the "protected" class has expanded beyond land-owning White males alone. Men and women both, of other races as well, can enter that same protected class if they get enough money and make the right social connections.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The police force hires damn near everybody they can get. The sad thing is its the same for teachers :mjcry:

Way too true and fukking sad as hell. The pools of good cops and good teachers need to increase by double or more, and that's not going to happen until we chance the situation for kids in the schools and in the streets.

RAX 010

Mar 20, 2013
They want to keep us in this reality...Might not be best to focus on this sh!t anymore because obviously thats what they want us to do...
I dont have all the answers but It may be a call for us to look inward towards our African Spirituality and ancestors in order to defeat this enemy

Vodun was actively suppressed during colonial times.

“Many Priests were either killed or imprisoned, and their shrines destroyed, because of the threat they posed to Euro-Christian/Muslim dominion. This forced some of the Dahomeans to form Vodou Orders and to create underground societies, in order to continue the veneration of their ancestors, and the worship of their powerful gods.”

The Affaire de Bizoton of 1864. The murder and alleged canibalization of her body by eight voodoo devotees caused a scandal worldwide and was taken as proof of the evil nature of voodoo even though the confessions that condemned the accused were obtained illegally by torture.
Vodou has often been associated in popular culture with Satanism, witchcraft, zombies and “voodoo dolls”. Zombie creation has been referenced within rural Haitian culture,but is not a part of Vodou. Such manifestations fall under the auspices of the bokor or sorcerer, rather than the priest of the Loa. The practice of sticking pins in voodoo dolls has history in folk magic. “Voodoo dolls” are often associated with New Orleans Voodoo and Hoodoo as well the magical devices of the poppet and the nkisi or bocio of West and Central Africa.

The general fear of Vodou in the US can be traced back to the End of the Haitian Revolution (1791). There is a legend that Haitians were able to beat the French during the Haitian Revolution because their Vodou deities made them invincible. The US, seeing the tremendous potential Vodou had for rallying its followers and inciting them to action, feared the events at Bois-Caiman could spill over onto American soil. Fearing an uprising in opposition to the US occupation of Haiti, political and religious elites, along with Hollywood and the film industry, sought to trivialize the practice of Vodou. After the Haitian Revolution many Haitians fled as refugees to New Orleans. Free and enslaved Haitians who moved to New Orleans brought their religious beliefs with them and reinvigorated the Voodoo practices that were already present in the city. Eventually, Voodoo in New Orleans became hidden and the magical components were left present in the public sphere. This created what is called hoodoo in the southern part of the United States. Because hoodoo is folk magic, Voodoo andAfro-diasporic religions in the U.S. became synonymous with fraud. This is one origin of the stereotype that Haitian Vodou, New Orleans Voodoo, and hoodoo are all tricks used to make money off of the gullible. [47]

The elites preferred to view it as folklore in an attempt to render it relatively harmless as a curiosity that might continue to inspire music and dance.”[48]

Hollywood often depicts Vodou as evil and having ties to Satanic practices in movies such as The Skeleton Key, “The Devil’s Advocate”, The Blair Witch Project, The Serpent and the Rainbow, Child’s Play, Live and Let Die, and in children’s movies like The Princess and the Frog.

In 2010, following the 7.0 earthquake that devastated Haiti, negative attention to Vodou also followed. One of the more notable examples would be of televangelist Pat Robertson’s televised discourse on the subject. Robertson stated that the country had cursed itself after the events at Bois-Caiman because he claimed they had engaged in Satanic practices in the ceremony preceding the Haitian Revolution. “They were under the heel of the French, you know Napoleon the third and whatever. And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said ‘We will serve you if you will get us free from the prince.’ True story. And so the devil said, ‘Ok it’s a deal.’ And they kicked the French out. The Haitians revolted and got something themselves free. But ever since they have been cursed by one thing after another”.


TSC Fantasy Football Champion 2016
Sep 14, 2013
Los Angeles C.A.
The question is why don't they if black people run Baltimore?

My question is why would you even ask that question? You're basically talking about segragation again and that's not going to help because this ain't about race it's about out of control officers.

Regardless of who "runs" what why would you put White cops in White areas and Black cops in Black areas? Color doesn't matter, the thing that society should be pissed off about is that police are put to protect and serve their communities and that isn't being done regardless of what race they are. These police officers are out of control and it needs to be addressed. As fukked up as it is and that another young nikka had to die I'm glad it happened in Baltimore because it's one of the few cities where high ranking government positions are appointed to Blacks.

FYI this is coming from someone who has lived in Los Angeles, DC, Baltimore, Silver Spring MD, Tampa, Little Rock, Pittsburgh, New Jersey and Philly so it's not like I haven't been around and seen different police officers. I have seen them all around and there are a$$holes everywhere who take that badge and think they can do whatever they like with it.


Jul 22, 2014
My question is why would you even ask that question? You're basically talking about segragation again and that's not going to help because this ain't about race it's about out of control officers.

Regardless of who "runs" what why would you put White cops in White areas and Black cops in Black areas? Color doesn't matter, the thing that society should be pissed off about is that police are put to protect and serve their communities and that isn't being done regardless of what race they are. These police officers are out of control and it needs to be addressed. As fukked up as it is and that another young nikka had to die I'm glad it happened in Baltimore because it's one of the few cities where high ranking government positions are appointed to Blacks.

FYI this is coming from someone who has lived in Los Angeles, DC, Baltimore, Silver Spring MD, Tampa, Little Rock, Pittsburgh, New Jersey and Philly so it's not like I haven't been around and seen different police officers. I have seen them all around and there are a$$holes everywhere who take that badge and think they can do whatever they like with it.

I agree with you 100% but it seems like this shyt always gets turned into a race issue not police issue.


TSC Fantasy Football Champion 2016
Sep 14, 2013
Los Angeles C.A.
I agree with you 100% but it seems like this shyt always gets turned into a race issue not police issue.

Can you fault nikkaz for being pissed off though? I don't dwell on race and look at the bigger picture but if nikkaz is like "fukk these cac's" how can you tell them stfu when (recently) all you're hearing about is young Blacks being murdered at the hands of White officers or a clown who wants to be an officer and they're walking away with a slap on the wrist? That's why I have to say "look at the big picture", let a couple Black officers kill a couple White youngins and they walk away with a slap on the wrist and it will be the same thing just with the roles reversed.