I think she was just tagging everyone she saw in that thread, she even unknowingly tagged a white guy![]()

I think she was just tagging everyone she saw in that thread, she even unknowingly tagged a white guy![]()
@AVthaPHARAOH @Grifter @cfountain @Commander in Chiefin @BaggerofTea @TheNatureBoy @LezJepzin @Tha_Mac and that is just a few.
The same stupidity that you engage as well. There are black women defending black men everyday online and in real life and even put their lives in danger. But y'all focus on the few who date/prefer white men when, it is mot only fewer than black men but women across the board.Because those stupid broads don't use logic and just try to project because deep down they're the ones who don't want black relationships.
I didn't say that. it's the attitude of black men Who think their genitals is their power that's a problem. I don't care about what white women like or not like.
If black men keep thinking that fighting white supremacy is sexing women of other races...then it's a big problem for the black community as a whole.
Whatever the percentage is it's too high. I would also say the same for the dynamic in reverse. What's with the deflection though.
I literally had my mouth open in shock and re-read it several times because i could not believe that's what i had seen, i then voiced my disgust, and you came at meI think a lot of black women honestly critique white supremacy not out of general concern of its inequities, but because white dudes in general don't check for them. It becomes anger, and they unfortunately use a legitimate argument of white supremacy like Banks is. They would be a much more complicit plug in the system if they could get that love from white dudes, too... hence their giddiness when they see IR relationships involving black women.
I don't want a white manWhy can't we just talk about this Banks example since it's blatant and indefensible? Could it be that you agree that you can be pro black/anti white supremacy and pro IR at the same time?
Misogyny amd self-centeredness extend to men in general. Black men engage in the former just as much as black men or there wouldn't be a fatherlessness epidemic among blacks.
I never deflected, i was chilling reading the thread in my office and then i see
I literally had my mouth open in shock and re-read it several times because i could not believe that's what i had seen, i then voiced my disgust, and you came at me
but anyways
I don't want a white man. I have never had sex with a white man,
and never will.
I don't think blacks in IR are pro black[/QUOTE]
Cause they are not. And the people who push for that the most are black men because they are predominantly guilty for that.
I am fine with a black man saying I find women of all races attractive. I am not ok with black men dissing black women and uplifting other races of women or calling themselves militant but doing the opposite and having the nerve to try to call out black women...who date out the least
This entire post is misinformed and shows you don't understand white supremacy. What you describe as cac male thinking is not actually how they or men in general think. Males and cac males are naturally sullen, misogynist and self-centred. What cac males do is in their own interest. Cac females didn't even have rights until very recently, meanwhile cac males always did. This speaks to who matters in white supremacy and who doesn't.
Following your logic, if it is true that cacs' instinct is to use women's image in the eyes of non-cac's to boost white supremacy, cacs accordingly wouldn't mind if black men dated beautiful cac women. In fact, according to your above logic, black men doing such would advance white supremacy in the eyes of cacs if they followed the white supremacist dogma you say they do. In real life we know they don't. The white supremacist dogma they adhere to is the exact opposite of what you assert. Cac supremacists hate to see black men with cac women, especially beautiful ones, most of all. This fact presupposes that cacs connote white misogyny with white power. As my example shows, cacs do not see white women's beauty as especially relevant to white power. They see white male's power and control as relevant, only.
They hate black men with white women because they think it harms white supremacy. Cacs have all kinds of derogatory words for white women who date out--but not for the white men-- because cacs feel women with other races harms white supremacy, but don't necessarily see the same way about cac men.
This entire post is misinformed and shows you don't understand white supremacy. What you describe as cac male thinking is not actually how they or men in general think. Males and cac males are naturally sullen, misogynist and self-centred. What cac males do is in their own interest. Cac females didn't even have rights until very recently, meanwhile cac males always did. This speaks to who matters in white supremacy and who doesn't.
Following your logic, if it is true that cacs' instinct is to use women's image in the eyes of non-cac's to boost white supremacy, cacs accordingly wouldn't mind if black men dated beautiful cac women. In fact, according to your above logic, black men doing such would advance white supremacy in the eyes of cacs if they followed the white supremacist dogma you say they do. In real life we know they don't. The white supremacist dogma they adhere to is the exact opposite of what you assert. Cac supremacists hate to see black men with cac women, especially beautiful ones, most of all. This fact presupposes that cacs connote white misogyny with white power. As my example shows, cacs do not see white women's beauty as especially relevant to white power. They see white male's power and control as relevant, only.
They hate black men with white women because they think it harms white supremacy. Cacs have all kinds of derogatory words for white women who date out--but not for the white men-- because cacs feel women with other races harms white supremacy, but don't necessarily see the same way about cac men.
Your laid out argument is full of bs. First; tell me how blck men getting with white women is fighting white supremacy? How is changing the prison complex? How is it giving black men jobs or inciting entrepreneurship or changing laws? Cause these are things that actuaactuly fight white supremacy...you sleeping with a white girl to piss off white men isn't.
As for white women having no rights. They had more rights than you and I...any rights they did not have was relative to white men not blacks. I find it hilarious some black men sympathize more with white feminists tham black onee.
Dating is a cultural ritual designed to lead to marriage. Of course white men don't want to see black men dating their women. We're not talking about dating or marriage. We're talking about lust and coveting. How else would you explain why the #1 consumer of interracial porn between black males and white women is white men? Why are there so many cuckold white men sites for "black bucks"? Why was this even a practice during slavery?