Eh....what about Chinatown and communities like flushing and little neck?
Kind of makes your point moot. They actively discriminate against people that aren't Chinese living there...I know. I tried getting a place there for cheap and they refused to rent to me.
Chinatown in Manhattan is a result of a 170+ year old concentrated effort by Asian immigrants to flee their original country or escape from the racist activity out west in this country. They had the time advantage in where the wealth gap wasn't as wide with the established vs the ones who are trying to come up in NYC, it's almost impossible for minorities to be in the position to "Gentrify" an area in that part of the country now...unless you were in a position to "own". One of the areas that I have a tough time seeing get "Gentrified" is Merrick NY...most OWN their homes and businesses out there.
Is Gentrification out in Chinatown inevitable? No doubt about it, but they built a culture in that area much stronger than we ever did in Harlem/Washington Heights and there are several reasons for that. 1 - We simply didn't have enough time to set up that kind of community and these things take DECADES/CENTURIES to build. 2 - You have landowners who are going to try to capitalize every chance they get to the highest bidder, which is hard to argue against that. 3 - Washington Heights/The Bronx and other little spots have always been a quick way for immigrants to get established in this country, but a shift always occurs. The sad thing is that it appears that Washington Heights will never be that place anymore, it will just become an established neighborhood with not much change in the near future after all the Dominicans and Puerto Ricans are out. 4 - The people back home aren't good at collectively getting together to establish a long-term plan. I see it much more out in this part of the country, several hotspots out I've researched in Nevada and others.
The opportunities are out there, but to think that it is feasible to get it done in NYC in a reasonable amount of time is straight up delusional. You've got a huge country with many places that actually have MANY weather advantages over NYC, but most refuse to take another route...they are buying into the notion that if you work hard will be able to own whatever you want even in a place like NYC. Is it possible that it can happen? Sure, ANYTHING is
POSSIBLE, but highly unlikely.